Minutes of a Meeting held in St Peters School 7.30 pm on
Thursday 6th June 2019
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Clerk Mrs T Cameron, and 6 members of the public |
Cllr C Mathew |
Proposal of Chair – Cllr Hugh Thomas Proposal of Vice – Cllr Vice Chair Barbara King Both proposals were carried Cllr Thomas will remain as Chair of Cassington Parish Council with Cllr Barbara King as Vice Chair |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd May 2019 were approved after some changes |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington On 7th May 7:30 – 16:30 two houses in Witney were broken into. The offender climbed over the fence and gained access to the property via the rear patio doors. Some items of jewellery were taken. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) Previous Planning Application – APPLICATION NO: 19/00469/HHD PROPOSAL: External alterations to the fenestration of the main dwelling and the erection of and alterations to the annex and garage (part retrospective) LOCATION: 61 Eynsham Road Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DJ VALIDATED: Mon 04 Mar 2019 STATUS: Approved APPLICATION NO: 19/00961/S73 PROPOSAL: Removal of condition 12 of planning permission 18/01904/FUL. After discussions with Phil Shaw we have agreed to raise beech hedge to 3m at back of carpark and to side boundary to hide stacked materials from the Lane. As currently stands it would not be economically to go forward with the development. We would like this condition removed. APPLICATION NO: 18/01904/FUL PROPOSAL: Construction of two storey office building with attached warehouse to replace existing structure. Associated landscaping, car parking facilities and new entrance gates. LOCATION: Oxford Salvage Old Gravel Pit Bell Lane APPLICANT: Mr Paul Snell STATUS: Approved c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – Are waiting for the new roller shutter garage door to be installed. Hopefully it should be done by 15th June. The Pavilion itself is almost complete. There is a little bit of insulation to be laid in the loft. Cllr Thomas has given a list of work that has been done. The budget was £25k. We received £20k from the section 106 money and was then given an extra £5k from Blenheim. We have spent £24,980 d) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – None e) Manor Farm – A lot of the roofing has been done. There are new residents due to move in within the next 2 weeks and Blenheim are hoping to have all the properties filled by mid July. There is still a lot of planting to do to make it all look nice. f) Horsemere Lane Closure – Still awaiting for a decision from OCC but it has now gone back to consultation again. g) Housing Needs Survey – The Parish Council feel that having to pay for a Housing Needs Survey at this time would be rather costly. Cllr Thomas asked Cllr Rylett if he could find out from WODC Housing Department how many people in Cassington were looking for affordable houses. h) Lease for the Playing Field – The Parish Council have looked at the lease and it is all ready to go. Tracey was asked to email Graham to ask if the Sports and Social if they are happy to pay for the lease renewal. Plus we still need addresses of the new trustees. i) Climate Change – The discussion on climate change was done before the Parish Council meeting and members of the village are looking at getting together to sort out a plan of what can be done. |
No Correspondence |
a) Neighbourhood Watch – There are a few minor things happening in the village. Someone has planted flowers and they have been torn up. It was suggested that it could be deer. We are just waiting to hear back from Helen Keen as she is back to being Cassington PSCO Cllr Rylett – Advised us that he is now the Vice Chair of the Lowlands Area Planning Sub Committee. There is to be a solar panel farm between South Leigh and Eynsham. There is a public exhibition regarding this on 12th June. Cllr Davy is now on the Finance Scrutiny Committee b) Speedwatch – Cllr Thomas has put a notice in CAWN for volunteers but so far we have not had anyone come forward. |
A member of the public has asked if we can do something about the fact that cars are coming into their close and turning round but they aren’t doing it slowly. Cllr Perrin said that she would speak to PCSO Keen to have a look. A member of the public has asked about the No Mans Land Festival. Tracey advised that they have put in a temporary events licence to WODC. |
Cllr Thomas has written a letter to Consumer Council for Water with regards to Thames Water issue in the village. They are going to Thames Water to request we have answers with regards to the issues that we have already raised with them. St Peters ditch is quiet high with weeds. Tracey to contact Green Gym to see if they can come out. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
92/19 | TRAFFIC: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The new equipment has been installed. Tracey to contact WODC to see if the playground inspector can go and have a look to make sure they deem it safe. |
94/19 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
APPLICATION NO: 19/01392/LBC PROPOSAL: Refurbishment of curtilage listed building Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act LOCATION: Reynolds Farm Pound Lane Cassington APPLICANT: Mr Matthew Walls REGISTERED: 13th May 2019 APPLICATION NO: 19/01391/FUL PROPOSAL: Conversion of a former barn to two residential units. (Retrospective). LOCATION: Reynolds Farm Pound Lane Cassington APPLICANT: Mr Matthew Walls REGISTERED: 13th May 2019 There have been a few objections to the above planning permission with regards to the historic nature of the land and the buildings. The Clerk has requested a meeting with Cllr Thomas and WODC Planners to discuss the application. APPLICATION NO: 19/01272/HHD PROPOSAL: Ground floor alterations with single storey rear extension, loft conversion, demolition of garage for new timber frame garage and workshop to the rear of the garden LOCATION: 12 Elms Road Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Harper REGISTERED: 30th April 2019 |
i) Speedwatch – As previously discussed Cllr Thomas has put notices in CAWN for volunteers but so far we’ve had none. ii) Tap in the Churchyard – Cllr Butlin enlisted the help of Paul Woolford to fix the tap. iii) Bridge by Sports Field and Manor Farm Houses – The Bike Night committee have a bridge that people can use from Manor Farm onto the Sports Field so that people can walk down the footpath instead of walking along Eynsham Road. The Sports and Social Club have no objection but they have to ask Blenheim for permission first. iv) Annual Governance Part 1 – In hand. v) Letter for Nationwide Account – Tracey to get a letter for change of address for next meeting. vi) Price of the Pavilion for Asset register. vii) Cherry trees and WW1 commemorative sapling – Cllr Thomas has spoken to a gentleman with regards to the trees. Tracey is to speak to the gentleman to formally request 2 cherry trees and a new oak sapling. They will be £50 each and will be done in October time. viii) Community Orchard – This is on the Blenheim Site ix) Hiscox 3 Year Insurance – The Parish Council has decided to agree to a 3 year plan with Hiscox Insurance. x) Traffic Sensitive Street Consultation – The Clerk is to email WODC to put Eynsham Road on the map for Bike Night so that people will know that the road is closed off in June for Bike Night. xi) Pedestrian Crossing – It was brought up by a member of the public about the danger of people speeding through the village and the knock-on effect that it will have when Horsemere Lane is closed. It was decided that the member of the public would speak to residents to see what type of traffic calming measures they would like to see, and maybe get highways out to look at what they can suggest. xii) Prizes for 15th June – The Parish Council will purchase the 7 prizes needed. |
97/19 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting 18th June @ 8pm in the Chequers Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 4h July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall |