Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 1st November 2018
138/18 | ATTENDEES
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr C Mathew (OCC), Clerk Mrs T Cameron and 2 members of the public |
139/18 | APOLOGIES
Cllr E James (WODC). Cllr P Kellend (WODC) & Cllr C Rylett (WODC) |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th October were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington 1) Some elderly and vulnerable residents in the Charlbury area have been targeted by courier fraudsters. Courier Fraudsters phone and trick victims into handing over their bank cards and associated PIN (number) to a courier that arrives at their home. Thames Valley Police is calling on friends and family to help tackle the problem by talking to elderly or vulnerable friends and relatives. 2) On Monday 1st of October a burglary has occurred to a property just outside of North Leigh village. Various tools have been taken, PCSO’s out on patrol have identified the offending vehicle. A male has subsequently been arrested and an investigation is underway. 3) Police are receiving reports that fake £50 notes are being are being used in the Burford area today 08/10/2018 offenders are entering shops and business and trying to purchase items under £5 with £50 notes. 4) West Oxon. is still seeing a trend of generator and diesel thefts in the hours of darkness. Please consider what security measures you have in place and if there is anything more you can do to protect your property-security lighting, closed shackle padlocks, motion sensor alarms, CCTV etc… Many of these can purchased at low cost online and could prevent you becoming a victim. 5) Burglary Witness Appeal Alert Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following burglary’s in the following areas on the 9th of October 18 Bradwell Village Burford between 17.00 & 17.30 Freeland, Parklands around 17.00 Early Road Witney between Midnight & 14.00 Offenders gained access to the properties by smashing windows and patio doors. 6) Scam Alert We have seen an increase in people falling victim to this particular scam in our area. Fraudsters are contacting victims, claiming to be from well-known organisations including HMRC. Fraudsters are then tricking victims into making payments using iTunes gift cards. 7) A four-berth cream and ivory coloured caravan was stolen from Shilton Village overnight on the 24/10/18. Could I ask all caravan owners to try and make it difficult for thieves by putting, wheel clamps on the wheels or remove the wheels entirely, and locks on the toe hitch. Could you also take photographs of the caravan and ensure you have all the relevant serial numbers. Try and block the caravan in with your motor vehicle if possible. Hopefully this is just a one off. If you require further security advice please get in touch with your local Police Station 8) Purse Theft We recently had a theft of a purse from a handbag while a person was shopping in Carterton. Could I advise that when shopping you zip up your handbag to stop this happening. The Carterton neighbourhood Team have access to a small number of small silver bells which can be attached to purses and then will jingle when moved alerting the owner to the fact that someone has picked up the purse. If you speak to one of the team they will be able to sort out one for you. With the run up to Christmas and the extra shopping involved please be extra vigilant of your belongings. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) War Memorial – I have been in contact with our architect and have been advised that the War Memorial will be completed by Christmas. ii) CCTV – Tracey is still looking into a way that the village can have CCTV. Tracey is going to contact CCTV companies for advice and maybe quotes. iii) WW1 Tree Sapling – Tracey will be collecting the tree, hopefully in time for Remembrance Sunday. iv) Previous Planning Application Decisions – Alterations to include changes to external wall finishes, fenestration and insertion of roof light into rear roof. Open for comment icon Woodlands View 4 Lynton Lane Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4ES Ref. No: 18/02889/HHD | Validated: Wed 03 Oct 2018 | Status: Under consideration Alterations to erect enclosed cover structure to existing pool including new office, store and viewing area and extension to existing changing rooms to incorporate an additional WC and shower. Open for comment icon St Peters Church of England Primary School, The Green Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DN Ref. No: 18/02401/FUL | Validated: Tue 04 Sep 2018 | Status: Under consideration c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – Cllr Thomas and Cllr Butlin are liaising with the Sport and Social Club with regards to the on going works on the Sports Pavilion. They now have 3 quotes for the windows. Including VAT, they are all roughly £9,500. Kathryn has managed to secure a grant for £2000 from Toe (Trust for Oxfordshire Environment). They are also looking at quotes for the roof and showers. A new concreate path is also going to be laid from the car park to the pavilion including a ramp for disabled people. Kathryn has spoken to Smiths who have agreed to donate the concrete. d) Benches – The Benches are due to be put in within the next few weeks. e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made. f) Manor Farm – The Section 106 has been paid to WODC from Blenheim. A total of £19,866 has been paid. We now need to contact WODC so that they can release the payments back to the Parish Council. WODC has also asked us to confirm what the money will be spent on. g) Mill Lane Trees – Still awaiting a quote on the Cheery Trees from Andy at Cassington Nurseries. Hugh to chase up. h) Horsemere Lane Closure – We are now awaiting contact from the OCC with regards to cost of the signage and the barriers. |
a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan. – This has now been agreed |
a) Charles Mathew – Cllr Mathew attended the meeting on the Garden Village on the 22nd October. He felt that there were a lot of people giving constructive suggestions to WODC on how the Garden Village could work. He is concerned that WODC won’t listen to any of the suggestions made by the public and just carry on with the plans that they already have in place. He has also seen the plans for the new park and ride that will hold roughly 1000 cars. He feels that they have taken into anything that has been suggested. It will have charging points for electric cars and places for bikes. Charles was asked to be Chairman of the Day Centre in Eynsham about a year ago. On a Monday the day centre opens for the day to offer people a meal. It is £7 for the whole day. At present they have about 25 pensioners. He wanted to make the Parish Council aware in case there is anyone who would benefit from it. It takes place in Eynsham Village Hall. b) Speedwatch – c) Neighbour Hood Watch – Julie and Vicky working on the map created by Tracey so that they can list all the neighbourhood watch contacts over the village. They are also working on creating No Cold Calling Zones within the village. Julie had received a notification from Thames Valley that in Kidlington and Cassington that there has been a spate of issues with people fixing roofs and driveways without the permission of the home owner and then demanding money for the work. The people that they have been targeting are elderly and they are not reporting this to the police as they either can’t get through on 101 or they don’t want to make a fuss and so are paying these people. So please could people keep a look out and call the police if they see this happen. Cllr Butlin attended the meeting on The Eynsham Garden Village and has advised that there were a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds there. They were talking about the wildlife, the ecosystem, power saving and a range of other topics. They are also arranging a visit to one of the other 14 sites. Cllr Butlin has put his name down to visit do this. The next one is 6th December. Cllr Thomas had a meeting with Robert Courts a few backs with regards to the policing matter in Cassington. He received a letter back but unfortunately although Robert Courts sympathises with the village there is nothing that can be done because of the cuts within the police force. |
Mike Linnell – Made a comment that at Waitrose in Witney there has been a spate of purse snatchers. Mike Linnell has also advised that the leak that has been going for the past 2 years has now been fixed. |
Dela advised that the end of Hollow Furlong they drain has been blocked. Cllr Butlin said that he would have a look at it. A drain outside the Arms Houses has become blocked with leaves. This is close to the pond of the school. Cllr Butlin has said that he will have a look at this one also. There have been several responses from Thames Water with regards to the water mains. They have advised that they are going only put in the two isolating valves. There was a discussion that they needed to cover the whole of the village and not just part of it. Cllr Thomas has also discussed this with Robert Courts and that he has agreed that something more should be done and that he was going to write to Huw Thomas at Thames Water. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
148/18 | TRAFFIC:
The yellow hatching on the A40 at the junction for Cassington was not done on 31st October as promised. Cllr Mathew will look into this. |
Cllr Thomas has noted that some of the wood on the climbing frame has become rotten and needs patching. He and Cllr Butlin will go an have a look at what needs to be done. Greenfields came and replaced the shackles for the swings. |
150/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
APPLICATION NO: 18/02889/HHD PROPOSAL: Alterations to include changes to external wall finishes, fenestration and insertion of roof light into rear roof. Town and Country Planning Act LOCATION: Woodlands View 4 Lynton Lane Cassington APPLICANT: Mrs Sally North REGISTERED: 3rd October 2018 |
152/18 | AOB:
i) Christmas Carol Night – The Christmas carol night has been scheduled for 18th December. The Village Hall will be open for food and refreshments. Andy from Cassington Nurseries has agreed to supply the Christmas tree. Tracey will create a poster and advertise in CAWN. Discussion that they we may need extra lighting to safeguard people walking along the path. Cllr Butlin is supplying some decorations for the tree. Matt Hatwell will supply some barriers around the tree. The Lions are going to bring Father Christmas and he will park in the Village Hall car park. ii) Christmas lights and decorations – Tracey to get lights for the Christmas tree. Approx. 3000 lights are needed. Cllr Butlin has decorations that can be used on the tree. iii) CAWN – The editor of CAWN has advised that unless they can find more people to advertise in the paper then they will need to close. The Parish Council will make a decision to help CAWN at the mid monthly meeting. They will need £450. iv) Cllr Metcalf has suggested that maybe we should go back to OCC and see if we can get some of the other roads in the Village adopted by the Council. He has said that he will look into this and see do some research. |
153/18 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid-Month Planning meeting on 13th November 2018 in The Red Lion at 8pm This was agreed for Thursday 6th December 2018 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |