Minutes of a Meeting held at The Village Hall 7.30 pm on
Thursday 7th February 2018
Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Clerk Mrs T Cameron, Cllr C Rylett (WODC), Cllr P Kellend (WODC)and 4 members of the public |
Cllr E James (WODC), & Cllr C Mathew (OCC), |
No Declaration |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th January were approved. |
a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington COURIER FRAUD **Please make sure your elderly or vulnerable relatives and neighbours are aware of this scam** Fraudsters are contacting victims by telephone and purporting to be a police officer or bank official. To substantiate this claim, the caller might be able to confirm some easily obtainable basic details about the victim such as their full name and address. They may also offer a telephone number for the victim to call to check that they are genuine; this number is not genuine and simply redirects to the fraudster who pretends to be a different person. After some trust has been established, the fraudster will then, for example, suggest; – Some money has been removed from a victim’s bank account and staff at their local bank branch are responsible. – Suspects have already been arrested but the “police” need money for evidence. – A business such as a jewellers or currency exchange is operating fraudulently and they require assistance to help secure evidence. Victims are then asked to cooperate in an investigation by attending their bank and withdrawing money, withdrawing foreign currency from an exchange or purchasing an expensive item to hand over to a courier for examination who will also be a fraudster. Again, to reassure the victim, a safe word might be communicated to the victim so the courier appears genuine. At the time of handover, unsuspecting victims are promised the money they’ve handed over or spent will be reimbursed but in reality, there is no further contact and the money is never seen again. Quad Theft Between the 13th and 14th of Jan, farm buildings in Churchill Chipping Norton were broken into and a quad bike stolen. Advice Issued to Residents Following Multiple Purse Thefts in Cherwell And West Oxon Thames Valley Police is issuing crime prevention advice to residents across Cherwell & West Oxon following multiple incidents of purse theft. The most common kind of purse theft is known as ‘handbag dipping’. This is where offenders remove purses from handbags left unzipped or unattended. Bank cards are often stolen and used by offenders very quickly, often even before the victim realises the purse has been taken. Burglary in Charlbury And Enstone Police are investigating a burglary which occurred today in Charlbury on Enstone Road near to Hundley way. This happened at approximately 16:15hrs and it’s thought that the offenders were disturbed by the house alarm. Two males were seen running off and got into a Black VW Golf. Burglaries West Oxfordshire Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following two burglaries in Witney yesterday 19/01/19 The first burglary occurred between 19.30 – 21- 21.45 on Mill Street Witney. Offenders gained access to the property by smashing a back door and taking items from the house including the occupant’s vehicle an Audi S5 in blue. The second burglary occurred in Chestnut Close Witney between, 11.30 – 22.30. Offenders have once again gain access to the house by smashing a rear kitchen window. Offenders have taken cash and jewellery. A further 3 burglaries have occurred yesterday in Charlbury, Enstone and Chipping Norton. It is unclear at this time if these burglaries are linked but we would ask residents to report any suspicious activity or vehicles in the area. Burglary in Freeland There was a Burglary in Wroslyn Road, Freeland yesterday (20/1/19) between 1320hrs and 1545hrs. Entrance was gained by smashing a back door. Did anybody see or hear anything suspicious around this time? Appeal for Witnesses Following Multiple Burglaries in Witney And Surrounding Areas Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following ten burglaries in Witney and the surrounding areas. The incidents, which are all believed to be linked, all took place between Monday 14 January and Sunday 20 January. All incidents involved the offenders gaining entry to properties by smashing a window or door. Cash, jewellery and vehicles have been stolen during the burglaries. Burglary in Woodstock Between 1330hrs on 17/1/19 and 1206hrs on 21/01/19 a Burglary took place in a house in Ashford Close, Woodstock. Entry was gained by smashing a back window. Burglary Sheep Street Burford Between the 23/01/2019 and the 29/01/19 while the occupants were absent offender’s unknown have entered the property by climbing over garages then up a trellis onto the roof then forcing a rear facing kitchen window and conducting an untidy search of the inside. While there the offenders have closed all the curtains in the property. If you saw anything in the area or noticed the curtains closed on a particular date please get in touch. Could I suggest that if you are leaving your property for a period of time get it checked regularly and make your neighbours aware. Minidigger Thefts Mini diggers and trailers stolen overnight 5th-6th of Feb from the Cotswold Hotel and Spa overflow car park next to the London Road, Chipping Norton. b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting – i) War Memorial – The work has now finished. The contractor has submitted his invoice. Tracey will take pictures and send them to the War Memorial Trust. ii) CCTV – Tracey is still looking into a way that the village can have CCTV. Tracey is going to contact CCTV companies for advice and maybe quotes. iii) Street Lighting – There was a request made at the last meeting with regards to the village getting street lighting. Tracey contacted OCC and WODC and was advised that the street lights cost £2k +VAT each and that if the village wanted them, they would have to pay for them. Cllr Thomas added that he had received emails from various residents of the village all stating that they did not want to have street lights but up in the village. iv) Previous Planning Application – The erection of a single-story rear and two storey side extension with the addition of a chimney stack. Open for comment icon 2 The Tennis Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4EL Ref. No: 18/03148/HHD | Validated: Tue 20 Nov 2018 | Status: Decided Erection of single storey rear extension. 8 Orchard Close Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4BU Ref. No: 18/03409/HHD | Validated: Sat 24 Nov 2018 | Status: Decided c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – A resident in the village is going to repair the roof. Materials that were needed have been donated by Alan Aston. The new windows have now been installed and the same contractor will replace the facia boards and guttering. Cllr Butlin is meeting with plumbers to get quotes on replacing the showers and the plumbing. We are also hoping to replace the flooring. We have around £25k to spend on the pavilion. £20k from the Section 106 payment and another £5k from Blenheim. Cllr Thomas has also suggested that we use some of the money to purchase movable goal posts. Suzi Lewis is also trying to sort out new equipment for the playing field. They have received a quote from Proludic. Tracey has also been asked to find two other quotes so that we have comparable quotes. We also need plans so that we can forward them on to WODC so that they know what they need to inspect and that the equipment is in a safe place. d) Benches – The benches will be done hopefully over the next few weeks e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – No requests have been made. f) Manor Farm – Works are continuing. Cllr Thomas has spoken to the foreman and that there shouldn’t be any more road works. They have advised that they will fix all the pieces of grass that have been ruined due to the road works. g) Horsemere Lane Closure – Still out for consultation at the moment. |
No Correspondence |
a) Carl Rylett – Cllr Rylett and Cllr Kellend went on a site visit to Bicester with regards to the Garden Village they also visited an Eco Village. There were houses that you could design yourself or have it designed for you. Elms Brook had cars around the outside of the village as no cars were allowed. Raven Hill had no gardens but had garages for cars. Cllr Rylett also mentioned the recycling bins in Eynsham. He advised that it was quite untidy and that he had had it tidied it up. Cllr Rylett attending a Planning and Scrutiny meeting at WODC. Unico who took over the recycling in 2017 have advised that they have spent more than £1 million pounds than they had bid for. WODC has to pick up that cost. The reason for this was because they didn’t fully take into account the cost of labour. Peter Kellend – Cllr Kellend advised that all of the building work that has been done at Reynolds Farm will have to have retrospective planning permission and It will go before the planning committee. He has also advised of a scheme that is being pushed by Thames Valley Police called Ask Angela. This is where if someone is in a public place like a pub, club, restaurant etc and they feel threatened or scared because of certain group of people or person then they can go to a member of staff and ask for Angela. That member of staff will take the out the back of the establishment and put them into a taxi home or call the police away from the person or persons that they are scared of. b) Neighbourhood Watch – The Eynsham Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) which currently acts as the area liaison group with Thames Valley Police, is to be renamed the Community Forum Group (CFG) this is to happen in 2019. Broadly the CFG will continue to liaise with TVP as it does currently, but with recent difficulties with reduced budgets and its impact on local policing in the Eynsham Area, a different approach is to be developed. Additionally, it is hoped that the new approach will also encompass an expanded role for the group in local community affairs. The first meeting of the CFG will be on 18th February 2019, this to be at the Bartholomew rooms in Eynsham village square. This will be an initial planning meeting to determine, at least in the first months, what role will be filled by the group. In general meetings will be approximately every 8 weeks, for the main committee any sub groups formed will determine their own schedules. Because of the proposed expanded community role any local business or charity, or individual living in the area will be welcome to volunteer to join the group as it develops. c) Speedwatch – This will begin again soon. Will be starting again in the summer |
Fred has advised that he has been getting calls from scammers advising that he is going to be cut off if he doesn’t make a payment. The new landlady and landlord of the Chequers have been introduced in the meeting. |
There is a meeting organised with Thames Water on 12th February at 1pm. Cllr Thomas has asked Thames Water for a report that was written due to engineers walking the line of the pipe to check it. Thames Water have advised that there is no report. |
Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council. |
27/19 | TRAFFIC: | |||||||||||||||||||
28/19 | PLAY AREA/PLAY FIELD | |||||||||||||||||||
29/19 | FINANCE
a) Payments:
b) Income:
APPLICATION NO: 19/00063/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of detached dwelling and carport. LOCATION: 39 Eynsham Road Cassington Witney APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs P Woolford REGISTERED: 9th January 2019 |
i) Lease on the Playing Field – Tracey has spoken too local solicitors with regards to the lease. It looks as if it will cost roughly £6000. Tracey to contact Mandy to get new trustees details. ii) OCC adopting road in Cassington (Cllr Metcalf) – Cllr Metcalf is still looking into this. For OCC to adopt a road the road needs to be in a good state of repair. iii) Accountancy Package –It was agreed that Tracey was to have a demo done by both Scribe and also RBS and was to determine what package she thought would be better for the accounts. It was also agreed that Cllr Metcalf would check the accounts every 6 months for the benefit of the internal auditors. iv) Broken Fence by the ditch of Elm Road and Yarnton Road – This was fixed by Cllr Butlin v) Clerk Pay to increase from 1st April 2019 – The Clerks pay will increase to £11.22. vi) Meeting with Parish Councils and WODC 7th March – Tracey and Julie to attend. The Parish Council meeting to be moved to 14th March. Tracey to report back of the meeting in the March Council Meeting. vii) Green Bins for the Churchyard – It was agreed that the Parish Council would buy 2 licenses for the churchyard. viii) Clerk Year Training 27th March – The Council agreed that Tracey could attend this course. ix) Worton Farms Annual Meeting 27th March @ 10am – Cllr Thomas has advised that he will go. Cllr Metcalf has advised that he will try and take it also. x) Park and Ride Bus Lane – A consultation for the park and ride. This is due to start in November 2019. |
32/19 | Date of Next meeting:
Mid-Month Planning meeting on 19th February @ 8pm in The Chequers This was agreed for Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall |