Agenda for Cassington Parish Council Zoom Meeting
Thursday 6th May 2021 @ 7.30pm
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
- Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st April 2020
- Matters arising
a) Thames Valley Police Alerts – notification of incidents in and around Cassington
b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting:
- Horsemere Lane/Cassington Lights
- Website
- Tree outside Cllr Thomas house
- Neighbourhood Plan
- SSE Poles on the Playing Field
- Dog Fouling Bins
- War Memorial
c) Previous Planning Application Decisions
LOCATION: Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham
APPLICANT: Grosvenor Developments Ltd
DECISION: Under Consideration
PROPOSAL: Internal and external alterations to form an en-suite bathroom at first floor level, works to include the insertion of a mechanical extraction unit with external stone louvre and an external waste pipe.
LOCATION: Bell Cottage Bell Lane Cassington
APPLICANT: Mr Kevin Dunne
DECISION: Approved
PROPOSAL: Erection of a first-floor rear extension
LOCATION: Highwinds Mill Lane Cassington
APPLICANT: Mrs Patricia Johnson
APPLICATION NO: R3.0057/19 (Oxfordshire County Council)
PROPOSAL: Construction of a park & ride car park providing 850 car parking spaces, cycle spaces, motorcycle spaces, electric vehicle charging points, bus shelters, landscaping, external lighting, public open space, toilets, seating, fencing, habitat creation, drainage features, new access from Cuckoo Lane, new roundabout with access onto A40, an eastbound bus lane approximately 6.5km in length from the park & ride site to the A40 bridge over the Dukes Cut canal, two sections of westbound bus lane (each approximately 500m in length), new shared use footway/cycleway, widening of Cassington New Bridge, junction improvements, new crossings, new footbridge alongside Cassington Halt Bridge, and associated works
LOCATION: Barnard Gate
APPLICANT: Oxfordshire County Council
PROPOSAL: Request for Scoping Opinion for the proposed A40 Smart Corridor works, including
i) Dualling of a 3.2km section of the A40 between the Hill Farm Junction to the proposed Eynsham Park and Ride and upgrade to shared path on northern verge, ii) widening of existing carriageway to provide dedicated eastbound and westbound priority bus lanes along 6.5km section between proposed Park and Ride and Duke’s Cut iii) capacity and connectively improvements over three bridges and a culvert at
Dukes Cut to enable eastbound bus lane over the bridges at A40 between Witney and Duke’s Cut
APPLICANT: Oxfordshire County Council
- Correspondence
- Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors
a) County Councillor
b) District Councillors
c) Neighbourhood Watch
- Climate Change update
- Questions from the Public
- Ditches, Drainage and Flooding
a) Thames Water flood
- Maintenance/ Grants
a) Fix My Street
- Traffic
a) Speed Watch
b) 20mph in the village
- Play Area/ Playing Field
- Finance
Payments to be approved:
Individual/Company | Reason | Amount |
Tracey Cameron | Clerk Salary | £1068.38 |
Greenman Garden Services | Trees for the Recreation Ground (PAID) | £2938.90 |
Ubico | Dog Waste Bin Installation | £286.42 |
Refund for Tree Sponsors | £91.10 | |
Came & Company | Public Liability Insurance | £601.43 |
Cllr Butlin | Connectors for Hose Pipe | £4.00 |
Netwise | Website Domain | £132.00 |
Greenman Garden | Labour for tree planting | £699.00 |
Cassington Garden Services | Burial Ground/play area | £505.00 |