Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr C Rylett, Cllr C Mathew, & Clerk Mrs T Cameron plus 2 members of the public
Cllr D Levy, Cllr D Butlin & Cllr J Perrin
The Parish Council has made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes later at home.
Cllr Thomas declares in an interest in minutes ref 39/21-3
Cllr Metcalf has declared that the company that he works for has been awarded the contract for the A40 works at the Wolvercote Roundabout.
Cllr Thomas and Cllr Metcalf have both declared an interest in item 50/21-b
The meeting is recorded by the Clerk to enable her to type up the minutes at a later time but is then deleted.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th February 2020 were approved.
a) Thames Valley Police Report – There were no Police Alerts
b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting –
1) Horsemere Lane/Cassington Lights – Was deferred to later on in the meeting when Cllr Mathew County Councillor gives his monthly report.
2) Website – This is still an ongoing project. The Clerk is now uploading the relevant documents. She is hoping that we can go live by the middle by April.
3) Tree outside Cllr Thomas house – The Tree Inspector from WODC has had a look at the tree and reported that the tree should be pruned at the side that faces the house so that it has a clear distance. Cllr Thomas advised that he would, write privately to the Parish Council with regards to this.
4) Neighbourhood Plan – The committee met a few weeks ago. The clerk received a report from O’Neill Homer which has been circulated to the committee for review and feedback.
5) SSE Poles on the Playing Field – The Clerk has been in contact with SSE and has given them a plan of where the poles on the Green are. They have said that they will look into it and get back to me.
c) Previous Planning Application: –
LOCATION: Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate to Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham
APPLICANT: Grosvenor Developments Ltd
DECISION: Under Consideration
PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing stable building to offices (Use Class E)
LOCATION: Livery Yard Worton Park Worton
APPLICANT: Mr Adam Hulewicz
DECISION: Under Consideration
The Clerk has received correspondence from a member of the village with regards to the issue of speeding and A40. She has emailed the resident to advise that we cannot look at doing a speed survey at the moment due to the COVID restrictions and that not a lot of people are driving through the village. But could possibly look at asking OCC to do a survey in May/June.
Cllr Metcalf has spoken to a few people in the village with regards to a petition to have the speed limit reduced to 20mph and there are people who are willing to do this. It was discussed that if the petition is done then handed to the Parish Council, they would then forward it to OCC.
County Councillor
Cllr Charles Mathew – Cllr Mathew advised the survey which he forwarded from the Witney, Oxford Transport Group. The survey is now closed. It was a feasibility study for a train to run from Carterton, Witney, Oxford to Yarnton and then to join the main line there. Over 800 people have completed the survey and 97% said that there were in favour of the train going forward. With regards to the 20mph campaign Cllr Mathew has advised that OCC has decided to offer all villages the scheme, but the villages that want it are going to have to pay for the scheme. With regards to the A40 application Cllr Mathew advised that he would be speaking as would Cllr Levy. Also, the Chair of Eynsham Parish Council and the Chair of the Witney, Oxford Transport Group. Cllr Mathew has forwarded an email he received today with regards to the Cassington Traffic Lights and why they are not looking to discussing it either. Cllr Mathew has also expressed his annoyance that OCC have put out the consultation which ends on 3rd April. However, have advised that they will be making a decision on 8th March. Cllr Mathew has supported Cassington Parish Council against OCC with regards to Cassington Lights and Horsemere Lane. That a solution is needed due to what will be queues of cars trying to leave the village and go onto the A40. The response was that the officers in charge would need to speak to the Parish Council and the matter was deferred by Yvonne Constance. Cllr Mathew had advised that with regards to the A40 a lot of trees and hedges have been cut down which is not very good for biodiversity. With regards to the park and ride he believes that they should install solar panels above the car parking spaces, they should maybe have included a few retail shops to generate some income for OCC and he is also concerned about the lighting in addition the park and ride is only for 800 cars and they there are around 32k cars a day that travel along the A40. Cllr Mathew thinks that they should plant trees so that the disturbance of the building will be lessened.
Cllr Metcalf had a comment on the email sent by Cllr Mathew with regards to the A40. He said that the email states that the conclusion of the 2019/2021 survey concludes that they can close Horsemere Lane without a dedicated left slip at the Cassington Village junction, and that the plan to close it in conjunction with the Q3 2023. It also states that a temporary regulation to shut Horsemere Lane to vehicular traffic is recommended in advance of this date to allow any mitigation issues to be dealt with.
It was also brought up that a member of the village had suggested a new type of tarmac called uni-flex which is said to help deaden the noise that it made by traffic.
A member of the village wanted to give thanks to Cllr Mathew for all his hard work and support for the village in his time as County Councillor.
District Councillors
Cllr C Rylett – The Area Action has been submitted to the Inspectorate, so it is now just a waiting game. Cllr Levy has been in touch with Blenheim with regards to the Allotment, he has been advised by Domonic Hare that there will be a new lease at the beginning of April with the same clauses as before 5 years 6 months. Notice period to be given at any point. Also, that they are reviewing the Allotment Plans, but they haven’t given them up.
Parish Councillors
Cllr King – Just brought up that the Defib Box is warm, but the base plate doesn’t seem to be heating up as it normally is. Cllr Thomas advised that he along with Cllr Butlin have had a look at it but will follow up with the Village Hall to check if they have spoken with the electrician to allow him access.
a) Neighbourhood Watch – There was no report from Neighbourhood Watch
They have helped St Peters School plant 1200 native small trees and shrubs to create hedging along the boundary, and the plan is that once the school is back each child will also have the opportunity to plant to add to the hedging on the boundary.
The Parish Council did send a letter to Mr Henman to thank him for clearing all the ditches along his property.
Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website.
The Clerk as reported the potholes on Horsemere Lane
Cllr Thomas has looked at the pothole by the school. Tracey was asked to see if the road by the War Memorial was adopted by the OCC.
Speedwatch – This is currently on hold due the National Lockdown.
The Annual Inspection is due on all the equipment on the playing field. The Clerk as spoken to Kompan and for £1189.20 they will do 1 annual inspection & 3 quarterly inspections up to 10 items. I have also looked at ROSPA and for a Parish Council they charge £111.60 for 5 items then it is an extra £30 to have everything checked. – Tracey to send over the details to Parish Council.
Cllr Rylett advised that Eynsham Parish Council use ROSPA and have also been on a course by ROSPA so that they are qualified check the play equipment.
Payments to be approved:
Tracey Cameron
Clerk Salary
Community First
Housing Needs Survey
O’Neill Homer
Invoice for Neighbourhood Plan
Play Inspection 11/02/2021
Gym Inspection
Trevor Dean
Retention Work for War Memorial
Vicky Thomas
Love & Kindness Trail
Locality Grant
PROPOSAL: Internal and external alterations to form an en-suite bathroom at first floor level, works to include the insertion of a mechanical extraction unit with external stone louvre and an external waste pipe.
LOCATION: Bell Cottage Bell Lane Cassington
APPLICANT: Mr Kevin Dunne
COMMENT DATE: 18th March 2021
APPLICATION NO: R3.0057/19 (Oxfordshire County Council)
PROPOSAL: Construction of a park & ride car park providing 850 car parking spaces, cycle spaces, motorcycle spaces, electric vehicle charging points, bus shelters, landscaping, external lighting, public open space, toilets, seating, fencing, habitat creation, drainage features, new access from Cuckoo Lane, new roundabout with access onto A40, an eastbound bus lane approximately 6.5km in length from the park & ride site to the A40 bridge over the Dukes Cut canal, two sections of westbound bus lane (each approximately 500m in length), new shared use footway/cycleway, widening of Cassington New Bridge, junction improvements, new crossings, new footbridge alongside Cassington Halt Bridge, and associated works
LOCATION: Barnard Gate
APPLICANT: Oxfordshire County Council
COMMENT DATE: 3rd April 2021
PROPOSAL: Erection of a first-floor rear extension
LOCATION: Highwinds Mill Lane Cassington
APPLICANT: Mrs Patricia Johnson
COMMENT DATE: 22nd March 2021
a) Trees on the Playing Field – We have a list of people who would like to sponsor the trees. It was discussed that if we have more people then we would just look at planting more trees around the village. It was discussed that we give people the option of what tree they would like to sponsor. The Parish Council would pay for the plaques and the stakes that support the trees – Tracey to find out prices for the plaques.
b) Lorries using The Tennis – Cllr Thomas saw lorry backing out of Alan Astons with a trailer but without a banksman. Tracey has sent a draft letter to all Parish Councillors. Cllr Metcalf advised he added a few points and would liaise with Tracey.
c) Updated Policies for adoption – Passed by the Parish Council
d) Notice Boards – We are looking to replace the Notice Boards. Cllr Butlin has some ideas on how we could make better use of the space inside the notice board. Tracey pointed out that the notice board on Bell Lane is bigger than the notice board by the Village Hall. Tracey also to get quotes on notice boards.
e) Expenditure projects this year – War Memorial, Trees for the recreation, The Play Area, Notice Board – Tracey to make a list of 2021/22 expenditure.
f) CAWN – The Parish Council wanted to mention that they think that Anne the new editor of CAWN is doing a fantastic job.
g) War Memorial – Tracey received a quote this one is for £8900 from Boden & Ward and Cliveden is for £6600. There is a difference between the quotes is that they are going to remove and replace the top crown. As it would not be able to support the new pillar. Tracey is to check if Cliveden is also going to replace the top crown. Tracey has also emailed the War Memorials Trust as the gentleman from Boden & Ward mentioned that he has never seen a War Memorial like ours and that maybe we should get some advice from them.
h) Dog Fouling Bin – Tracey has emailed UBICO with regards to emptying the dog fouling bins. She hasn’t received a reply as yet. The Parish Council thinks that we should just but the order in and pay for the emptying.
i) Banbury Memorial – Addition inscription for Mr & Mrs Newman
j) Annual Parish Meeting – Parish Councils are not allowed until 7th May. Tracey is proposing that we move the Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council Meeting to June at the earliest. This year we do not have a Parish Elections this year.
k) New Surgery at Hanborough – The new surgery is due to open Monday.
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – No mid-month meeting needed
Date of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 1st April @ 7.30pm via Zoom