Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 7th September 2017.
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, four members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
122/17 | APOLOGIES: Cllr C Martin, Cllr P Clague, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC). | ||
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. . |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd August were approved subject to an additional sentence added under Maintenance para b) line four ‘Ray Bowerman’ added to inscriptions’. |
a) Thames Valley Police: – The Clerk said there was no report on the website or the new Twitter and Facebook sites. PCSO Helen Keen had written an informative article in this month’s CAWN which included details of a theft of agricultural equipment from Burleigh Rd. Cllr Perrin reported on recent music festival events held in the fields near Cassington. Cllr King said music had carried on until 4am.on Saturday night. The Clerk was asked to register a noise complaint with WODC. b) Report by the Clerk on actions from the last meeting:- Speed checks near Worton Farm–Cllr Perrin reported that two motorists had been prosecuted and three motorists given warnings. Eynsham Rd Hedge trimming – this had been recorded in the minutes. Land at Church Lane – weed clearance. Cllr Thomas Action still required. Ask for quote for CCTV camera – This is an item on the agenda. Organise a date for a presentation by Matt Brittan on CCTV. Cllr Perrin action still required. £75 donation to the Soldiers of Oxfordshire –This is on the agenda. Look at ditch behind Elms Rd. Cllr Thomas reported he had met with Blenheim Estates to discuss rubbish left in the ditch. They will contact residents concerned. Blenheim also expressed concern about the poor condition of the allotments and propose raise this with the allotments committee. Overhanging bushes on Conce walk from the school field. Cllr Thomas to speak to Mrs Milward now school term has started. Note in Cawn re dogs on playing field – Actioned by Cllr Thomas Write to Sports and Social club re dogs on field.- Actioned by Clerk. Note in CAWN asking for donations towards new benches. This was discussed and it was decided not to pursue the matter. The council to meet the full cost. c) Neighbourhood watch update /security cameras in the village/advice from Chris Lewis security. Cllr Perrin reported that she will agree a date on CCTV talk with Matt Brittain to and put this in CAWN. A Community Day is now planned for spring next year to be agreed with PCSO Helen Keen and advertised in CAWN. The Village ‘What’s App’ alert no number was now in operation and she had used it earlier in the evening to notify residents of a suspicious character in the village. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Chris Lewis security who were happy to meet and discuss the council’s requirements for two cameras and recording device which can be interrogated remotely. The cameras would need an electrical supply and it was suggested that the speed signs in the village might be suitable for locating the cameras. The Clerk will ask Highways and Chris Lewis if this would be feasible. The question of village businesses sponsoring the installation of cameras should also be pursued. |
126/17 | 5. Correspondence.
a) WODC Recycling changes. The Clerk reported on changes to recycling collection which will now become fortnightly instead of weekly. Larger bins have been delivered to households to accommodate recycling waste. Glass must be kept separate and placed in the existing the small recycling box. b) Parish Tour Robert Courts MP. A date of Friday 26th January had been offered by Mr Courts secretary. The Clerk will book the village hall for the meeting and refreshments will be provided. c) Dogs on the Playingfield response by Sports and Social Club. The Sports and Social Club have responded to the council’s letter asking for support in stopping dog walkers from exercising their dogs on the field by saying that a total ban is not desirable or enforceable. A member of the public who is a dog walker stated the case for allowing dogs on the field. Cllr Thomas said it was not appropriate to have dogs on sports fields and WODC operated a ban on dogs on their Witney sports grounds. Dog waste is a known health hazard to children in particular. The Clerk was asked to check the regulations for adopting a ban on dogs in the field. d) OCC ref changes to Household Waste Recycling scheme.OCC had written giving details of charges for the disposal of DIY waste from October. It was thought this may lead to greater fly tipping. |
There were no County or District Councillors available to give a report. Cllr King reported on the overgrown state of St Peter’s ditch. Kevin Burroughs (editor of CAWN) who was in attendance agreed to put a note in CAWN asking residents to clear the ditch. Cllr Thomas reported that Bladon Cricket Club had showed interest in using the sports field. Horsemere Lane: Cllr Charles Mathew has been asked to obtain the cost of the construction works for closing the lane from OCC engineers. It may be necessary to seek financial support from a resident depending on the timescale for implementation. Given the current night works on the A40 it was a pity the box hatching could not be have been done. Manor Farm development: When the timescale for S106 payments is known a meeting with the Sports and Social Club will be held to agree how it might be spent. The Clerk has indicated that he wished to retire before the end of the year so an advert will appear in next month’s CAWN. |
QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: There was question about the timescale for renewing the yellow box hatching. Also it was reported that the A40 turn into the village was flooding and this was affecting the pedestrian crossing point. Cllr Thomas will chase these items up via ‘Fix My Street’
There was a question about the proposal for additional social housing on the Barrow Court site. Cllr Thomas said that Blenheim Estates had suggested eleven properties on this site but the PC were not in favour of a large development as there was insufficient demand for social housing, therefore proposal was unlikely to go ahead. |
No report. |
a) Report by James Mackintosh on condition of War Memorial. James Mackintosh has provided a detailed report and specification with photographs highlighting the areas of the memorial to be repaired. The main work is reinstatement of the castellated collar using mortar and also repairs to the column and the plinth. The report will be sent to the War Memorials Trust to claim a 75 % grant for the survey and agree the way ahead for obtaining quotes for the repairs. The work cannot commence until next spring. b) To consider the quotations for the replacement of benches on The Green with memorial inscriptions. This was discussed and it was agreed to accept the quotation from Tuin Ltd for three new benches from amounting to £942.19 |
131/17 | TRAFFIC:
a) To agree a date to meet the Area Steward from OCC Highways. The Clerk will check with engineer Paul Wilson on his availability at the end of September. |
132/17 | PLAY AREA:
a) Inspection report from WODC. The only adverse comment was concerning the loose boarding by the swings The Clerk will meet Cllr Thomas on site to discuss repair options, |
133/17 | FINANCE:
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. WODC grass cutting village green £64.63 Cassington Village Hall £48 Grass cutting play area Clare Want. £23.75 Adrian Tyler – Grass cutting burial ground and cricket wicket. £680 Cassington Landscapes Bark supply to play area £690 Replacement benches for the village -Tuin Ltd £942.19 James Mackintosh War -memorial condition survey £468 b) Income: VAT reclaim from 2015/16 part 2 £1,473.69. |
a) None b) Date for midmonth meeting: Tuesday 19th September 2017. |
135/17 | AOB: The Clerk raised the issue of changing banks to Unity Trust bank. It was RESOLVED to start procedures to open an account. |
136/17 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 5th October 2017 in the village hall. |