Minutes of a Meeting held in Cassington Village Hall 7.30 pm on
Thursday 6th February
Before the meeting officially starts there is a statement from the Parish Council
There has been a complaint made regarding a letter that was received by Cllr Thomas in connection with Horsemere Lane. As this is a formal complaint then it has to be investigated by the Clerk therefore there will be no more mention of Horsemere Lane or A40 until this is complete. The time frame on the investigation is 12 weeks.
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr D Butlin, Clerk Mrs T Cameron Cllr C Rylett & plus members of the public |
Cllr B King, Cllr D Levy & Cllr C Mathew |
Cllr Thomas has declared that part of the complaint was about declarations of interest within Horsemere Lane. The Parish Council has also made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes at a later date at home. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th December 2019 were approved after some changes |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington A number of pushbikes have been reported stolen in the Long Hanborough in the early hours of Monday 27th January. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) Contact SSE again re the pole on the recreation ground – The Clerk has contacted SSE again regarding the poles and has still had no correspondence from them. ii) Email Sports and Social re Proludic Invoice – Tracey has spoken to the Sports and Social with regards to their invoice for the new play equipment. They have advised that they have paid their part. There are also some ongoing queries with WODC over what they have agreed to pay. iii) Set up Parish Council Meetings for 2020 – I have spoke to Kathryn and all the meetings are now booked for 2020 except May. This will be held in the School due to the elections. iv) Look for prices for bike racks – Tracey did have chance to do that. Although Cllr Levy has advised that WODC may be able to pay a grant for new bike racks. v) Email tree surgeon re the dead wood removal – Tracey emailed the Tree Surgeon with regards to the dead wood. The work has now been completed. vi) Chase up lease for Pavilion and Recreation Ground – Tracey has spoken to the Solicitor with regards to the lease. She has emailed Graham and Mandy a copy of the draft and are now awaiting their response. vii) Precept – The precept is now done and has been sent off to WODC. We have increased the total Precept by 1.5%. i) Previous Planning Application – APPLICATION NO: 19/01502/FUL PROPOSAL: Use of building and land for charcoal production (B2 use) LOCATION: Land and building at Cassington Oxfordshire APPLICANT: Mr Adam Hulewicz STATUS: Application Withdrawn APPLICATION NO: 19/03134/CM PROPOSAL: Planning application by Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited Hanson House, 14 Castle Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4JJ for planning permission: Section 73 application for the continuation of the winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials to vary conditions 1 and 6 of planning permission 15/04415/CM to amend the approved restoration scheme for the plant site at Cassington Quarry, Cassington Road, Yarnton, OX29 4EB LOCATION: Cassington Quarry Worton Witney Oxfordshire APPLICANT: Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd STATUS: Decided – Raise no objection APPLICATION NO: 19/03009/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of grain store LOCATION: Jericho Farm Buildings Burleigh Road Cassington APPLICANT: Delafield Brothers STATUS: Approved APPLICATION NO: 19/03328/FUL PROPOSAL: Cricket Lane Cover LOCATION: Worton Park APPLICANT: Mr Gary Palmer STATUS: Approved |
i) Request for a professional sign – A lady and her daughter have a café on the Worton Park Complex. They would like to increase the trade and would like to put a sign out on the road. She has spoken to Highways and they have advised that it is not illegal to put a sign on the road-side but she thought that she should as permission from the Parish Council. The Parish Council cannot give permission as this is completely down to Highways at OCC. ii) Overhanging Trees in the Church Yard – We were sent an email with regards to the Ashes Plot in St Peters Yard. The person advised that you could not get to the corner plots as there were overhanging branches and also ivy over the floor. Cllr Thomas and Adrian (Cassington Garden Services) went down to the Church Yard and had a look at the trees in the corner plot. Adrian has said that he would be able to clear it. Update at next meeting. iii) Query if Cassington has declared a Climate Emergency – We received an email asking if Cassington had or had any intention of declaring a Climate Emergency. The Parish Council have decided to Declare a Climate Emergency. A new item to the agenda will be added so that the Climate Change Group can feed back in the Council Meetings. Climate Change Meeting will be held on 26th February in the Chequers Pub at 8pm |
Cllr Carl Rylett (WODC District Councillor) – Eynsham had a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan which was passed by 95%. The progress on the Garden Village. Last week Grosvenor came to visit the Parish Council and give an update on what they are up too. The area action plan will give what is expected will come in framework to Cabinet on 18th March and it will then have a 6-week consultation period. Once that has finished it will go to the Inspectorate to give their decision. There will 2200 houses once the Garden Village is complete. The Solar Farm is going to Lowlands Committee on Monday 10th March they are recommending approval. It will be in the fields near Barnards Gate along the A40. They will get access via the A40 and will also construct a temporary junction for a 16-week period. OCC has published Part 2 Minerals and Waste Plan with regards to Gravel Extraction. Part 2 was proposal of sites. The proposal is for the quarry to be put just south of Cassington Road on the Eynsham side. That will be discussed at Cabinet. The Planning on Dove House. There is an appeal still ongoing for the new build. The Planning Officer has refused planning and the resident has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate. Parish Councillors Cllr Metcalf –Cllr Metcalf has completed the questionnaire what was sent with regards to the domain name for the website. Having researched it a bit more Cllr Metcalf feels that it would be better if we paid to have a website created rather than do it ourselves. It would cost between £400-£500 with a yearly maintenance fee on top. a) Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Perrin has approached by a few residents on the success of the Cassington clear up last year if we would be doing it again. They thought 15th March would be a good date. Cllr Perrin will put it in CAWN. b) Speedwatch – They have got volunteers and are now just working on a rota system to form the groups who will be going out. |
A member of the public asked a few months ago if the Parish Council could put up a sign on the garages just off Eynsham Road at the A40 end of the village to stop people using them as a toilet. Apparently, it has started again. It was suggested that we install dummy cameras on them. Cllr Butlin has advised that he will sort it. |
At the moment all the ditches are running well. Children have been throwing pallets from the recreation ground into the ditch that leads up to the farm. Cllr Butlin has been out and removed them. A member of the public has brought up drainage to the entrance of Manor Close, when it rains it creates a massive puddle. There is a drain there but it doesn’t seem to work. Cllr Thomas has advised that he will put it on Fix My Street. Thames Water – Cllr Thomas wrote to them 6 months ago reminding them that if the water main goes again then we feel that they have neglected the problem. We do have a meeting with Thames Water and Robert Courts in March. |
Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website. |
11/20 | TRAFFIC:
Speedwatch – A member of neighbourhood watch has suggested that people volunteer in pairs one to use the camera and the other to make notes. There is some interest but we need to get people to agree to do it. Cllr Rylett has advised that we should be able to use the speed gun and report any findings to the Police. They are looking for a volunteer to train up to be able to send out the notices for speeding and are looking a harsher fine for persistent offenders. |
a) Playforce – We have a quarterly inspection done by WODC Playground Inspector who produces a small report on any findings. But in order to received the grant from WODC we needed to get an accredited inspection on the new play equipment. He came down and was happy with the new equipment but made comment on the old equipment in the play area. He advised that some of the timber on the equipment is close to not being fit for purpose. Due to the weather Cllr Thomas and Cllr Butlin haven’t had time to go up and have a look at it and see what needed fixing/replacing and would get a statement of works that we could go through. We did receive an inspection report from WODC to say that the step at the bottom of the climbing rope is rotten and needs replacing. |
13/20 | FINANCE
a) Payments approved for January 2020:
b) Income for January 2020:
Payments to be approved:
No Planning Applications |
i) Land at Church Lane – The piece of land by the Chequers is getting worse. Cllr Thomas and Tracey are going to create a specification and put out to tender for someone to come and clear it, take the level down, turf it and may be put in a seat. We need to make sure that people cannot park on there so we may need to put some stones along the edging. ii) New tarmac on Burleigh Road – Burleigh road was closed for about a day. Some new tarmac that was put down but it has become very slippery when it is icy. Highways are aware that there is a problem with safety and are looking at a solution to it. iii) 2018/2019 Accounts – This has now been sent to Moore iv) Set a date for the Annual Parish Council Meeting – 7th May in St Peters School at 7.30pm v) Thames Water meeting with Robert Courts, Friday 20th March @ 11.30am in the Witney Conservatives Offices – Cllr Perrin has advised that she can attend. vi) Tracey on sick leave – Tracey is due to have surgery in March and will not be able to attend the April meeting and will see how she is for the May meeting. vii) Neighbourhood Plan – The Clerk feels that the Parish Council should create a plan to help with any planning that should come to the village it would also allow the Parish to collect a CIL against any developments within the boundary. viii) VE Day 8th May 2020 – Cllr Thomas will send an email to the Sports and Social to see if they are planning to go anything. It will also be put in the March edition of CAWN. ix) Noticeboard by the Green – The back of the noticeboard has gone again and anything that is in the notice board is becoming damp and the boarding is also becoming mouldy. It looks like it could be coming in from the front through the doors. We may need to look into buying a new one. x) Bike Night – Cllr Thomas has received an email to ask if the Parish Council would be happy to pay for St Johns Ambulance. It was agreed that we would pay as we do every year. |
16/20 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – Tuesday 18th March @ 8pm in The Chequers Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 5th March in the Village Hall @ 7:30pm |