Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 6th April 2017.
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr B King, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) eight members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
Cllr A Thomas Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC) |
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th March were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police: – The website reported that fine fines of £100 had been issued to some drivers caught Speedwatch in the village. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting. Write to Curbridge Parish council re their website. Not done as the software used is expensive- report later in on the agenda. Write to OALC re website grant. Not required as the PC would not qualify for a grant towards a website as the council has a turnover above the 25k threshold. Neighbourhood Action Group –place notice in CAWN -actioned by Cllr H T. Warn residents of vehicles with no number plates potential thefts notice placed in CAWN; .Actioned by Clerk. Place notice in CAWN re Manor Farm application for new houses. –Actioned by HT Write to Long Hanborough PC re verge cutting -Actioned by Clerk Speak to Mrs Millward ref children playing ball in graveyard. –Action by HT Place order with Garden Maintenance and Design for planting Church Lane. Actioned by Clerk Write to Bike night Committee for copy of accounts before deciding on donation.; Actioned by Clerk. Cllr A Thomas and the clerk to meet up at play area to decide on list of work: Not yet complete. Write to Sports and social club to support new play equipment. Actioned by Clerk. c) Neighbourhood watch -to seek additional residents to join the scheme. A number of residents were in attendance at the meeting to give their support to Neighbourhood Watch. Cllr Perrin explained her role in the Neighbourhood Action Group and that Stewart Clifton the co-ordinator of Cassington NW wanted more residents to join the scheme. Recent incidents in village meant that residents needed to be better informed and vigilant in protecting their property. Names and email addresses of residents were collected for Cllr Perrin to co-ordinate. Another notice is it to be put in CAWN seeking more residents to join. Cllr Thomas thanked those residents in attendance for coming forward. d) To consider developing a new parish council website. The clerk outlined the options for adopting a new website the justification being the need to publish information quickly to residents and allow access to minutes of meetings and annual accounts. The likely cost up to £450 with a monthly maintenance fee in addition. It was suggested that a Facebook page be adopted for the council which would be easy to update and be free. It was agreed to take no further action at this stage. e) Update on proposed Parish Tour Robert Courts MP. The Clerk is awaiting contact form Mr Courts secretary. |
a) To consider a request from a resident for burial in the closed burial ground. Resolved to agree this request which had been instigated by John Hemmingway from St Peters Church. Clerk to liaise with Jan Macdonald over the details. b) Cassington Parochial Charities -to note the re-election of Pat Clague as the parish council’s representative on the committee. Resolved to note this request and raise no objection. |
Cllr C Mathew had no specific issues to raise and agreed to chase up the position re Horsemere Lane closure and inform Cllr H Thomas of progress. Cllr Mitchell reported on a Village Hall management meeting she had attended where it was mentioned that an upgrade to the heating was needed and financial assistance from the parish council would be helpful. Cllr H Thomas said Worton Farm had received an initial report from their transport consultants who said it was not possible to install a mini roundabout so alternative options were being considered. Also he had met with Roy Partridge who had raised the issue of tree branches from the school overhanging Conce Walk. He will speak to Mrs Millward about this and ask Adrian Tyler to trim the shoots around the base of trees on The Green. |
Mike Linnel said the Parochial Charity was still awaiting an approach for grant aid from the Sports and Social Club. Cllr H Thomas will chase this up with the Treasurer of the club. |
The water leak outside The Chequers has been repaired by Thames Water. |
a) To consider quotations from conservation architects on the condition of the War Memorial. The Clerk reported that he had met with Architect James Mackintosh today who had done an initial survey and taken photos. He had quoted £195 for undertaking the survey and producing a report. A meeting has been arranged with another architect from Purcell tomorrow which Cllr H Thomas will attend. The quotations will be submitted to the War Memorials Trust for consideration for grant funding. Report to next meeting. b) To consider a grant to Bike Night .A financial report had been circulated which indicated that the costs of organising Bike Night are offset by the income. However, it is believed that village organisations are making substantial profits from the event. Given other financial pressures on the council it was considered the grant payable towards attendance by St John Ambulance should be reduced. Resolved to award a grant of £200. c) To note the 3.2% increase in WODC charges for grass cutting and play area inspections. This was noted. |
55/17 | TRAFFIC:
No report. |
56/17 | PLAY AREA:
a) To consider maintenance priorities for the forthcoming year. It was agreed that Cllr A Thomas and the Clerk should meet at the play area to discuss what is required. The Clerk said he had not met Cllr A Thomas but had inspected the play area. He noted that the shackles were the swings were attached and recommended replacing those. The bark should be topped up late in the summer and some planks of wood were wearing down on the top platform of the multi play unit. It was Resolved to obtain quotations for repairs as outlined. b) Update on Sports and Social Club proposals for additional play equipment. Plans for new play equipment were reviewed and fund raising was under way. The club had been advised by Cllr H Thomas on making grant applications. |
57/17 | FINANCE
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. OPFA subscription £40 Clerk salary &expenses £617.81 HMRC payment £128.98 b) Income: none |
Resolved no objections to the following applications a to d discussed at the mid month meeting:. a) Application No1700343/HHD 10 The Green Cassington – Infill to rear of propertyb) Application No 17/00481/HHD Trewavas Bell Lane Cassington – Alterations and erection of two storey rear extension.c) Application No 17/00428/S73 Jericho Farm Worton – Non compliance with condition 2 of planning permission to allow new approved drawing PA200A d) Application No 1600592/Ful. Change of use, alteration and extension of Class B1 office accommodation to 3 dwellings. Erection of double garage amended plans. e) Application No APPLICATION NO: 17/00609/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing Dutch barns and erection of 10 dwellings together with associated works and formation of vehicular access. Manor Farm, Eynsham Rd. Cllr H Thomas said the council were not deciding on the application at this meeting as as they wanted to hear residents views. He had received a letter from resident raising concerns about the parking on the site. Also Blenheim Estates were not required to include affordable housing that was much needed in the village. Issues raised by residents at the meeting; i) The houses do not meet the need of elderly residents, who are an increasing element of the population, who need facilities to allow them to live at home. ii) There was a complaint that the residents of Hollow Furlong were not notified directly of the development. iii) Reference was made to the WODC Strategic Housing Land Assessment 2016 (SHELAA) which says for site 367 Eynsham Road Cassington- Suitable and deliverable – housing or employment. ‘This is a sensitive site close to the centre of the village, adjoining a Conservation Area. The western section of the site forms part of the setting to the farmhouse and should remain open. There is a significant vista from The Green looking eastwards through the site which should remain undeveloped. The number of properties that could be accommodated on this site is, therefore, severely limited’. With a recommendation of not more than 6 properties. iv) The scheme allows for parking outside gardens within a short distance of windows of residents in Hollow Furlong. v) The issue of inadequate access onto The Green was raised. The increase in traffic from the site may cause accidents with vehicles coming around Eynsham Road bend. Cllr Mathew said he would pass on any comments from residents about the access to the site to Highways who would be commenting on the planning application to WODC. Residents who wished to make further points should email the Clerk with their objections. The Clerk was asked to contact WODC to ask for more time to comment. b) Mid Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for Tuesday 18th April at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
59/17 | AOB: |
60/17 | Date of Next meeting:
The Annual Council meeting was agreed for Thursday 4th May in St Peter’s school. The Annual Parish mtg was agreed for Thursday 11th May in the village hall. |