September 2024 Minutes
Uploaded on September 17, 2024
September 2024 Minutes
- Apologies – Cllr Mills, Cllr Levy, Cllr Rylett, Cllr Goodwin
- Declarations of interest – Cllr Metcalf has a declared an interest in a planning application 24/02116/HHD
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
- Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th July 2024
- Comments from the Public –
- Report from Clerk
- Elms Road Ditch – Having communicated with Cottsway they have agreed to clear the ditch outside of their properties. All other properties have the responsibility to clear the ditch by their own house. – Clerk to email Cottsway to make sure that they going to remove the debris from the clearance.
- VAS on Eynsham Road & Yarnton Road – The Parish Council and the Speedwatch Co-ordinator have agreed which VAS machines they would like as replacement. The clerk has contacted OCC to check if they give permission to the machines data to be accessed remotely rather than via bluetooth. Clerk has followed up the email today.
- Oxfordshire Councillors Charter – Parish Council has approved to adopt the Charter
- Planning
Previous Planning Application Decisions
NO: |
20/01734/OUT |
Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham |
Grosvenor Developments Ltd |
24/00964/FUL |
End House Yarnton Road Cassington |
Demolition of existing single storey extensions and outbuildings, erection of part single part two storey rear extensions |
Thomson |
24/01000/FUL |
The Farmhouse Worton Park Worton |
Erection of replacement conservatory, alterations to fenestration and external and
internal alterations with associated works |
MW.0054/24 |
Cassington Pit, Cassington Road, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, OX29 4EB. |
73 application for the continuation of the development permitted by MW.0122/20 (winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials) without complying with condition 6 in order to extend the time period for restoration until 31st December 2025 to allow for sufficient time to restore the plant site |
Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd |
24/01056/FUL |
The Chequers Inn 6 The Green Cassington |
Change of use of self-contained staff living accommodation to an AirBnb |
Mr Babu Odedra |
23/01182/FUL |
Churchfields Care Home Pound Lane Cassington |
Erection of a two-storey detached key worker nurses’ accommodation block and
associated works |
Mr R Sideras |
PLANNING DECISION APPEALED (awaiting decision) |
24/01615/HHD |
3 St Peters Close Cassington Witney |
Erection of single-storey front extension |
Matthew Terry |
24/01929/HHD |
Cassington Mill Eynsham Road Cassington |
Two-bay garage (extending existing building) |
Mr Rogers |
The Clerk has been asked by the Parish Council to contact Planning with regards to planning application 24/01056/FUL to find out what the conditions on the planning application mean.
New Planning Applications
24/02116/HHD |
2 The Tennis Cassington |
Conversion of existing garage and erection of single storey extensions to create
additional living space and storage. |
Mr And Mrs Chris And Charlotte Metcalf |
20th September 2024 |
Botley Solar Farm – Report from Group -Waiting for PVDP to submit their application which should be in October. Two consultations have taken place. The first one the parish council wrote to them. Letter has been written due to the planning application. Hydrologist reports have been in which shows that Cassington village is at risk of flooding if the solar farm was to be built. The group have suggested that a boundary is built.
Consultation on the West Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule – Cllr Thompson has advised that this is something that we need to keep an eye on for the sake of the village. With regards to this the NPPF is also now changing.
- Correspondence
- Email from resident with regards to Child Protection within the village – The clerk has contacted the Probation Office with the relevant information. Was advised that my details would be passed to the case officer however they were under no obligation to contact me. – The Parish Council although they are sympathetic with regards to the people of the village do not have any authority in this situation. The Clerk to write to the Probation office and offer the service with a safeguarding liaison lead between them and us and also that his house is situated right by a school bus stop.
- Horsemere Lane – A resident emailed to advise that Horsemere Lane had been cut, however none of it was cleared properly. The resident thinks that it could have been the environment agency – The clerk has contacted the Environment Agency and is awaiting a response.
- Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors – No District or County Councillors in attendance – Clerk to write to them and ask
County Councillor
District Councillors
Parish Councillors – Cllr Thompson brought up the verge by the red house. It is OCC’s responsibility however the Parish Council have suggested that Jake be asked to cut it – The Clerk to contact Jake
Cllr King has advised that there are some people in St Peters Close that have not cut back their garden that make it difficult for people to walk by. Cllr King is going to speak to the
Cllr Thompson has suggested that the Parish Council put a notice in CAWN to ask if people would like to arrange a Village clear up.
Cllr Metcalf has asked if we can put the Walls in the village back on the agenda.
- Ditches, Drainage and Flooding – Clerk to email Kirsty to ask about the Balance Pond. Cllr Thompson said the newts would have left by the end of September so now would be a good time for the pond to be assessed.
- Maintenance/ Grants
Tree Survey Quotes – The council have decided to use Greenfields for the dead wooding of the trees and also the tree survey
Defib Maintenance – Cllr King suggested that the Parish Council pay for the Village Hall and the Pavilion defibrillator. Council have agreed
The Parish Council have asked the clerk to advise Jake that he can now cut back the hedge in the burial ground.
- Traffic
July numbers as requested:
No. of sessions: 7
Total number of vehicles: 1,761
No. of offending vehicles: 330
Between 25mph & 30mph: 226
Between 31mph & 40 mph: 72
Over 40 mph: 5
Highest offender: 50mph
August numbers as requested:
No. of sessions: 11
Total number of vehicles: 2,474
No. of offending vehicles: 424
Between 25mph & 30mph: 293
Between 31mph & 40 mph: 124
Over 40 mph: 7
Highest offender: 45mph
- Speed Indicators – OCC have put the speed indicators in the village.
- Traffic Calming – Cllr Metcalf has drafted a notice for CAWN
- Play Area & Recreation Ground
- Replacement Playground Equipment – Cllr Thompson has advised that the application for the landfill has been turned down.
- Agree Date for ROSPA report discussion – The clerk has been asked to contact companies to fix and maintain the Green Gym
- Finance
Payments to be approved:
August 2024
Individual/Company |
Reason |
Amount |
St Johns Ambulance |
Bike Night |
£419.76 |
Tracey Cameron |
Clerk Salary & Expenses |
£1084.50 |
Information Commissioner Office |
£35.00 |
Jake Boardman |
Grass Cutting |
£172.00 |
Grindforce |
Removal of Rowan |
£96.00 |