Agenda for Cassington Parish Council Meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday
7th September 2017, in the Village Hall.
1. Apologies.
2. Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
3. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 6th July 2017 (revised) and 3rd August 2017.
4. Matters arising:-
a). Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington
b). Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting
c) Neighbourhood watch update /security cameras in the village/advice from Chris Lewis security.
4. Correspondence.
a) WODC Recycling changes.
b) Parish Tour Robert Courts MP.
c) Dogs on the Playingfield response by Sports and Social Club.
d) OCC ref changes to Household Waste Recycling scheme.
6. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors.
7. Questions from the Public.
8. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding.
9. Maintenance/ Grants.
a) Report by James Mackintosh on condition of War Memorial.
b) To consider the quotations for the replacement of benches on The Green with memorial inscriptions.
10. Traffic.
a) To agree a date to meet the Area Steward from OCC Highways.
11. Play Area/ Playing Field:
a) WODC play area report.
12. Finance.
a) Payments to be approved:
WODC grass cutting invoices for village green and Play area inspection | £ 64.63 |
Donation to the Soldiers of Oxfordshire | £75 |
Cassington Landscapes.- bark refill and repairs to boarding. | TBA |
James Mackintosh –Condition survey to War Memorial. | £390 |
Cassington Village Hall hire | £48 |
b) To note the completion external audit of the 2016/17 Accounts by BDO
c) Income received: VAT reclaim from 2015/16 part 2 £1,473.69.
Burial income:
13. Planning Applications
c) Date for mid-month planning meeting.
To agree the date of the next meeting on 5th October 2017.
14. AOB
David Casey
Clerk to the Parish Council.