Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 1stth June 2017.
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, seven members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC) Cllr C Mathew (OCC) |
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. The Clerk stated the declarations of interests would be circulated so that councillors could update these if necessary. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6TH April were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police: – The Clerk reported on information on the website concerning changes to PCSO staff in for Eynsham area which involve sharing of areas. Manor Farm application: Clerk to write to WODC asking for the application to be deferred. Now agreed. Clerk to check who owns land on the triangle adjacent to The Green. Actioned . Ask Peter Kelland / Peter Emery to inform us when the Manor Farm application goes to committee – no longer necessary as application deferred. HT to contact Blenheim about objections raised by the PC. Revised application now submitted. Hugh to speak to Caroline Morton re donation. This has not been acted upon by Caroline. HT to follow up. Neighbourhood watch update to be published in next CAWN J Perrin agreed to action. Caroline Morton has said Sports & Social Club will insure the MUGA pitch. Clerk to ask for this in writing. Mid month meeting look at Community Grant proposal. Actioned. Clerk to ask WODC re planning condition of hedge of Eynsham Rd blind corner backing onto Hollow Furlong. Reply awaited. Note in CAWN re dogs on playing field. HT to action. b) Anna Thomas has resigned her position as councillor and a notice has been placed on the notice board inviting prospective candidates to contact WODC. If there are no applications the council can co-opt a new councillor. A notice is to be placed in CAWN advertising the vacancy. c) Neighbourhood Watch –update from Cllr Perrin. Cllr Perrin has spoken to Stuart the NW co-ordinator for St Peter’s Close. Additional representatives have been recruited across the village. A community day was suggested to raise support. d) To consider possible action following recent burglary in the village. In view of recent burglaries installing CCTV cameras were suggested at either end of the village. These would need to manned when an incident occurred. The Clerk was asked to write the police to check the legal position of installing cameras in public areas. Doorstep notices are available warning callers that doorstep sales are not welcomed. These are available and can be distributed the residents who request them. A notice is to be placed in CAWN about this. e) Report on Countryside Live presentation. Cllr King reported on this and measures that will be put in place to alleviate traffic problems are far as possible. |
a) Confirmation of a decision for an ashes burial from a non resident with Cassington connections. The Clerk reported that the family of a former resident had requested to be buried in the parish council burial ground. It was Resolved to agree this request for an ashes plot. |
No county or district councillor available to give a report. Cllr Thomas reported that he had spoken to Cllr C Mathew who said the council could now request the closure of Horsemere Lane. A resident in the lane had indicated they would be happy to front the cost of the closure on behalf of the parish council. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. Cllr King reported that St Peter’s ditch was overgrown and needed clearance. The Clerk will contact Green Gym for a visit. An appeal will be placed in CAWN by editor asking for Volunteers to help with clearance. |
It was reported there was a lorry breakdown at the end of Eynsham Road had created a layer of dust in the road. Also the verge was overgrown by the traffic lights. To be reported to OCC. The keep clear yellow box has not been repainted. Clerk to chase this with Highways. |
No report |
a) To consider quotations from conservation architects on the condition of the War Memorial. The Clerk reported that the War Memorials Trust was slow to deal with applications for grant but it was hoped to receive a reply in time for the next meeting. |
85/17 | TRAFFIC:
A letter was received from a resident about the Cassington to Yarnton 40mph signs being obscured by trees and bushes. The Clerk will report this to Highways in the first instance. Cllr Perrin to speak to the police about a speed check along this road at the Worton junction. |
86/17 | PLAY AREA:
WODC have sent a report indicating there splits in the baby swings that need monitoring. Cllr Mitchell volunteered to do regular checks now that Anna Thomas has resigned. |
87/17 | FINANCE:
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. Clerk salary and expenses £696.96 HMRC £140.71 Clare Want grass cutting play area £25 WODC – Grass cutting Village Green £64.63 Garden design planting to Church Lane £485 b) To approve the 2017/18 Accounts and Annual Return. The income for the year was £33,393 and the expenditure £28,755 leaving a surplus of £4,638. The income and expenditure over the last two years has balanced so the council’s funds remain constant. Overall funds have increased in recent years so some new projects could be considered. It was Resolved to agree Section 1 of the Annual Return the governance statement the detail of which was discussed and agreed at the mid month planning meeting. It was Resolved to approve Section 2 the Annual Accounts as previous circulated which will now be posted on Notice Boards. The Clerk reported that Clive Wilkinson may retire before the next years accounts are due, a software system will be investigated to replace the current spreadsheets. c) Banking: Cllr Thomas has spoken to Barclays again but there has been no progress due to difficulties of dealing with their Business division over the telephone. The Clerk will include an item on the next to change account to the Unity bank. |
a) Application No APPLICATION NO: 17/00609/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing Dutch barns and erection of 10 dwellings together with associated works and formation of vehicular access. Manor Farm, Eynsham Rd. Cllr H Thomas said the council had written to WODC expressing concern about the access to the site, insufficient parking for residents and lack of Affordable Housing. Blenheim Estates had submitted a revised application changing the layout slightly and giving details of their right of access to Manor Farm. A transport plan is to be produced showing the road access to The Green. This will need to be approved by WODC and Highways. The Parish council has until the 16th June to comment on the revised application. Copies of the revised application have been requested. Issues raised by residents:- Residents of Hollow Furlong park on the existing triangle access road. Access to the site would be safer if provided via Blenheim land on Eynsham Road. Flooding to Manor Farm site is a concern. One resident complained that the view from her property will be blocked. Section 106 applications are to be put forward for playing field improvements and improvements to the sports pavilion. This is on the assumption that the application is approved. The county council is asking for a contribution towards closing Horsemere Lane. Another resident said the development would have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the village which should not be approved for the sake of a small financial gain for the village. Cllr Thomas said if the parish council objected to the development outright there was a danger that a larger development would be proposed. The council wanted to see the transport and access plan before any further comment would be made. b) Application No 17/1563/HHD New porch with rear single and two storey extension with alterations to internal layout. 13, Elms Road, Cassington. c) APPLICATION NO: 17/01525/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of replacement single storey rear extension Grey Cottage Mill Lane Cassington. Applications b) and c) will considered at the mid month meeting. d) Mid Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for Tuesday 13th June at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
89/17 | AOB: |
90/17 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 6th July in the village hall. |