
August 2017 Minutes

Minutes 2017 Uploaded on May 1, 2021

Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on

Thursday 3rd  August 2017.

Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Martin, Cllr P Clague, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC) two members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.

106/17 APOLOGIES  



The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. .


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th July were approved subject to an additional sentence to be added under the Manor Farm planning application for



a) Thames Valley Police: – The Clerk said there was no report on the website or the   new Twitter feed site which had been set up.

b) Report by the Clerk on actions from the last meeting;-

Place note in CAWN re dogs on the Playing field. Cllr Thomas said this had been done and there was also an editorial article in CAWN about the dangers of dog waste.

Speed checks on Yarnton to Cassington road at Worton Farm. Cllr Mitchell reported that the police had carried out a speed check and that she would also arrange a speed survey with the volunteer team. Cllr Perrin will contact PCSO Helen keen to obtain details of any recent prosecutions.

Bike Night: The Clerk has written to Martin Ritchie congratulating him and the Bike Night Committee on another successful event. Martin had acknowledged the council’s thanks.

A donation to Guideposts is on the agenda.

The Clerk had sent a letter a resident of Hollow Furlong requesting the cutting back of an overhanging hedge on Eynsham road. It was noted that this work has been carried out by the resident.

A date for the survey of the War Memorial has been set with James Mackintosh for Friday 18th August.

Cllr Thomas has asked Adrian Tyler to clear the concrete blocks from the Church Lane site.

c)  Neighbourhood watch update/security cameras in the village.

The Clerk said he had contacted the Camera Surveillance Commissioner for advice. Installation of cameras was possible provided the guidance on the website  was followed and the twelve principles set out by the Commissioner were adhered to. This included having a clear statement of what the system is to be used for, having signage in place to warn the public, having clear policies and procedures which identify who is responsible for the system, together with staff training etc.

This was discussed and it was agreed that indicative costs for installing a suitable system should be obtained before taking the matter further. The Clerk will approach Chris Lewis Security. Cllr Perrin stated that Matt Brittan had researched into surveillance systems and would be able to talk to the council and the public if anyone is interested. Cllr Perrin agreed to arrange this in September.


a) Request for a donation to the Soldiers of Oxfordshire to support a First World War archive of stories to be preserved and create a visiting programme for local schools. This was discussed and it was agreed it was an excellent museum and deserved support. It was Resolved to make a donation of £75.


Cllr Emery said the West Oxon Local Plan enquiry had come to a conclusion. WODC are committed to a garden village of two thousand houses north of Eynsham to which the government are supportive. Developers Gladmans have come forward with another proposal for site of 3,000 houses at South Leigh which they claim is a more suitable site. WODC are against this development but it may be difficult for WODC to resist, as the planning guidelines could be overturned by developers as they have strong legal team to put forward their case. If the proposal is agreed Gladmans have offered to pay for dualling of the A40 between Winey and Eynsham.

New recycling bins are currently being delivered and small recycling bins are to be retained for glass recycling.

Cllr Kelland said he had been contacted by a resident in Elms Drive concerned about a planning application for an extension which adjoins the resident’s property. The resident already experiences damp in her property and the extension was likely to make matters worse. Unfortunately this was not a planning reason to reject the application.

Cllr Mathew said that the existing plan to improve the A40 road had not changed. Cllr Clague raised the issue of creating a slip road travelling east from the A40 traffic lights to alleviate problems traffic leaving Cassington. Cllr Mathew said this idea had been raised by the parish council previously, but county council engineers had rejected the idea. He will raise the issue again with county council engineers but was not hopeful.

Cllr Mitchell reported on a recent Speedwatch in the village where one motorist was clocked travelling at 45mph.

Cllr Perrin reported on a Neighbourhood Watch meeting with PCSO Helen Keen.

A community day has been arranged for the 9th September in the playing field.

Cllr King said she had been approached by a resident saying that the tree planted in Conce Walk was overgrown by trees on school field, Cllr Thomas said he would approach Mrs Millward when school resumed after the summer holiday and request the foliage is trimmed.




A complaint was received about dogs on the Playing Field.  This was discussed and a letter is to be sent to the Sports and Social Club seeking their support to discourage dog owners. Clerk to action.  Another notice will be placed in CAWN.


Green Gym have cleared part of St Peter’s ditch and Cllr Thomas will ask Adrian   Tyler to clear the debris left behind.


a) To agree a burial in the closed burial ground at the request of St Peter’s Church.

The Clerk reported that he had met with Rev Roger Aston to consider the location of a an ashes burial plot in the closed burial ground. A tree had been removed to create space. It was RESOLVED to agree to the burial as requested by St Peter’s Church.

b) To consider the quotations for the replacement of benches on The Green with memorial inscriptions.

Cllr Perrin reported that she had obtained a quote for the supply of benches details of which had been circulated. A resident will carve the inscriptions Other quotes were being sought but it was proving difficult to meet the requirements. Memorial   inscriptions will be included for Francis Howlett, Jack Evans and Des Newport. It was agreed to place a notice in CAWN asking for donations towards the benches, also Cllr Perrin will talk to the families to ask if they wish to contribute.

c) Review of village signs. Cllr Thomas reported there was an excess of signs in the village details of which had been circulated. It was agreed to remove all signs except for the Speedwatch signs. Cllr Thomas will remove the signs.

115/17 TRAFFIC:

a) Horsemere Lane closure update and agreement of funding arrangements. Cllr Mathews said he had received no further information from council officers as to     when the lane will be closed. Another consultation with residents may be necessary

Cllr Mathew will discuss with council officers and report back.

116/17 PLAY AREA:

a)   To agree the quotation for bark surfacing from Cassington Landscapes. The    Clerk reported he had inspected the play area and the bark level now needed     topping up to suppress weeds. It was RESOLVED to accept a quotation from Cassington Landscapes for five bags of bark at £115 per bag including spreading.

118/17 FINANCE:

a)    Payments:

It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget.

Greenfields Garden Services £518.40

Clerk Salary &expenses         £640.42

HMRC                         £130.30

Barbara King –Reimbursement for purchase of dog waste bags £5.25

Guideposts Charity £50

CAWN -software licence   £ 241.43.







a) Provisional Notification of approval subject to conditions and legal agreement :

Application No: 17/00609/FUL: Demolition of existing Dutch barns and erection of 10 dwellings together with associated works and   formation of vehicular access. Manor Farm, Eynsham Rd. REVISED application.

b) Confirmation of a decision

Application No 17/01984/HHD 8 Bell Close Cassington. No objection.

c) Date for mid month meeting this was agreed for Tuesday 15th August 2017 at 8pm in the Red Lion.

120/17 AOB: None  


121/17 Date of Next meeting:

This was agreed for Thursday 7th September 2017 in the village hall.