Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 10th May
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair), Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr B King, Cllr P Kellend WODC 5 members of the public and the Clerk Tracey Cameron
Cllr C Matthews(OCC), Cllr B King, Cllr P Emery(WODC) and Cllr C Rylett(WODC) |
The Chairman declared a declaration of interest in the planning application submitted by Paul Snell in respect of the Alan Aston Company. The Chairman has advised that he rents a building on the land. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th April 2018 were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington i) Phone Scam – Someone was called from a person claiming to be from a courier company called Express Couriers asking if they were going to be home as there was a parcel that needed a signature. The courier driver turned up with a parcel. The person was then asked to pay £3.50 by debit or credit card as the package contained alcohol. The driver had a mobile device and the payment was taken using a debit card. The machine even prints a receipt. A few days later the total sum of £4000 was taken from the account holders bank account. The machine was a dummy machine that has all the details to clone the card and also retain the pin number ii) Traveller encampment – This was at King George V playing field. Was advised that they have now moved on. iii) Doorstep Crime and Scams Presentation – Members of OCC Trading Standards and Natwest Bank will be giving a presentation on how to avoid Doorstep Crimes, Scam and Fraud. OCC Fire and Rescue will also be there to promote their FREE Safe and Well Home Checks. These will take place at the following locations:- Enysham Village Hall – Thursday 24th May @6pm Witney Madley Park Hall – Wednesday 30th May @ 6.30pm b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting i) Hedge Trimming has been put off to the next half term holiday due to bad weather. – This has now been booked for Saturday 26th May with weather permitting ii) Church Green Waste Bins – Two more green waste recycling stickers have now been purchased for the church. iii) External backup for the Parish Council Laptop – This is still being looked into iv) War Memorial – The tender has now been agreed by the Parish Council. Tracey is to liase with the War Memorial Trust to carry on with the grant application. v) Enysham Road Closure – This will take place on 18th June 2018 for three nights between 20:00 – 06:00 for resurfacing works. vi) Date Protection – Still ongoing waiting for policy from OCC viii) Tree Inpection – Greenfields have agreed to do the tree survey for £10 per tree on the understanding that if any work needs doing then the survey fee for that tree with be deducted from the final balance. c) Horsemere Lane Update – A meeting to discuss a way forward has been arranged for 1st June at 10am in St Peters School d) Playing Field i) Update on Sports England Grant – A payment of £9500 was received from Sports England for the Green Gym equipment with a 5% retention. £20k needs to be spent once this has been paid the retention from Sport England will then be paid to the Parish Council ii) Grant Application by the S&SC – A grant approval of £1750 was agreed by Cottsway. Cllr Thomas has spoken to the S&SC to help them get to together a grant application for Wren. iii) Sports Pavilion Improvements – e) Benches – Benches for 3 residents in the village that have passed who had contributed to the village. Waiting for the spring so that we can organise an occasion so that family members and villagers can see the benches put in. The plaques for the chairs have now been ordered. f) Manor Farm – Work is due to start by the middle of May. g) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – Nothing from Banbury Memorials. h) Gas Main in Pound and Church lane – A reinstatement was done in Pound Lane and part of Church Lane but when they went to reconnect at the end of Church Lane they found that the connection pipe wasn’t there it was infact in the road. The main is about 9inches. Mill Lane and the grass in front of Moorefields is owned by the Parish although the owner of Moorefields mows the grass. The issue is that Mill Lane is being used as a carpark. Some concern that this will end up as a car park in front of the Chequers pub. Councillors have been asked for ideas on how to prevent this. |
a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan. – No comment was made |
a) No District or County Councillors Present b) Speedwatch – Nothing to report c) Neighbour Hood Watch Cllr Perrin – Local issues – Mrs Grant was sent home in an ambulance by the respite care even though she had no bathroom. This was sorted and she returned to respite care. Cllr Perrin is concerned that she can no longer contact the local PCSO as she now has more of an area to cover. |
Nuisance calls scam Kevin asked the Councillors what they would like to achieve in the next year. |
Yarnton Road the wooden fence is broken – To get quotes for repair. Burst water main from Thames water a residents home was flooded and as a result she needs to have heaters and dehumidifiers. Cllr Thomas proposes that the Council writes to Thames Water to find out what they are going to do about the water pipe as the it keeps bursting at different sections. If we don’t get anything from them then maybe to get a petition from the Village and also for this to be mentioned to Bleniham as the new homes on Manor Farm will be at a flood risk if this happens once they have been built. |
Cllr Thomas signed a grant with the S&SC for the Lottery for £10K to help towards play equipment |
54/18 | TRAFFIC:
Nothing Noted |
Issue with the timber structure. Needs to be looked at. Cassington Nurseries thinks that the play area will need about 5 bags of bark. They will be charged at £80 per bag this will include laying the bark. |
56/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
57/18 |
a) APPLICATION NUMBER: 18/01054/FUL LOCATION: Oxford Salvage Old Gravel Pit Lane APPLICANT: Mr Paul Snell REGISTERED: 27th April 2018 Mid-Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for 25th May at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
58/18 | AOB:
a) New CO-OP Councillor – New co-opted councillor is Dave Butlin b) New Signage by the burial ground covering up the old 5pm sign c) Neighbourhood Watch Stickers for the wheelie bins – Was decided that it wouldn’t work as the bins are only out for a short period of time. d) Weed Killer for the Churchyard – It was decided that this should be left for the time being. e) Invitation from the Chief Executive of Oxfordshire County Council 24/07/2018 between 1-4pm in the Corn Exchange Witney f) Clerk doing more than 7 hour a week.- At present the Clerk is doing between 20-25 hours per week whilst still settling into the role. This will hopefully lessen as time goes on. g) Well on the Allotment – This has been agreed. Awaiting a quote on how much it will cost. The parish council is happy to make a donation. h) No Mans Land Festival – Three Day Event – Application for Licence has been approved. |
59/18 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 7th June 2018 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |