We have had a magnificent response to our last email to you asking for your support for the next stage in the Botley West application. The many donations we received showed that local opposition to the proposed development is as strong and determined as ever.
Your donations are enabling us to prepare our opposition to the Botley West proposal when it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. We have retained the services of a very respected and suitably experienced planning barrister and he has advised that we engage experts in three subject areas that will be key to our case. They are heritage assets, landscape and public rights of way.
We will have more information on this for you in due course but there is still a huge fundraising task ahead of us so, if you or someone you know has a special interest in one or more of these key subject areas and could fund the engagement of the professional support we need, please contact SBW Chair, Prof Alex Rogers (alex.rogers@stopbotleywest.com) to arrange a meeting. Of course, you can also donate directly here
Once again, a huge THANK YOU for your support for Stop Botley West! |