
January 2017 Agenda

Agenda 2017 Uploaded on May 1, 2021

Agenda for Cassington  Parish Council  Meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday

5th January  2017, in the Village Hall.

1. Apologies.

2. Declarations of interest (Any pecuniary interests should be declared) –

3. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 1st December 2016.

4. Matters arising:-

a) Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington.

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting.

c) To agree a grant of £400 to the Sports &Social Club for repairs to the water supply to the sports pavilion.

d) To consider a response to the A40 road improvements consultation by Oxfordshire County Council

5. Correspondence.

a) Invitation to join Witney Oxford Transport group- Parish Council Consultation – Tuesday 21st January 2017.

b) Invitation from Robert Coults MP to attend a parish tour.

c) Consultation from BT on proposed closure of telephone box outside the Red Lion.

6. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors.

7. Questions from the Public.

8. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding.

9. Maintenance.

a) To consider an estimate from Cassington Landscapes for Church Lane –planting

10. Traffic.

a) Poor visibility at Bell Lane Junction petition for vision mirror –response from CAWN

b) Update on Worton Farm junction.

11. Play Area/ Playing Field:

a) Play Area inspection report by WODC.

12. Finance.

a) Payments to be approved:

Line marking VH Car park  Highways Contractor £200
WODC Grass cutting & Play area Inspection £62.63 & £43.20
Grant to Sports & Social Club £400

b) Income: TBN

Planning Applications

a) 10 Manor Close Cassington- Planning Application No: 16/03476/FUL PROPOSAL: Remove existing garage including first floor access structure. New two storey side extension to form self contained annexe. New garage repositioned, to include two parking bays and one secured bay.

 -confirmation of decision. 

b) Date for mid-month planning meeting.

14. To consider the content of the PC website and the need for improvement.

To agree the date of next meeting on Thursday 2nd February 2017 and the revised date of Thursday 9th March 2017.

David Casey

Clerk to the Parish Council.