Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 1st February 2018
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair), Cllr P Clague, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr B King, Cllr P Kelland WODC, Cllr P EmeryWODC, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) three members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
None |
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th January 2018 were approved.
a) Attendance by Leon Cole and Elle Beattie of the Field Manoeuvres Festival. Mr Cole explained that he and his partner were the organisers of the annual mini festival held in Hatwells field on the A40 at Cassington. They wanted to engage with the village to overcome any complaints of noise or disturbance from the event which takes place at the end of August. The event is licensed from noon to 3am Friday and Saturday and to midnight on Sunday. Noise level is restricted by WODC and there is soundproofing with stacked hay bales on the field perimeter. Noise is also monitored from a vehicle touring the village. Cllr King said she was disturbed by the noise and this was raised with WODC. It was agreed that an article should be placed in CAWN about the event with a contact Tel no in the event of noise complaints. Ms Beattie said they were happy to make a donation to a village organisation following the event. Cllr Thomas said the council would discuss this and report back. b) Thames Valley Police Alerts:- Cllr Perrin reported on stolen vehicles being abandoned in Bell Lane and in Eynsham. c) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting. i) Overgrown hedge in the Burial Ground. Quotations have been obtained for this work. ii) Vacancy for Clerk. Other local clerks have been contacted and also Keith Butler at WODC whose advice was not very helpful. iii) Tenders for the Green Gym have been received for consideration. iv) Bell Lane junction. Highways have once again turned down the council’s application for a mirror. Following the meeting with Robert Courts MP he has agreed to write Highways on the council’s behalf. Cllr Clague asked if Highways response could be forwarded to Robert Courts. Clerk to action. v) Pavilion improvements Action by Cllr Thomas to seek donations from village businesses outstanding. vii) Van parking in Eynsham Rd. This vehicle has moved away. Van in St Peter’s Close is still a problem Cllr Perrin to raise with police. viii) War Memorial repairs. Architect James Mackintosh has been contacted and a response is awaited. d) Vacancy for Clerk. Two applicants have now come forward following a notice in CAWN and posting on the Indeed Recruitment site. Interviews to be held shortly. e) (i) Playing Field –to consider quotations provided by the Sports and Social Club for Green Gym play equipment to be financed by Sport England. The Sports and Social club have recommended acceptance of Proludic’s quotation by for four items of equipment amounting to £9879. Cllr Thomas expressed concern that the quotation figure was subject to a site visit and agreement on location of the equipment which may increase the cost.The S&SC had produced a site photograph locating the equipment behind the existing MUGA pitch but this did not appear to be agreed with the contractor. Also, confirmation that the equipment could be installed by 31 March, to comply witin the Sport England time table for completion was needed. Finaly, the contractor must change its terms of payment to match the Sport England terms for paying out the grant to ensure the council was not left bridging the cost. It was Resolved that the order for the work could not be accepted unless these points were agreed by contractor. The Clerk was asked to contact Proudic and resolve these issues. Cllr Thomas to notify the S&SC of the position. (II) Update to improvements to the Sport Pavilion. Cllr Thomas said there was nothing new to report at this stage. f) Report on the meeting with Robert Courts. This proved to be a useful meeting and a a range views were expressed particularly concerning A 40. A note will be produced for CAWN. Robert Courts has since emailed a summary of the issues he will take up.
20/18 |
CORRESPONDENCE: a) Notification of WODC Sports Awards. The S&SC club had previously nominated someone for this award but there no nominations this time.
b) Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Call for site nominations. No sites in Cassington were put forward.
c) Oxfordshire CC Waste Consultation. This will be discussed at the mid month planning meeting. Clerk to recirculate the document.
21//18 |
REPORTS FROM COUNTY, DISTRICT & PARISH COUNCILLORS: Cllr C Mathew reported that council tax is to increase by 6% to help fund elderly and children’s care. There is no change to the council’s proposal to create an A40 bus lane, which was the wrong solution in his view. The Govt is to provide funding for infrastructure improvements to facilitate additional housing, which includes improvements to the A40. It was suggested that objections to the bus lane should go to the DFT. Cllr Mathew said he would inform the Clerk when this should be done.
Cllr Emery said the West Oxon Local Plan is making process. The Govt Inspector has asked for housing in the ANOB’ sites to be removed from the plan but did not comment on the site for 2,000 houses at Eynsham. The Gladman application for 3,000 houses at South Leigh has now been received.
QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were comments about poor quality of pothole being filling by Highways where the tarmac breaks down shortly after repair. There was also a comment about bottles in recycling boxes being tipped into the recycling bin by the operatives. Cllr Thomas to raise with Cllr Kelland.
Cllr Perrin reported that the new benches were now stained and would be installed soon. Cllr Clague reported on Mrs Hugh’s wall on Little lane which has been subject to further safety complaints by the school. West Oxon District Council Building Inspector has inspected the wall again and has stated that the wall remains safe. The Blenheim Dry Stone Walling contractor is of the opposite opinion and considers the wall to be unsafe. Cllr Clague to contact Mrs Hugh and pass on the council’s views that the she should seek an opinion from an independent Structural Engineer |
No reports. |
i) Beech hedge in Burial Ground: The Clerk reported that he has contacted two contractors about getting the hedge cut but only one quotation was received from Dax Hedges. This amounted to £600 or £450 if access to the school playing field was obtained for the chipper. Clerk to contact the school to check if they will agree to access during the Easter holiday. ii) Tree Survey. Two contractors were asked to quote but only one was received from Steve Young amounting to £160. It was Resolved to accept this quotation.
25/18 | TRAFFIC: No reports
26/18 | PLAY AREA:
The Clerk reported that the boarding in the play area had been replaced by contractor Rob Atkinson. Work to the Multi Play Unit will take place over the next few days.
27/18 | FINANCE
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget.
Clerk salary & expenses £631.25 HMRC Payment for the Clerk £130.92 Repairs to boarding in the play area –Rob Atkinson £234.84 Play area inspection X2 £44.58 WODC grass cutting £64.63 x2 £129.26 Reimbursement of dog waste sacks Cllr King £5.50.
b) Income: None
a) Notification of a decision:
a) Oxfordshire CC Planning Application No MW.0090/17 – use of land for storage of empty skips at M & M Skip Hire Ltd, Worton Farm, Worton, Yarnton, OX29 4FL -Refused
b) OCC Planning for M & M Skip Hire Ltd Worton Farm, Worton, Yarnton, OX29 4FL for Section 73 application for non-compliance with conditions 1 and 4 of permission no: 09/00585/CM (MW.0108/09) for waste recycling and transfer facility, to allow re-shaping of site bunding to enable additional car parking provision at M & M Skip Hire Ltd, -Approved
For a decision:
Planning Appl No 18/0070/Ful Proposed erection of two storey extension and conversion of part of garage to create facilities for an office. -Worton Farm Resolved: no objection.
b) Mid Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for Tuesday 20th February at 8pm in the Red Lion.
29/18 | AOB: None |
30/18 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 1st March 2018 in the village hall |