Minutes of a Meeting held at St Peters School at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 13th December 2018
154/18 | ATTENDEES
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr C Mathew (OCC), Cllr P Kellend (WODC) Clerk Mrs T Cameron and 2 members of the public |
155/18 | APOLOGIES
Cllr B King, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr E James (WODC), & Cllr C Rylett (WODC) |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st November were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington 1) With the run up to xmas we appear to be having an increase in some types of crime. We have had a couple of purse thefts in Carterton and the surrounding villages. We have also had number plates stolen a vehicle was broken into the football club. Please could all residents to be aware of the potential thefts if you leave items in your car put them out of sight in the boot, do not leave bags, mobile phones or SAT NAVS on display. If your number plate has been stolen or tampered with please contact the police immediately. 2) We have received a number of reports of the occupants of a white van throwing eggs at members of the public in West Oxfordshire. We have received these reports from the Eynsham, Witney & Carterton area. The actions of these individuals are irresponsible and dangerous. If anyone who has information about these incidents or who witnesses anything suspicious contact us via 101 3) Between Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning Criminal Damage occurred to styles on a footpath on Farm land in Pofley End. Two styles have had rails sawn and wire left exposed which could potentially cause damage to both animals or members of the public. Please respect the land you are crossing and if you see anything out of the ordinary then please call 101 and report 4) ************* SCAM ALERT ************* In the Chipping Norton area calls have been received by persons claiming to be police requesting money. Please do not respond this is a SCAM. The police will never call requesting money. Please check on any vulnerable people or relatives and advise them that if they receive a call to please call 101 or 999 in an emergency. 5) Following recent burglaries in the area, we are reminding residents to check their home security. You can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary by taking a few simple steps: • When going out, remember to light up your home using timer switches or a TV simulator. • Don’t leave valuables or cash on display and store your house and car keys away from your letterbox. • Move bins away from any side gates to prevent easy access into your property. • Lock any tools away to prevent them being used to break into your home. • Consider fitting a motion activated external light or installing a CCTV system. • Finally, mark your valuables using a UV pen and register them on the national property register at www.immobilise.com. If you see a burglary in progress, or a burglary has occurred very recently, you should always report it by calling 999. 6) COURIER FRAUD **Please make sure your elderly or vulnerable relatives and neighbours are aware of this scam** Fraudsters are contacting victims by telephone and purporting to be a police officer or bank official. To substantiate this claim, the caller might be able to confirm some easily obtainable basic details about the victim such as their full name and address. They may also offer a telephone number for the victim to call to check that they are genuine; this number is not genuine and simply redirects to the fraudster who pretends to be a different person. After some trust has been established, the fraudster will then, for example, suggest; – Some money has been removed from a victim’s bank account and staff at their local bank branch are responsible. – Suspects have already been arrested but the “police” need money for evidence. – A business such as a jewellers or currency exchange is operating fraudulently and they require assistance to help secure evidence. Victims are then asked to cooperate in an investigation by attending their bank and withdrawing money, withdrawing foreign currency from an exchange or purchasing an expensive item to hand over to a courier for examination who will also be a fraudster. Again, to reassure the victim, a safe word might be communicated to the victim so the courier appears genuine. At the time of handover, unsuspecting victims are promised the money they’ve handed over or spent will be reimbursed but in reality, there is no further contact and the money is never seen again. Protect Yourself… Your bank or the police will never: – Phone and ask you for your PIN or full banking password. – Ask you to withdraw money to hand over to them for safe-keeping, or send someone to your home to collect cash, PIN, cards or cheque books if you are a victim of fraud. Don’t assume an email or phone call is authentic Just because someone knows your basic details (such as your name and address or even your mother’s maiden name), it doesn’t mean they are genuine. Be mindful of who you trust – criminals may try and trick you into their confidence by telling you that you’ve been a victim of fraud Stay in control… If something feels wrong then it is usually right to question it. Have the confidence to refuse unusual requests for personal or financial information. If you or anyone you know receives a call relating to any type of scam, please report to 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm. 7) To all cyclist, the rule of thumb when the street lights are on so should cyclist bike lights. Too many are cycling on the roads and cycle paths without any lights on thinking the reflectors do the job and no reflective clothing. Rule 60 of the Highway Code, which says: “At night your cycle MUST have white front and red rear lights lit. It MUST also be fitted with a red rear reflector (and amber pedal reflectors, if manufactured after 1/10/85). White front reflectors and spoke reflectors will also help you to be seen. Flashing lights are permitted but it is recommended that cyclists who are riding in areas without street lighting use a steady front lamp.” There have been major collisions involving cyclists due to having no lights in the past! Please don’t put yourself at risk or anyone else for that matter. I would like to remind everyone that cycling on any pavements is an offence unless it is on a designated cycle path. This falls under Section 72 of the Highway Act 1835; which makes it an offence to ride or drive on any footpath. Please be mindful of other people when cycling, I appreciate that some roads can hazardous, but you need to acknowledge that the foot path is primarily for pedestrians. It has been reported that some cyclists have been “quite intimidating by riding at pedestrians”. Cyclists, please be aware-this is not acceptable and if caught a 50.00 fine can be issued. 8) ROGUE TRADERS Over the past week, Trading Standards have seen a spike in cold calling to do work, especially gardening, washing roofs and cleaning guttering. High values of money are being paid in cash to these individuals and they are proving hard to trace. This is a reminder to not engage with people who try and sell things at your door. Call 101 or Trading Standards on 03454 040506 as soon as possible to report them. Take as many details as you can – vehicles, descriptions, company names. Always call 999 in an emergency or if you feel threatened. The quicker we get the reports, the more chance we have of catching them in the act. – Use a door chain so you can check whose calling without opening the door fully – Don’t trade on the doorstep – Always ask a trusted friend or neighbour for advice – Display a no cold calling sticker Please keep an eye out for neighbours and relatives who are suddenly having work done and report anything suspicious. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) War Memorial – The scaffolding is now up and the work is taking plate. ii) CCTV – Tracey is still looking into a way that the village can have CCTV. Tracey is going to contact CCTV companies for advice and maybe quotes. iii) Previous Planning Application – Alterations to include changes to external wall finishes, fenestration and insertion of roof light into rear roof. Woodlands View 4 Lynton Lane Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4ES Ref. No: 18/02889/HHD | Validated: Wed 03 Oct 2018 | Status: Decided The erection of a single-story rear and two storey side extension with the addition of a chimney stack. Open for comment icon 2 The Tennis Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4EL Ref. No: 18/03148/HHD | Validated: Tue 20 Nov 2018 | Status: Under consideration Erection of single storey rear extension. 8 Orchard Close Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4BU Ref. No: 18/03409/HHD | Validated: Sat 24 Nov 2018 | Status: Under consideration c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – The Section 106 money has now been credited to the Parish Council from WODC. An order has been placed for new windows and doors and the Sports and Social are looking for quotes for building work for the roof and the changing rooms. £5k has also been promised from Blenheim. The new path way foundations have been laid and hopefully it will be completed by Christmas. Kathryn has managed to get a kitchen for the Pavilion. We will need to buy new appliances such as dishwasher and cooker. d) Benches – Once Cllr Butlin is back from holiday, Cllr Perrin will meet up with him to decide a date when they can be fitted. e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made. f) Manor Farm – Works are continuing. Cllr Thomas has had to speak to the site foreman as a few of the workers cars were parked in the village and not onsite. g) Horsemere Lane Closure – We are now awaiting contact from the OCC with regards to cost of the signage and the barriers. Consultation for the closure will be within the first 2 weeks of January. h) Precept – This will be looked into at the next mid monthly meeting. Tracey is to prepare a budget of the expected expenditure over the next year. i) A40 Consultation and drop ins – Cllr Thomas attended a meeting at Eynsham Village Hall. Apart from the car park being changed nothing else has changed. Cllr Mathew suggested that people all write to the Oxford Times regarding this. Cllr Kellend suggested a meeting between the 3 Parishes and the Oxford Times and maybe a representative from OCC to be present. Cllr Thomas has advised that he will put a comment in CAWN asking if anyone would be prepared to take up organising getting people together to complain about the way that the A40 plans are going. |
159/18 | CORRESPONDENCE: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Kellend – WODC has purchased a unit to help with homeless people get information where they can turn. There is a massive problem with homelessness. Cllr Mathew – Has been in meetings regarding the budget. There has been a suggestion of a 2.99% increase on OCC. That’s works out an approx budget of £340million. There is a fairer funding inquiry going on. Scotland gets over 4x the amount that OCC get. The north of England 3x the amount. The Government has delayed giving the amount of budget. The growth board as made their decision of what they are going to take on. Cllr Mathew has a meeting with Robert Courts with regards to the toll bridge. The idea is to use a smart card which will be 24 hours rather than just 8 hours. b) Neighbourhood Watch – Cold Calling Area – Cllr Perrin is trying to arrange a meeting with Helen Keen. There is now a list of neighbourhood coordinators in CAWN. c) Speedwatch – Cllr Thomas has suggested that the Speedwatch starts again. This is too be discussed at the mid monthly meeting. We cannot report any car using the speed gun that the Parish has as the police do not recognise the gun as an official speed gun. |
Fred wondered if there was anything that could be done at the junction as people seem to fly round without a thought for others. |
Both Cllr Thomas and Della have both been in touch with Thames Water. They are fitting a valve on the top field. Cllr Thomas is looking at arranging another meeting with Thames Water to discuss what is happening as it doesn’t seem that they are doing much to deal with the issue. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
164/18 | TRAFFIC:
The road through Yarnton is closed |
Cllr Butlin has replaced a piece of timber of the climbing frame. |
166/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
APPLICATION NO: 18/03148/HHD PROPOSAL: The erection of a single-story rear and two storey side extension with the addition of a chimney stack. Town and Country Planning Act LOCATION: 2 The Tennis Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr Metcalf REGISTERED: 20th November 2018 These applications are in or affecting the Cassington Conservation Area APPLICATION NO: 18/03409/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey rear extension. Town and Country Planning Act LOCATION: 8 Orchard Close Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs A Rogers REGISTERED: 24th November 2018 These applications are in or affecting the Cassington Conservation Area. |
i) Christmas Carol Night – The song sheets have now been done by Tracey and everything is in place for next week. Cllr Thomas has asked that all helpers wear high vis jackets for safety. Hatwells are going to have a teacup ride. The Lions are brining Santa on a sleigh to part in the Village Hall Car Park. There are going to be Carols round the tree. 10 Carols in all. There are also 2 Choirs singing. There will be tea and coffee in the Village Hall and some cakes. ii) Christmas Lights and Decorations – Cllr Butlin has lent some Christmas decorations to the Parish Council for the tree and the lights for the tree were brought from homebase. iii) CAWN – Nothing heard as yet from Lorna re the money that is needed by CAWN iv) OCC adopting road in Cassington (Chris Metcalf) – Still being looked into. v) Awarded £1000 from Tesco Bag Scheme vi) Broken fence by the ditch of Elm Road and Yarnton Road – Cllr Thomas said that he and Cllr Butlin would go and take a look. |
169/18 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid-Month Planning meeting on 3rd January 2019 in The Red Lion at 8pm This was agreed for Thursday 10th January 2019 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |