
January 2017 Minutes

Minutes 2017 Uploaded on May 1, 2021

Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on

Thursday 5th January 2017.

Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair), Cllr A Thomas, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Mitchell, Cllr B King, Cllr C Mathew (OCC) three members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.


Cllr P Kelland, Cllr Ed James and Cllr P Emery (WODC).


The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared.


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st December were approved.


a) Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington. The Clerk stated that there were no incidents reported in Cassington..

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting.

i) Contact WODC re kebab and fish and chip vans. WODC have responded to the Clerk saying there are no roads in Cassington that are restricted to vendors and they can trade as as long as they have a food registration certificate. Resolved to ask WODC if the       council can apply a restriction to The Green so vendors can be monitored to ensure this  trading does not impact on existing businesses. Clerk to action.

ii).Contact Worton re advertising in CAWN . Cllr Thomas has approached Worton Farm who will place a half page advert in CAWN.

iii) Ask WODC tree officer advice on tree overhanging MUGA pitch. The council’s tree officer has provided advice to the Clerk and the tree can be cut back or removed if necessary. A member of the Sports & Social Club will now cut back the tree.

(iv & v)Talk to the Sports and Social club re cutting of hedges on field.:Cllr Perrin. Thank resident who has cut back the overhanging hedges and trees by railings on Yarnton road. Bring forward to next meeting as Cllr Perrin has been hospitalised.

vi) Ask neighbour if blower is able to remove leaves from MUGA pitch. Cllr King. Action no longer required.

c) To agree a grant of £400 to the Sports &Social Club for repairs to the water supply to the sports pavilion this being half the cost of the works. Resolved to confirm the agreement to necessary urgent repairs with the work undertaken by Perrin Builders at cost of £325 (below the £400 estimate).John Perrin has carried out the work and pipework is now awaiting connection by Thames Water.

d) To consider a response to the A40 road improvements consultation by Oxfordshire County Council. The recent display of road proposals was discussed and it was agreed the council welcomes the proposed closure of Horsemere Lane as shown on the plan but would like to see the introduction of a slip road going east at  the A 40 junction. This would prevent the build up of traffic in the village. Clerk to respond to the county council accordingly.


a) Invitation to join the Witney Oxford Transport group- Parish Council Consultation – Tuesday 24th January 2017. This was discussed and it agreed to support the proposals for improved transport in the area. Cllr Mitchell and Cllr A Thomas will attend the meeting at Freeland Village hall.

b) Invitation from Robert Coults MP to attend a parish tour. It was agreed that councilors would meet with the MP on a date to be agreed subject to further contact from his office.

c) Consultation from BT on proposed closure of the telephone box outside the Red Lion. BT had written giving details of all telephone boxes  in the area that were underused including the box outside the Red Lion where no calls were made in the last year. Resolved to agree no objection to the removal of the phone box.


Cllr Mathew said proposals for an Oxfordshire Unitary Authority are being drawn up combining the work of the county and district councils reducing the number of councillors and officers. It is thought that existing councillors may be reluctant to vote for this as they may lose their seat.




A member of the public reported that there was a pothole appearing at the A40 junction and water was again puddling at the junction. Cllr Thomas will report this to ‘Fix My Street’. Vehicles were again speeding along Eynsham Rd from the A40.Cllr Thomas said this would be tackled again by the Speedwatch team. A member of the public expressed concern about the status of the footpath running north alongside Thornfield.  Cllr Mathew suggested that the person get in contact with Footpaths Officer Dan Weekes for advice who is based at Eynsham.


No items to report. Cllr H Thomas and Cllr A Thomas will arrange a time to inspect    the ditches at the field on the end of Mill Lane.


 a)  To consider an estimate from Cassington Landscapes for Church Lane –planting

Two quotations were received for clearing the area of weeds and planting  Cotoneaster ground cover shrubs at a cost of £400 or £680. It was decided to seek additional quotations to be obtained by Cllr Perrin and Cllr King whose neighbour’s undertake landscaping work,

10/17 TRAFFIC:

a) Poor visibility at Bell Lane Junction petition for vision mirror. There has been only one response to the article in CAWN calling for a mirror to be placed at this junction, therefore it was decided not to proceed with the proposal. A complaint was also received from a resident about the lack of white lining at this junction. The county council will include this for consideration in their lining programme for the next financial year. Cllr A Thomas to inform resident of this outcome. A speed watch will also be carried near this junction.

b) Update on Worton Farm junction. Cllr H Thomas reported that there had been   no response to his emails to county council engineers calling for a meeting to discuss the roundabout proposal. He now intended to raise the matter with councils transport spokesman David Nimmo Smith, if no progress was made he will contact the media.

11/17 PLAY AREA: Inspection report by WODC. This report had identified some wear and tear with the baby swing. It was agreed to monitor this.  

a)    Payments:

It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget.

WODC Play area inspection report  £43.20

WODC Grass cutting Village Green  £62.63

Grant to Sports & Social club -John Perrin builders 50% of repairs to water pipe


Line marking to village hall –no invoice received.







a) APPLICATION NO: 16/03476/FUL PROPOSAL 10 Manor Close: Remove existing garage including first floor access structure. New two storey side extension to form a self contained annexe. New garage repositioned, to include two parking bays and one secured bay. Confirmation of decision- RESOLVED No objection

b) Mid Month Planning meeting: This was agreed for Tuesday 17th January at 8pm in the Red Lion.

14/17 AOB: None  


15/17 Date of Next meeting:

This was agreed for Thursday 2nd February 2017 and the following meeting was agreed for Thursday 9th March in the Village Hall.