Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 12th March 2018
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair), Cllr P Clague, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr B King, WODC, Cllr P Emery WODC, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) three members of the public and the Clerk David Casey and Tracey Cameron
Cllr C Mitchell |
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st February 2018 were approved. |
a) Appointment of new clerk – update: Pleased to announce that a new clerk has been appointed. Tracey Cameron took over from David Casey on 12th February. There will be a transition period. b) Thames Valley Police Alerts: There were two incidents were reported in January. One in Church Lane and the other in Linton Lane. No details on website what had happened. But it could have been a number plate theft. Hugh advised that to overcome this the police can supply you with special screws for your number plate. c) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting. i) Email to Robert Courts MP regarding mirror on Bell Lane – Robert Courts MP received a reply from the County Council who advised that they do not provide mirrors. This is due to people not being able to judge the speed and distance of other cars and also vandalism, fogging and glare from the sun. They have not provided any other options that can be used. Write and request options ii) Play Equipment – Terms agreed, and the play equipment has been installed. iii) Regarding Recycling of Glass – It looks like the boxes with bottles are put in operatives blue bin and then tipped into the recycling Lorry. iv) David to write to the school to obtain permission to be able to use school land so that the hedge can be cut – School has agreed, and the hedge will be cut on Easter Monday 2nd April 2018. The company are planning to arrive around 8.30 am. v) Van parking in St Peters Close – The police have advised that they will send someone out to have a look to see what they can do regarding the matter. But they don’t think that there is anything that they will be able to do. They have been advised that there is an electric wire connection and there and it could pose a health and safety issue. It is hoped that they will come out within the next week or so. vi) War Memorial – James Mackintosh has confirmed his prices. He has invited four contractors to submit quotes. They should be available for discussion at the next meeting. Once a quote has been agreed James has suggested a maximum of four site meetings. The tender £195 Site Visits £130 per visit Administration of Contracts £585 Certificates of Valuation £130 Once the tenders are in we can then go to the War Memorial Trust to apply for the further grant as we will then know how much the further cost will be. d) District and Parish Council Elections in May 2018 The notice of the election has to but up by Tuesday 27th March. Nominations are to be received no later that 4pm on 6th April. Has to be a proposer and seconder to applications to be registered in the parish and on the electoral register. You have to put your electoral number on the application form. Applications and consent forms must be signed and witnessed and delivered to West Oxfordshire Council by hand by 9th April. Election date Tuesday 8th May. e) Playing Field i) Update on the installation of the Green Gym Equipment – Cllr Thomas and David Casey have been up to look at the gym and it is now fully installed ready to use. The next step is to get the grant from Sporting England to pay the contractor Proludic. ii) Grant Applications By the S&SC – They are continuing to submit applications for grants. Cllr Thomas has tried to get a list for the meeting but has yet been unable to do so. They are working towards the target of £53k at present they have reached £28k. WODC will give the S&SC 25% of whatever has been awarded at the time. Cllr Thomas has written to the Football Association to ask if they would be willing to donate further funds but has yet to hear back. iii)Sports Pavilion improvements – Cllr Thomas met with the S&SC on Tuesday 6th March he was advised that they went out for three tenders on the building work but have only received one back, so they will need to go out for some more. This week Blenheim has offered the Council £5000. This would mean that currently they have £25k to be able to spend on the renovation of the Sport Pavilion. Cllr Thomas sat with Graham and Katherine to discuss what they would like to happen. Firstly, they would like to make sure that the Pavilion is secure, which would mean sorting out the windows. Then then think it would be beneficial to have heating which means the installation of a new boiler that would run on oil. Also, to tidy up the changing rooms. Which means that there would at least be hot water and changing rooms to use. That would be called Project A. They will need ideally another £15k to be able to undertake the other work that needs to be done. Cllr Thomas has approached Wren to see if they would be willing to a give a grant to the S&SC. The next funding round ends in September, so we would look to submit an application in June. f) To Agree a new street name for Manor Farm Cassington – The decision was to take the name Williams Court |
a) Consultation on the further modification to the submission draft West Oxon Plan – The changes have already been preapproved by the Inspector. None of the changes will affect Cassington. All changes and consultation reports will be put forward to the Inspector by 6th April. b) Oxford London Airport – Local Airspace Consultation Notice – Cllr Thomas will write to CAA with regards to the fact that West Oxfordshire does not seem to have been part of the consultation period or included in any documents for Brize Norton and Oxford London Airport. A resident is looking into this and will report back to the Parish Council at the Mid Monthly meeting on 20th March. |
Cllr Emery has nothing to report Cllr Matthew – Has been awarded £15k to be possibly split between 6 Parish Councils. Once the terms have been sent to Cllr Matthews we can put in a grant application. Cllr Matthew attended a meeting in which all County Councillors from Woodstock, Chipping Norton and Enysham District attend and which Cllr Matthew is Chairman. He has requested that it is be open to the public. It will take place In Enysham at the Sport Pavilion on 10th April 2018 2-4pm. The cabinet comprises of four cabinet members. Gross Deal 5 Districts and OCC have applied to the Central Government for Infrastructure for grants. It has been granted in principle. £210 million infrastructure £60 million Affordable Housing Joint spacial plan for Oxfordshire 100,000 houses. It is more than likely to be 96,000. The 5 year land bank required by the district councils on residential planning is reduced to 3 years. This means that the developers would no longer be able to go to appeal. Hopefully it will close the door on certain planning applications. Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Perrin a) Everyone helped out when the Village was hit by snow. Making sure that any elderly neighbour was ok. Helping clear snow or getting shopping. b) Burford School tried to book the Village Hall for their late teen 6th Form party. The police advised that it had been book. People had been advised that this certain group of people have been banned from places because there tends to be a lot of vandalism during and after the previous parties that they have had. Nicky who books the village hall has advised that the booking has not been made. The police have advised that if a few people turn up dial 101 and the police will come out and move them on but if anyone sees anything untoward phone 999 Benches have been completed and are waiting for good weather before they can be cemented into place. Cllr Thomas brought up the issue of the wall by the School. The dry stone wall contractor who works for Blenheim did not think that the wall was repaired to a good standard. Cllr Thomas thinks that we should get a third opinion as the Building Inspector thinks that the wall is safe. It was decided that a third opinion would be the best option. Cllr Thomas has spoken to Blenheim they have advised that they are planning to start demolition at the end of March. Cllr Thomas as spoken to Blenheim about doing a condition report before the demolition starts. It was suggested that they photo the road, the grass and the green as well as the boundary to Manor Farm. Residents are concerned that the contractors are going to park all over the village and block roads and the public right of way. The Defribulator is located on the wall of the village hall. Cllr Thomas is concerned that if a stranger was in the village and had a heart attack would people know that there was one there. Check with the Ambulance Service if they know and Tracey to report back. |
A white van is blocking 70 Eynsham Road. The owner lives at 61 Eynsham Road Cars have started parking in the slip road. And it makes it difficult for the Fire Engines to come and fill up with water. The owners of the cars are parking to use the buses. Road to Yarnton there are a lot of potholes (the chicane) The Bridge by the main road on the right there are 3 trees right across the river. Tracey to write to the environment agency to advise. |
Yarnton Road the wooden fence is broken – To get quotes for repair. |
Nothing Noted |
39/18 | TRAFFIC:
Nothing Noted |
Cllr Thomas and David Casey looked around the play area. |
41/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. Proludic (Green Gym Equipment) £11746.80 – (to be sent on receipt of the Sports England Grant) OPFA £42.00 Greenfields £409.20 Eynsham Partnership Academy £25.00 OALC £144.78 b) Income: None Mandate for change of Clerk to Unity Bank. It has been decided that the Barclays Account will be used until the end of the financial year at this time it will be closed. |
a) Confirmation of a decision i) APPLICATION NO: 18/00240/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of a double garage to provide parking for The Barn – Jericho Farms Barns Worton ii) APPLICATION NO: 18/00224/S73 PROPOSAL: Noncompliance with condition 3 of planning permission 17/01984/HHD to allow changes to material – 8 Bell Close Cassington. Mid-Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for 20th March at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
43/18 | AOB: None |
44/18 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 12th March 2018 in the village hall |