Minutes of a Meeting held in St Peters School 7.30 pm on
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Clerk Mrs T Cameron, and 3 members of the public |
Cllr C Rylett (WODC), Cllr P Kellend, Cllr C Mathew (OCC), Cllr D Butlin, , |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd April 2019 were approved after some changes |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington Message from OCC Trading Standards We have been notified that a person purporting to be an antiques dealer has been leaflet dropping in the area, offering to view antiques at your home. Whilst we have not confirmed if this trader is genuine, we would urge consumers to exercise caution and be careful who you let inside your property and give information to regarding any items of value you may have. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) Previous Planning Application – APPLICATION NO: 19/00469/HHD PROPOSAL: External alterations to the fenestration of the main dwelling and the erection of and alterations to the annex and garage (part retrospective) LOCATION: 61 Eynsham Road Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DJ VALIDATED: Mon 04 Mar 2019 STATUS: Under consideration ii) Housing Needs Survey – Tom McCulloch has come back to Tracey with two different surveys which were forwarded to the Parish Council. The decision was made that the Parish Council would look at this in a bit more depth at the mid monthly meeting. As there is a chance that in the future that Blenheim will be another planning application to build more houses it was felt that the Parish Council needed to assess the housing needs of the residents in the village. iii) Playground Equipment – The order has now gone in for the new playground equipment. This will hopefully be in place by 15th June for the Pavilion unveiling day. There was a slight delay in ordering the equipment due to sorting out the correct insurance for the new equipment. c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – This is now drawing to a conclusion. The flooring and the showers are now in. The insulation for the roof has been delivered and is just waiting to be put in. The outside and the rendering are yet to be done Cllr Butlin has said that he will do it. A skip was ordered, and the roof space was cleared. The garage has also been cleared and new shelves have been installed. The Parish Council are looking at installing new doors as they current ones are in a very poor state of repair. Graham has now installed the CCTV at the Pavilion and will be putting up signs very soon. d) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – None e) Manor Farm – Cllr Thomas went over to see the site forman, as far as they are aware there are not any issues. Cllr Thomas was advised that they have cleaned some of the residents windows but there are still a few residents that this still needs to be done for. There has been some Saturday morning work. Which they did as they got behind on a few things f) Horsemere Lane Closure/Freedom of Information Request – The request has now been answered to the fullest extent of the Parish Council within the time and cost restraints that we have. |
No Correspondence |
a) Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Perrin went to a meeting in Eynsham with regards to the drug taking and the police have advised that they are going to get the Traffic Police to detour when they are in the area to drive past the fields to make a presence known to the drug dealers. Cllr Perrin was made aware that four men in high-vis jackets turned up at Churchfields Nursing Home in the middle of the day to try and remove a digger that was there doing work. The nursing home are now installing CCTV. b) Speedwatch – Cllr Thomas has put a notice in CAWN advising that the Parish Council are hoping to start Speedwatch again and has asked for volunteers to help. |
A member of the public brought up that could the car park in Eynsham by the doctors be turned into a max stay of 2 hours. As it is really difficult to find a parking space for people to go to the doctors. The Parish Council think that this should be brought to the attention of the WODC Councillors. |
Cllr Thomas feels that the Parish Council need to go back to Thames Water one last time to advise them that we are still not happy about the valves going in and still do not think that it is substantial enough to do anything if the pipe bursts again. If Thames Water are still not prepared to move on this then he feels that we should contact Ofwat. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
75/19 | TRAFFIC:
Recently there has been a motorbike has been coming through the village at a fast pace and it is also very loudly. |
The playing field is looking good. |
77/19 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
Nationwide yearly account statement up until 31st March 2019 holds £10,151.13. This was received late as Nationwide still had David Caseys address and not Traceys. |
APPLICATION NO: 19/00961/S73 PROPOSAL: Removal of condition 12 of planning permission 18/01904/FUL. After discussions with Phil Shaw we have agreed to raise beech hedge to 3m at back of carpark and to side boundary to hide stacked materials from the Lane. As currently stands it would not be economically to go forward with the development. We would like this condition removed LOCATION: Oxford Salvage Old Gravel Pit Bell Lane APPLICANT: Mr Paul Snell REGISTERED: 29th March 2019 APPLICATION NO: 18/01904/FUL PROPOSAL: Construction of two storey office building with attached warehouse to replace existing structure. Associated landscaping, car parking facilities and new entrance gates. Town and Country Planning Act LOCATION: Oxford Salvage Old Gravel Pit Bell Lane APPLICANT: Mr Paul Snell REGISTERED: 29th March 2019 |
i) Parish Council Annual Meeting 9th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall ii) Traffic Mirror for Hampton House – We have been asked if the residents of Hampton House can put a traffic mirror opposite the drive way as it has a very restrictive view. When the Parish Council asked OCC if they could put one up by Bell Lane, they were against it. When the Parish Council looked into it the insurance one if the implications were that if someone was distracted by the mirror and it caused an accident then we would be liable for any damage that occurred. iii) Lease for the Playing Field – Tracey has spoken to a solicitor in Witney who has worked on leases for Parish Councils before. She has advised that the price will be £450 + VAT this will be for a new. She has asked the Parish Council to go through the lease and check if all the clauses are still relevant and also if we would like to add any new clauses. The Parish Council decided that they will go through the lease at the mid-monthly meeting. iv) Annual Governance Part 1 – Will be finalised at the next Parish Council meeting. v) Garden Village Design – Tracey received an email from Astrid inviting us for another site visit to the garden village on 15th May 14:30 – 16:30. 16-17th May there is a work shop then 18th May there is a public exhibition between 11.30 – 15:30. vi) War Memorial – Tracey spoke to James re the price of rebuilding the War Memorial for the insurance. He spoke to Trevor Dean the contractor who repaired it and he seems to think that it would cost in the region of £45,000 to rebuild from scratch. vii) ILCA- The Introduction to Local Council Administration Level 2 – Tracey would like to undertake this qualification. This is an online course that most Parish Council Clerks undertake to help them develop their skills. It also helps you understand the legal obligations of a Parish Council and the Clerk. The cost is £99 +VAT viii) Pavilion open day 15th June – The Parish Council has decided that we would provide the cream teas and the prizes for the races.. We will donate £250. |
80/19 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – 21st March at 8pm in The Red Lion Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall |