Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 4th October 2018
120/18 | ATTENDEES
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr C Matthews (OCC), Cllr P Kellend (WODC), Cllr C Rylett (WODC), Clerk Mrs T Cameron and 12 members of the public |
121/18 | APOLOGIES
Cllr E James (WODC) |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th September were approved. |
Dominic took over as COE in January 2017 he actually joined in 2003. Blenheim has got a plan of 10 goals over the next 10 years. They would like to treble their contribution to the economy, train 100 apprentices in various trades and skills, build 300 truly affordable homes, grow the visitor attraction to at least 275k paying visitors, become a net generator for green energy, be one of the top 100 employers, spend roughly £40 million pounds on the restoration of Blenheim Palace, bring back to Blenheim the old art collection, establish an £45 million endowment to protect the World Heritage Site for prosperity and also double their contribution to the charitable sector. Blenheim is worth about £90 million to the local economy. They have raised about £1.6 million for local good causes, they also support around two thousand jobs in the local community. Dominic advised that Country File is worth about £15 million to the local economy. So, it is something that they want to continue with. There were over one hundred and twenty thousand visitors to that show alone. At the moment they are looking at dredging the Queens Pool. This will happen in 2020 at a cost of about £12 million. It is one of the biggest undertakings that they have ever done due to the vastness of the pool. They have recently done a test drainage of the pool so that they know how to plan for the actually job. Blenheim have also set up a schools partnership starting with the 5 schools closest to them then working out to the next 32 schools and so on. There will be no charge to any of the schools what so ever. Any of the schools that receive pupil premium each pupil will receive family tickets for a whole year to visit Blenheim. Dominic has said that he is pretty sure that all the houses that are being built at Manor Farm are going to be rented out. He went on to say that the houses that are being built in Long Hanborough are being rented out at 40% discount to the market. This is something that Blenheim think they can do indefinitely. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington – There have been a spate if thefts from Church roof in the local area. If you see any suspicious activity please contact 101. Between 5pm in the 10th Sept and 7am on 11th Sept an arson as occurred to the Bellway building site on the New Yatt Road, North Leigh. Offenders have gained access to the site near to Green Land and attempted to gain entry to a container on site with an angle grinder or similar tool. This has caused a fire inside the container which has caused an explosion. Another container and its contents have also been set alight. We are appealing to anyone who might have seen the offenders it any suspicious vehicles in the area between the 10th Sept and 11th Sept when the builders have gone. If you have any information that might be useful to this investigation please call 101 with ref number 43180248507. Over the past few weeks Thames Valley Police have sent out numerous emails in regards to vehicle crime in the area. Unfortunately, there has been another incident of a vehicle being broken into in Burford on 30th September between 12pm – 1pm. A black Volkswagen Passat parked in the high street had its rear window smashed and items were stolen. The Carterton NHT have continued with extra patrols on the area and identified a vehicle that may be responsible. The police have asked that residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious vehicle or persons. Please also remember to remove all valuable items or are placed in the boot out off sight. Please call 101 and quote crime ref 43180298403 if you have any information. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) War Memorial – Tracey and Hugh met with James Mackintosh and the contractor. The work that is needed was discussed and the contractor has advised that he is unable to start the work until after Remembrance Sunday. Hugh agreed that this was the best idea as we did not want scaffolding up at the memorial during the service. ii) Led Lights for Christmas Tree – Tracey has been looking at led Christmas lights for the Christmas tree that will go up on the green. She has found some that are powered by solar power with a small panel being place in the ground. The Christmas service can be discussed more at the November meeting. iii) CCTV for the Village – Due to the recent spate of burglaries and Nottingham Knockers in the village it has been discussed that maybe we should put up CCTV at both ends of the village. Tracey was asked to look into this. It appears that it is a rather expensive thing to do. Tracey has suggested that a professional company come into the village to give us some advice on what to do and also how much it would cost for them to fit the CCTV in the correct manor. c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – The Sports and Social are currently installing a new kitchen that was donated to them. They are also looking at changing the windows and doors. The money from the section 106 will help pay for these improvements. Graham and Kathryn are leading the way in the improvements. d) Benches – Julie will liaise with her husband and Dave Butlin so that when they are both free to fit the benches. Julie would like to have this done by Remembrance Sunday. Two will be put on the green, and one will be outside the Red Lion e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made. f) Manor Farm – Is progressing as planned. Blenheim have agreed to pay the Section 106 early. It really shouldn’t be paid until the 4th house is occupied. WODC have now sent the invoice to Blenheim and it should be paid within the next few weeks. g) Mill Lane Trees – Tracey to contact Andy at Cassington Nurseries for price of the flowering cherry trees and also the stones that would sit between them. h) Horsemere Lane Closure – Some of the residents of Horsemere Lane attended the Parish Council Meeting with regards to the Consultation with OCC. They advised that they have pledges from people living along Horsemere Lane to pay for the expenses that OCC have set out. Tracey has been asked to email Odele Payne at OCC to formally request that the next step of the Consultation takes place. It has been decided that a five-bar gate be placed at either end as this would be more in keeping with the village. There was discussion on the traffic through the village when Horsemere Lane is closed however it was decided that this would happen eventually when OCC closed Horsemere Lane for the new bus lane. |
a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan. – This has now been agreed |
a) Charles Matthews – Yvonne Rees is the new Chief Executive of Oxford and Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell. Oxfordshire County Council are implementing a new management system. Carl Rylett – Nothing to report Peter Kellend – b) Speedwatch – Speedwatch has stopped since Carol has left the council. Hugh would like to start it up again. Unfortunately, the police will no longer take the information from us to send a letter to people who have been caught speeding as they do not recognise the speed gun that we use. c) Neighbour Hood Watch – Neighbourhood watch is at present falling down due to the lack of police presence. A caravan and car were stolen in Bicester, three houses broken into in Kidlington, there is a well-dressed man trying to gain access to peoples houses. Julie is at present trying to get the village to be a cold calling area. So that it is illegal to for people to try and sell things door to door. |
Fred has advised that the van is back on the side of the road. Blocking the view from the close for people trying to get out. |
There was a meeting with Thames Water on 21st September to discuss the problem with the main pipes. Thames Water advised that they are going to place valves along the pipes to help them shut off certain parts of the pipes if there should be another burst/leak. They have also advised that they are looking into putting a liner though both of the pipes. They have said they this will be dependent on funding. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
132/18 | TRAFFIC:
Hugh has noticed that since the beginning of the new term that there is a lot of cars parking along the main road at school drop off and pick up. This is making the road a lot narrower. He has spoke to the head teacher of St Peters and have asked if he could suggest to the parents that they park on Bell Close then they would only need to walk up the path to the school and the children wouldn’t be getting in and out of cars on the main road. Which cause an accident. The head thought that it was a good idea and did put it in the school newsletter. But parents do not seem to have paid attention to it. So, it may be something that has to be brought up again. |
a) Quote from Greenfields for repairs on the climbing frame are £357 – Chris from Greenfields advised Tracey that it would be about 10 days until they could fix the swings. Tracey to email Chris next Wednesday 10th October if there has been no contact. b) Playground Providers – Nothing to report |
134/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
No Applications |
136/18 | AOB:
i) WWI Sapling – The Council have requested that we have one of the Saplings and plaques. It is unclear whether we will receive it before Remembrance Sunday. ii) Clerk Holiday Pay 40 hours per year 01/04 – 30/03 = 3.30 hours per month – The Council have been advised that the clerk should receive holiday pay at 3.30 hours per month. This will now be paid. |
137/18 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid-Month Planning meeting on 16th October 2018 in The Red Lion at 8pm This was agreed for Thursday 1st November 2018 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |