
Upcoming event + info on the ongoing 4th Consultation

Botley West Solar Farm Uploaded on September 10, 2024
We have had a magnificent response to our last email to you asking for your support for the next stage in the Botley West application. The many donations we received showed that local opposition to the proposed development is as strong and determined as ever.

Your donations are enabling us to prepare our opposition to the Botley West proposal when it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. We have retained the services of a very respected and suitably experienced planning barrister and he has advised that we engage experts in three subject areas that will be key to our case. They are heritage assets, landscape and public rights of way.

We will have more information on this for you in due course but there is still a huge fundraising task ahead of us so, if you or someone you know has a special interest in one or more of these key subject areas and could fund the engagement of the professional support we need, please contact SBW Chair, Prof Alex Rogers ( to arrange a meeting. Of course, you can also donate directly here

Once again, a huge THANK YOU for your support for Stop Botley West!

We would like to invite all our supporters and friends to join a gathering in Bladon and its nearby footpaths. The purpose is to raise awareness of just how close the solar panels proposed for the area would be to the historic church of Bladon and Winston Churchill’s grave and how many footpaths in the area would be engulfed by panels.

We will meet in the churchyard and then walk along the footpath to the fields behind where we may take some photographs. We will supply maps for self-guided walks around the network of footpaths around Bladon Heath for those of you who would like a longer walk after the main gathering – especially to see some special oak trees including the veteran tree featured in the latest consultation (see below)

This is the first event we’ve organised for a while so please come in large numbers – children and dogs especially welcome! – to demonstrate the strength of feeling in the area.

There will be some parking available at the Primary school and maybe at the White House pub but generally, parking is very limited so please either car share or come by public transport if you can. The S7 from Witney stops at the White House pub. The S3 from Oxford stops at the A44 roundabout. Those with an annual pass can park in Blenheim of course!

In case you’ve not heard about this, the developer PVDP is suggesting a change to the boundary to find a cable route at a pinch point on the southern edge of Bladon/Worton Heath which currently goes under a veteran tree. Even with this latest change, the cable is far too close to this specific tree. There is a risk of terrible damage to this tree and other surrounding trees and root systems (see image below).

Please read SBW’s response to this consultation here and send your own response. If you are coming to the Bladon Event on 14th September (details above) you just have time to see the tree for yourself and then send in your own response to PVDP ( before the consultation ends on 15 Sept.

The Stop Botley West Campaign is entirely dependent on your generosity, both in time and donations.  If you are able to contribute, please do give whatever you can – click the link below and scroll down to the donate section.

Together, we will Stop Botley West.  Thank you.




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