Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 6th July 2017.
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr B King, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) seven members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC) |
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. The Clerk stated the declarations of interests would be circulated so that councillors could update these if necessary. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st July were approved. |
a) Adoption of new councillor: Cllr Thomas said that that former councillor Pat Clague had indicated her wish to rejoin the council and it was agreed by the councillors that she should be welcomed back. Pat Clague was in attendance at the meeting and was asked if would like fill the vacancy to which she accepted. Resolved to adopt Pat Clague to fill the vacancy on the council. b) Thames Valley Police: – The Clerk said there was no report on the website. Cllr Perrin reported on a warning from the police about bogus door salesmen and to report any suspect callers. Also valuable vehicles are being targeted as are elderly people. A neighbourhood watch meeting will be held in the Red Lion with aim of indentifying elderly people in the village who cannot be contacted via mobile phone. c) Report by the Clerk on actions from the last meeting. MUGA pitch insurance. Caroline Morton will review the Sports & Social Club insurance when the policy is due for renewal in October. Clerk to follow this up. Dogs on playing field. This has not yet been actioned. HT to place notice in the next CAWN. CCTV cameras in the village. The police have been consulted and have given details of the Information Commissioner’s website –report later on the agenda. Clearance of St Peter’s ditch. Green Gym will attend to this on 12th July. Horsemere lane closure is on the agenda. A40 Junction box painting .The county council has no money to do this but other road lining in the village will be done. Grass cutting on A40 verge reported to Fix My Street. Vegetation obscuring 40mph signs on Yarnton Road near to Worton Farm. This has been reported to Fix my Street. Cllr Perrin said she had asked PCSO Keen to arrange a speed check. Cllr Mitchell to arrange a speed survey at Worton Farm entrance. d) Neighbourhood watch update – to review the need for security cameras in the village. Cllr Perrin reported on a network of ‘What’s app’ mobile phone users that she had set up. The Clerk reported that PCSO Helen Keen had given details of the Information Commissioners website as it would be necessary to comply with Data Protection Act. The council would need to seek approval of the Commissioner and advertise to the public what was proposed. The matter will be investigated further. e) Bike Night report. Cllr Thomas reported on another successful Bike Night. It was only marred by the police speed traps that were set up on surrounding roads following the event. The Clerk was asked to send a letter on thanks to the Bike Night Committee. |
a) Request for a donation to the Guideposts Charity. It was Resolved to make donation of £50 to this local charity for disabled people based in Witney. |
Cllr Mathew said the county council was maintaining the same policies as those prior to the county council elections. As a result the existing plan to improve the A40 road had not changed. Cllr Clague raised the issue of creating a slip road travelling east from the A40 traffic lights to alleviate traffic leaving Cassington. Cllr Mathew said this had been raised with engineers but the idea was rejected. Cllr Perrin said the conifer hedge along Hollow Furlong was overhanging the path causing an obstruction. The Clerk was asked to write to the resident about this. Cllr Thomas will place a general notice in CAWN asking residents to cut back shrubbery overhanging footpaths. |
No actions were agreed. |
No report |
99/17 | a) Confirmation of decision on acceptance of revised quotation of £395 from James Mackintosh Conservation Architects for a condition survey of the War Memorial. To note approval of grant funding of £150 from the War Memorials Trust towards the survey. The Clerk said the trust require detailed specification which was not known prior to the original quotation. It was Resolved to accept James Mackintoshes’ quotation of £395. Contract documentation had been sent to the trust and the survey can now proceed.
b) Village green grass cutting –report. Cllr Thomas said there had been comments by from the Bike Night Committee that the grass cutting was not very satisfactory due to scuffing. It was agreed that overall the grass cutting by WODC had been good but a shorter cut prior to BIke Night had made the bumps in the grass more apparent. No action required. c) Land at Church Lane –report. Cllr Thomas said there were some large concrete pieces left on this site which one of residents adjacent to the land had complained about. It was agreed the stone should be removed and Cllr Thomas will ask Adrian Tyler to carry out the work. d) Maintenance of the triangle adjacent to The Green. A request to improve this piece of county council owned road was raised with Cllr Mathew. It was suggested that the parish council write to the Area Engineer Paul Wilson with a copy to Cllr Mathew. However, it was agreed that any request for improvement should be delayed until the Manor Farm Development had been constructed. |
100/17 | TRAFFIC:
a) Horsemere Lane closure update and agreement of funding arrangements. This was raised with Cllr Mathew who said he contacted the engineers involved but had received no response. Cllr Mathew to pursue. |
101/17 | PLAY AREA:
a) To agree the quotation of £397 from Greenfields contractors for replacement of children’s swing seats and anchoring the picnic bench. It was Resolved to accept Greenfields quotation for this work as using the bench in this way was unacceptable. Cllr Mitchell had also reported a rotten plank on the Multiplay Unit and this will be looked at the same time. Clerk to organise a play area inspection course for Cllr Mitchell. b) Update on Sports and Social Club proposals for additional play equipment. An application for a community grant had been prepared and submitted to Cllr Mathew. Cllr Mathew said the allocations to each councillor were £5,000 and the SSC application had been logged. |
102/17 | FINANCE:
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. WODC grass cutting invoices for village green £193.90 WODC play area inspection £ 44.58 Payment to Nationwide Building Society to open Business Saver A/c. £10,000 Cassington Village Hall £48 Grass cutting play area verge clearance on Eynsham Rd -Clare Want. £27.50 Clive Wilkinson -Preparation of accounts for audit completion of Annual return £660 Adrian Tyler – Grass cutting burial ground and cricket wicket. £915 Rees Russell audit fee £404.70 b) Internal audit of the 2016/17 accounts by Rees Russell. The completion of the audit was noted. c) To agree the closure of the Barclays deposit account and transfer of funds to the Nationwide Building Society. It was Resolved to agree the closure of this account and transfer of the balance of £9k to the Barclays Community A/c and payment of £10,000 from the Community A/c to the Nationwide Building Society. d) Burial income: Memorial tablet for Harry Wood £56. £392 from St Peter’s Church burial of KT Locke & R Bowerman. |
a) Application No APPLICATION NO: 17/00609/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing Dutch barns and erection of 10 dwellings together with associated works and formation of vehicular access. Manor Farm, Eynsham Rd. Cllr H Thomas said the council could find no planning reasons to object to the development as the application appeared to meet WODC’s planning requirements. However, there were three areas where the council has raised concerns: insufficient residents parking on site, the inadequacy of the access road and the lack of any affordable housing. In the event the application is approved section 106 agreements for developer contributions were being sought for recreational improvements of £8,180 together with a further sum of £11,560 (calculated by WODC).In addition £10,000 for village improvements to be decided by the parish council. One of the priorities would be to improve the sports pavilion. Residents in attendance expressed disappointment at the council’s decision not to object to the development as it was felt that many residents in the village were against the development. Cllr Perrin said the transport plan produced by Blenheim indicated that the additional properties would not impact on the traffic in the village and the existing access was adequate. WODC were under pressure to meet government targets for house building and had relaxed planning rules. It was likely they would recommend the application for approval. Some residents will attend the WODC planning meeting to object. b) Application No 17/1563/HHD New porch with rear single and two storey extension with alterations to internal layout. 13, Elms Road, Cassington. It was Resolved to make no objection subject to neighbour’s comments. c) APPLICATION NO: 17/01525/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of replacement single storey rear extension Grey Cottage Mill Lane Cassington. It was Resolved to make no objection. d) Application No 17/01984/HHD 8 Bell Close Cassington. Two storey extension To be considered at the mid month planning meeting. e) Mid Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for Tuesday 18th July at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
104/17 | AOB. Cllr Perrin will investigate the possibility of erecting a memorial bench for Jack Evans and Ray Bowerman who contributed a great deal to the village. |
105/17 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 3rd August 2017 in the village hall. |