Minutes of a Meeting held in Cassington on
Thursday 1st July 2021 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr Levy & Clerk Mrs T Cameron plus 2 members of the public |
Cllr J Perrin, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr C Rylett & Cllr A Goodwin |
The Parish Council has made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes later at home. The meeting is recorded by the Clerk to enable her to type up the minutes at a later time but is then deleted. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd June 2021 were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – There is a COVID vaccine Passport Scam. It comes in the form of an email, which reports to be from the NHS giving people the option of getting a digital passport. It gives you a link to click which takes you too a fake NHS site. It then asks you too to input your details and also asks for a payment which is for an admin fee. This site has been taken down but there are various other that’s about. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – · Horsemere Lane/Cassington Lights – Tracey has emailed Tom at OCC to ask for the Cassington lights model video. He has advised that he has forwarded my email to the relevant people and that they should be sending it though. · Tree outside Cllr Thomas house – We have had 3 quotes with regards to the tree. The thought is to reduce the tree and plant a new one in line with the other trees. Wait for it too establish then apply for planning to remove the tree. As the tree is in the conservation area, we need to apply for planning for anything other than dead wooding. We are looking at trying to keep the trees on The Green at the height that they are as if they increase in height, it will cost the Parish Council more in maintenance. · Neighbourhood Plan – The Neighbourhood Planning Committee had their consultation last weekend. Alex Rogers will give an update. They had 3 presentations on the Green Infrastructure Plan throughout the day. They had about 30 visitors through the day. There wasn’t a lot of feedback on the day, but feedback forms have been given out with hopes that people will return them soon. A question asked about single-story homes that could be adaptable for disabled people as there are not a lot about. One option could be assisted living. The next meeting is set for 19th July. Also, the final revision of the Green Infrastructure Plan and also a Policy Statement. The Parish Council had a meeting with regards to the Neighbourhood Plan and have agreed to do a Policy Statement that matches with the Green Infrastructure Plan. Cllr Metcalf congratulated Alex on a doing a fantastic job in creating the Green Infrastructure Plan and also a huge thanks for the time that he has spent on it. c) Previous Planning Application: APPLICATION NO: 20/01734/OUT LOCATION: Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham APPLICANT: Grosvenor Developments Ltd DECISION: AWAITING DECISION
APPLICATION NO: R3.0034/21 PROPOSAL: Request for Scoping Opinion for the proposed A40 Smart Corridor works, including i) Dualling of a 3.2km section of the A40 between the Hill Farm Junction to the proposed Eynsham Park and Ride and upgrade to shared path on northern verge, ii) widening of existing carriageway to provide dedicated eastbound and westbound priority bus lanes along 6.5km section between proposed Park and Ride and Duke’s Cut iii) capacity and connectively improvements over three bridges and a culvert at Dukes Cut to enable eastbound bus lane over the bridges at A40 between Witney and Duke’s Cut APPLICANT: Oxfordshire County Council DECISION: AWAITING DECISION
APPLICATION NO: 21/01507/HHD PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey front extension LOCATION: 6 St Peters Close Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mrs and Ms Deborah and Emily Ginns and Clark DECISION: APPROVED
APPLICATION NO: 21/01468/HHD PROPOSAL: Proposed rear extension and new porch LOCATION: 2 The Tennis Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Metcalf DECISION: UNDER CONSIDERATION
APPLICATION NO: 21/01654/FUL PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing storage building and roof space of attached two garages to create self-contained staff living accommodation. LOCATION: The Chequers Inn 6 The Green Cassington APPLICANT: Mr Babu Odedra DECISION: UNDER CONSIDERATION |
93/21 | CORRESPONDENCE: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
County Councillor – Cllr Dan Levy The Area Action Plan is halfway through its inspection, and we expect the decision in late summer. The reason for this is that Grosvenor want to cut some of the standards and WODC do not feel that it is the right thing to do. This decision will have a huge impact on West Oxfordshire as a whole. Cllr Levy has made representation as both County and District Councillor with Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Rylett making representation as District Councillors. The A40 scheme the consultation finished a few weeks ago and are now being looked at. Cassington District Councillors pledged that they would take our views seriously and to think about the scheme and what works and if any new things could be brought forward. They also pledged to see if there could be a trainline from Witney via Eynsham to Oxford which would impact the A40 scheme. District Councillors Nothing to report from District Council as there hasn’t been a full council meeting because they cannot deicide on where to hold the meeting. Parish Councillors a) Neighbourhood Watch – There are no reports. There has been a meeting scheduled between our Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinators and the PSCO within the next few weeks. The shed at the Red Lion got broken into and also a few sheds along Elms Road. Tools were stolen which were then used to break into other sheds. |
The Climate Change group are going to have a meeting with Alex and use part of the Green Infrastructure Plan to create a schedule of plans going forward over the next 12 months. |
A member of the public has asked about posts by their house to stop people from mounting the kerb by their house. Cllr Levy will look into who needs to be contacted. The member of the public has asked that in the meantime could we not get some stones and put them along there. |
The footpath by St Peters Close is adopted by OCC Tracey has reported this on Fix My Street. |
Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website. |
99/21 | TRAFFIC:
Speedwatch – Tracey to contact Ron Hollis to get the paperwork for Speedwatch. We have had a volunteer for speed watch. 20mph in the Village – We are just waiting for this too roll out. |
Cllr Thomas has noticed the zip wire is quite stiff. Tracey to contact the Sports & Social for them to have a look at. |
101/21 | FINANCE
Payments to be approved:
102/21 | PLANNING APPLICATIONS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a) Lorries using The Tennis – Cllr metcalf has advised that they are still being used. However, the works on the yard is progressing and that lorries are now going in and are able to turn round. b) Community Groups on the Website – Tracey has advised that she is still waiting for people to come forward. c) Airport Consultative Committee (Oxford Airport – Kidlington) – Cllr King advised that she didn’t know about the meeting. Tracey will forward her the minutes. d) Lease for the Playing Field – Tracey is waiting to a map to come back from the Sports & Social so that she can send it to Lorraine then it should be finalized. e) No meeting for August f) Quote for Tree Work on the Green g) Clerk holiday – Tracey will be on holiday 10th – 18th August h) Annual Parish Meeting Date – Thursday 2nd September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall i) Pothole Repairs – Cllr Thomas has got a price on the repairing the potholes that have been brought to our attention. The Parish Council are going to look into the process of getting Pound & Church Lane adopted by OCC Cllr Levy will look into this. j) Plaques for the Trees – These have been made by Mr Edgar and are now in place with the trees. k) Trees – A resident has made a comment that the trees next too the school have their branches over hanging and are being hit by the hearse when it drives along towards the church. Tracey to write to the school. l) Wall on Bell Lane – No one quiet knows who the owner of the wall is. The Parish Council have decided to leave it to the Enforcement Team at WODC to deal with it. Tracey to contact land registry to get title documents |
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – No Meeting is scheduled Date of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 2nd September @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall |