
October 2017 Agenda

Agenda 2017 Uploaded on May 1, 2021

 Agenda for Cassington  Parish Council  Meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday

5th  October  2017, in the Village Hall.

1. Apologies.

2. Declarations of interest

(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)

3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th September 2017.

4. Matters arising:-

a) Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington.

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting

c) Neighbourhood watch update /security cameras in the village/advice from Chris Lewis security.

d) Meeting with Robert Courts MP.

e) Dogs on the playing field advice from WODC /response from Blenheim Estates regarding dog exercise area.

5. Correspondence.

a) Request for a grant from West Oxon Citizens Advice Bureau.

b) Request for a grant from the Sports & Social Club for additional equipment on Elm Rd Playingfield required as part of grant submission to WODC Community Fund.

6. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors.

7. Questions from the Public.

8. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding.

9. Maintenance/ Grants.

a) Burial Ground request from St Peter’s Church for assistance with ivy clearance.

10. Traffic.

a) Report on meeting with meet the Area Steward from OCC Highways.

b) Purchase of Wheelie bin 30mph stickers.

11. Play Area/ Playing Field:

12. Finance.

a) Payments to be approved:

WODC grass cutting invoices for village green and Play area inspection £ 64.63 x2
BDO external audit  fee £240
Clerk Salary and expenses  


HMRC payment £ 130


Unity Bank deposit £500
Advert Woodstock and Bladon News £24

b) To approve external audit report from BDO on the 2016/17 Accounts.

c) Burial income: £897 fees collected for J Evans, D Newport, K Locke, F Howlett, D Hart, I Willoughby and R Langston.

d) To agree opening a new bank account with UNITY BANK and depositing £500.

13. Planning Applications

a) Confirmation of a decision: APPLICATION NO: 17/02706/HHD PROPOSAL: Alterations and erection of single storey extension. Mill Lane House Cassington.

b) Date for mid-month planning meeting.

To agree the date of the next meeting on 2nd November 2017.

To agree the recruitment process for the Parish Clerk vacancy.

David Casey

Clerk to the Parish Council.