
September 2018 Minutes

Minutes 2018 Uploaded on May 1, 2021

Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on

Thursday 6th September 2018

105/18 APOLOGIES  

Cllr B King


No Declaration


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd August were approved.


a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington –

Nottingham Knockers – Thames Valley Police Advice
Last week we received a number of calls about Nottingham Knockers in the West Oxon area.
Please warn your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable neighbours, not to open the door to strangers to buy on the doorstep. Some doorstep callers may offer poor quality goods at inflated prices and if a caller is not genuine, they may be gathering information for future crime. Please keep in mind that if cold callers don’t get any sales in your area, they are less likely to return.

Overnight on the 21-22 August a red quad bike has been taken from a farm in the Milton Under Wychwood area. The Quad was seen around midnight being ridden through Milton village but it is unknown which direction, or a description of the offender.
If you or someone you know has seen or heard anything suspicious on the night of 21-21 please ring 101 with ref number 43180257419.

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting –

i) War Memorial – The War Memorial Trust have advised that Cassington Parish Council have been awarded a grant to the amount of £1610.  The work on the memorial will start within the next few months. Tracey and Hugh looking to meet with James Mackintosh and the contractor.

ii) Phone Box – I have been in contact with BT and they have informed me that the Phone Box by the Red Lion pub will be removed between now and March 2019.  The lady could not give me a definite date as they have employed a sub-contractor to do the work.

iii) Rural Crime Reporting Number – Thames Valley Police have set up a number for Rural Crime.  By ringing 0800 783 0137 or visiting  farmers, rural businesses and the public can anonymously give information about crime relating to:

·      large-scale, industrial fly-tipping
·      hare coursing
·      machinery theft; or
·      livestock theft

iv) Defib – I have been notified that the defibrillator on the wall of the Village Hall has been registered with South Central Ambulance Service.

c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – Kathryn has been looking at a new kitchen for the sports pavilion.  Hugh Thomas and Dave Butlin have been to the sports pavilion to have a look to see what the roof is like and whether it will need some simple fixing or major repair. They have decided that a few tiles will need replacing but nothing major.

d) Benches – Julie Perrin is waiting for her husbands digger to come back from another site.  Once this is back she will speak to Dave Butlin and arrange a time for the benches to be put in.

e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made.

f) Manor Farm – Is progressing as planned.  They have started to lay the foundations for the first phase of houses and are making a start on the roads.

g) Mill Lane Trees – Tracey to contact Andy at Cassington Nurseries for price of the trees and also the stones that would sit between them.

h) Horsemere Lane Closure – We are currently awaiting prices for signage from Oxfordshire County Council.  The feeling is that residents that live on Horsemere Lane may want to pay for the signage once the prices are known.


a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan.  – Nothing to report.



Charles Matthews – Spoke to Francis Hammond with the regards to the speed gun and was advised that he would get back to him. There is a new operating of system within OCC it is due to take 3 years to fully roll out. Next published information with regards to the new bus lane will be in the new year.

Carl Rylett – Nothing to report

Peter Emery – Nothing to report

b) Speedwatch –

c) Neighbour Hood Watch – Julie Perrin and Vicky are trying to get a map of the village to show individual roads of where the neighbourhood co-ordinators are and their phone numbers. They are trying to arrange more meetings for all the co-ordinators and also to also get the whole village looking out for elderly next-door neighbours and seeing if they are ok.

Policing in the Village – Hugh has written to the Chief Constable and explained that the Village no longer has a PCSO and feels that the village is not being served by the police force. Also, that there are incidents happening in the village and there is no police presence and that if you call 101 you are on hold for a large amount of time before you speak to anyone.  That the police no longer come out if there is a burglary and will only give you a crime number so that you can give that to your insurance company. Julie Perrin advised that there was an incident in which 2 men tried to break into an elderly persons house and when she called 101 there was a recorded message saying they the wait time was about 1 hour.  She then called 999 and was told that they would send someone.  It wasn’t till the next morning that a PSCO came to take a statement.  When the van that the 2 men came from was sat at the top of the road. Had the police come when called they would have caught the boss of these two lads

Hugh Thomas also mentioned in his letter that the PCSO to the village was taken away and now works out of Witney and that the village were never notified of this.

The new PCSO is Phil Workman who covers a large area.

Hugh Thomas has also included Robert Courts in the emails that have been sent to the Police Commissioner.  There was a suggestion that the Village pay for a private security company to come through the village once a night.  Also, there has been suggestions that the village become a no cold calling area. Which means that if people do come round then they can be arrested.  This is a scheme set up by Trading Standards.  People also need to be educated not to answer the door to these types of people.   It also goes with the people that come and collect scrap.  Elderly people will allow them to come on to their property to collect anything that they no longer want as they are not able to move it to the front of the house for the council to collect.

It was discussed that people should report all crime to the police so that they are aware how much crime actually does happen. People are also scared of recriminations incase the people come back at another time. A member of the public advised that they think that someone may have got the full registration number of the van.  Hugh Thomas asked if they could contact the police and advised them of this.

There is also discussion of getting CCTV in the village.

Neighbourhood watch are going to create a letter for residents in the village that can be completed so that when Cllr Thomas can send them on to the Police Commissioner and also to give to Robert Courts.


WODC have been to clear the ditches


Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council.

114/18 TRAFFIC:  

a) Quote from Greenfields for repairs on the climbing frame are £357 – Tracey to contact Greenfields to book in the swings to be repaired,

b) Playground Providers – Hugh Thomas has advised Suzi that the parish council cannot use Sport and Social money to buy the play equipment to then claim back the VAT.  As advised from HMRC

116/18 FINANCE

a)    Payments:

Name Reason Amount
Clare Want Grass Cutting £25.00
Clare Want War Memorial £25.96
Village Hall Parish Council Meetings £32.00
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary £314.61
WODC Grounds Maintenance £133.80
HMRC NI Contributions £203.33

b) Income:

Individual/Company Amount


PROPOSAL: Alterations to erect enclosed cover structure to existing pool including new office,

store and viewing area and extension to existing changing rooms to incorporate an

additional WC and shower.

LOCATION: St Peters Church Of England Primary School The Green Cassington

APPLICANT: Jane Brooks

REGISTERED: 4th September 2018


PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey rear extension.

LOCATION: 42 Eynsham Road Cassington Witney

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs P Lewis

REGISTERED: 13th August 2018

Mid-Month Planning meeting planned – 18th September 2018 in The Red Lion at 8pm

118/18 AOB:

i) Chris Metcalf as new Councillor – Chris has been co-opted as a new Councillor

ii) WW1 Tree Sapling – Tracey has been in contact with OCC to submit Cassingtons interest in having the tree.  It has not been advised when the sapling will be ready but we hope it will in time for remembrance Sunday

iii) Salt Bags – Dave Butlin has advised that we are not in need of any salt at the moment but will advise Tracey if and when it is needed.

iv) Budget Sep 18-Mar 19 – Ongoing

v) Christmas Tree on the Green – As this is just an idea.  Hugh Thomas has spoken to Chris at Cassington Nurseries and he has said that he is willing to sponser a Christmas tree on the green.  Tracey is to find out about led lights to go on the tree.

vi) Any complaints from the No Mans Land event – No complaints from the Village regarding the event.  Tracey has received an from Mr Marks who advised due to wind direction that he has been disturbed through out the night by the event.  I have advised him that he will need to speak to Environmental Services with regards to this.

vii) Tesco Bag Scheme – This is now up and running in all local tesco express and tesco metro.

viii) Traffic Advisory Committee

ix) Hog Roast in the Village Hall Car Park – Kathryn has taken a booking for a wedding reception to be held next August at the Village Hall.  The bride and groom to be would like to have a hog roast outside in the car park.  The Council do not see an issue but would like some clarity on how the hog is to be cook and will need to see the liability insurance certificate from the butcher doing the cooking.  Tracey is to liase with Kathryn with regards to this.



119/18 Date of Next meeting:

This was agreed for Thursday 4th October 2018 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall