Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 2nd August 2018
Cllr J Perrin, Cllr P Emery (WODC) Cllr E James (WODC) and 4 members of the public |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th July 2018 were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington Police are investigating a road traffic collision which occurred on Sunday the 15th of July at approximately 3pm on the A361 Chipping Norton. A black Renault Clio travelling from the Chipping Norton direction towards Banbury collided with beige Renault Clio who was waiting to turn right to Heythrop Thames Valley Police Open Day Join us on Saturday 18 August at our Training Centre in Sulhamstead, near Reading (post code RG7 4DX) between 10am and 4pm. A number of shed breaks have been reported today. The areas affected by these crimes are Cassington & Stanton Harcourt. Tools and pedal bikes are usually the main targets but it is important we make sure our sheds and its contents safe and secure. Below are some simple tips you could follow to help keep your sheds safe: 1: Lock your shed with a ‘mortise’ deadlock or padlock, 2: Stop and lock tools in steel boxes fitted to the floor of your shed and remember to secure all garden items so they cannot be used by a burglar to break into your home. 3: Secure ladders and other expensive items such as lawnmowers and pedal cycles with a chain to an appropriate fixed point. 4: Block out the windows of your shed or if possible fit grilles 5: Protect the equipment within your shed by property marking each piece with your postcode; this makes it hard for your equipment to be resold on without someone asking questions. It also enables officers to return equipment to its rightful owner if found. This is quick and easy to do so please register your property for free on www.immobilise.co.uk 6: Think about fitting and installing a battery-operated shed alarm, really cheap and easy to fit. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting i) War Memorial – We are still waiting to hear back from the War Memorial Trust. We should have a decision by the September meeting. ii) Unity Bank (Internet Banking) – Still waiting on a confirmation letter iii) Website – The best company to go with is Go Daddy you can get a domain and host for £5 per month and then have a web builder for another £5 per month. This is paid on an annual basis. iv) Planning Enforcement Notices – I emailed Planning and they gave me the enforcement notices that they have on their system. Four are historic notices and there is at present one outstanding notice, where retrospect planning permission has been requested. v) Signs for the Play Area – The signs have now been put up by Cllr Butlin c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – Meeting with Sports and Social with a how they are going to move forwards. Kathryn Humphries has made an application to Oxfordshire Trust re the windows. We would have to wait till October to find out if the application is successful. They would also like to be able to put gas into the pavilion. Have received quotes from the gas company £13k before VAT. If we were to excavate and lay the piping it would work out to £2228 before VAT. Cllr Thomas thought that it would be better for us to get someone to excavate instead of the gas company. At the moment they are looking at windows, the roof and gas and also showers for the pavilion. The Sports and Social have £20k the budget is about £40k but that does not take into account the laying of the gas pipes. d) Benches – One Bench has gone to the Red Lion to be fitted. The rest will be put up as soon as they can be. e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made. f) Manor Farm – Blenheim have now started construction. Cllr Thomas has advised that he will contact Blenheim to see if we can now get the Section 106 money. As we didn’t want to ask for it until the building had started so that we knew that it was defiantly going ahead. g) Mill Lane Trees – Andy at Cassington Nurseries has advised that a small flowering Cherry Tree might be the best thing as there are not may trees that grow to 2.5mtrs. |
a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan. – Nothing to report. |
a) Charles Matthews – Discussed the improvements to the A40 which is still under consultation. Carl Rylett – Advised that the Consultation Period for the Garden Village in Eynsham is closing and that if anyone has anything to say that it needs to be said by 3rd August. b) Speedwatch – The speed gun that the parish use is now no longer complies. It should have a CCE label on it. The ones that the are allowed are around £3000 upwards. Cllr Thomas thought that it would be a good idea if a group of Parishes got together to purchase it and it was kept in a central place and used on a booking system. c) Neighbour Hood Watch – Both Cllr Matthews and Cllr Thomas went to a meeting however there were no police present. It appears that the PSCO Helen has been moved to Witney. Cassington used to come under Eynsham but now comes under Woodstock. A Cassington resident was on the phone to 101 for 30minutes and finally got through to someone in Bristol who took the details. Cllr Thomas has written to the Chief Constable to advise them that the village feels very abandoned by the police and people are not contacting the police when something occurs. A meeting is scheduled with Inspector Hookam. Who is the Inspector for Witney on 8th August. |
96/18 | QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yarnton Road the wooden fence is broken – To get quotes for repair. Cllr Thomas has written to Thames Water and is awaiting a response. An email was sent to a resident by Thames Water advising that they have cleared a ditch however they haven’t advised which ditch or where. Cllr Thomas has not received an email from Thames Water that he was advised. He has advised that he will contact Thames Water to find out what is happening. Blanford fly a notice was put in CAWN on how to deal with any bites and also how to prevent any bites. |
Sports and Social have an application with the Lottery for the childrens playground, They have asked that it be deferred till October, Another is the Tesco Bag Fund. Top prize is £4k, 2nd is £2k and 3rd is £1k |
99/18 | TRAFFIC: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a) Quote from Greenfields for repairs on the climbing frame are £300 – Tracey has been asked to email Greenfields and ask for a quote just to repair the swings. |
101/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
APPLICATION NO:18/02085/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of single and two storey side extension including replacement porch and enlarged parking area. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT LOCATION:2 The Tennis, Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Metcalf REGISTERED: 20th July 2018 Mid-Month Planning meeting planned – 14th August 2018 in The Red Lion at 8pm |
103/18 | AOB:
a) Interment of ashes of Bill Arthy. The ashes will go into plot 56a in the Cassington Parish Burial Ground – Tracey to contact Jan MacDonald with regards to what will happen if someone wants to intern their ashes in Cassington now we have no spaces in the Cassington Parish Ground. b) Horsemere Lane – Received an email re the gates. Cllr Thomas would to have a meeting with the residents with regards to the gates. However, the price didn’t include the signage. A gate would need to be used at each end so that we can avoid fly tipping. There is £3k from the section 106 which would cover the Traffic Order. There maybe some money over which could possibly help cover the cost of the gates. c) Trees of Reembrace Project. OCC is giving Parish Councils the opportunity to have a sapling for the end of WW1. d) Email from WODC regarding salt for the winter. e) Cllr Thomas had an idea that the village could have Christmas tree on the green and maybe have a carol service. Cassington Nurseries has advised that they would be happy to sponsor the tree. Also Cllr Thomas has spoken to Cassington Nurseries with regards to having maybe some flower pots on the gates at the end of the Village. |
104/18 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 6th September 2018 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |