
March 2019 Minutes

Minutes 2019 Uploaded on April 26, 2021

Minutes of a Meeting held at The Village Hall 7.30 pm on

Thursday 14th March 2018


Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr J Perrin, Cllr C Metcalf, Clerk Mrs T Cameron, Cllr C Rylett (WODC), and 1 member of the public


Cllr P Kellend (WODC) & Cllr C Mathew (OCC),


No Declaration


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th January 2019 were approved.


a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington

Vehicle Crime Burford

Today Friday 22/02/2019 we have had three Vans broken into and items stolen in the Burford area between 11.30 & 13.30 hours males unknown have forced two vans near the Old Brewery a Peugeot and a Vauxhall and another in the Car Park of the Carpenters in Fulbrook

A Silver 4×4 Chrysler Jeep was seen in the area.

Robbery A44 Woodstock

On Thursday 28th February 2019 at approximately 1145hrs, a Robbery took place on the pavement at the Vermont Drive junction with the A44 in Woodstock. If anyone saw or heard anything or has any dashcam of two/three males attacking a person around this time.

Increase In Cold Callers

Over the past 2 weeks, Oxfordshire Trading Standards has seen an increase in cold callers offering products and services such as roofing, gardening and selling mattresses door to door.

Our advice is:

If you’re not sure don’t open the door.

1. Use a door chain to check who’s calling.

2. Don’t trade on the door step & never hand over money up-front or pay cash

3. Ask a trusted friend or family member for advice on reputable traders.

4. Display a “No Cold Calling” sticker outside your door.

5. Always report any suspicious activity.

Tool Thefts From Vans Across West Oxon

There has been a rise in tool thefts from vans in the West Oxfordshire area.

We are advising van owners to secure their vans and tools as follows:

• Register & mark your tools via

• Secure your vehicle when left unattended

• Install a dash cam or CCTV

• Park against a wall

• Use dead locks or security cages

• Remove all valuables & tools

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting –

i) War Memorial – This has now been completed.  Tracey is waiting till we have a nice day to take a photo and send it to the Imperial War Museum for them to attached to their website. Tracey is also waiting to hear back from the War Memorial Trust as to when the grant will be paid. They do have a long waiting time at the moment as they are quiet busy. 

ii) Previous Planning Application –

Erection of detached dwelling and carport. 

39 Eynsham Road Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DJ

Ref. No: 19/00063/FUL | Validated: Wed 09 Jan 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

c) Playing Field – Sports Pavilion Improvements – Cllr Thomas has advised that they are now part way through the renovations. The roof has been finished.  The new windows and doors have been installed, and a new soffit has been added. The plasterers have been in to do the shower room, they have also fixed some of the rendering around the outside of the pavilion. The benches and shower trays are going to be removed so that the new flooring will cover the whole area.  The plumbers are going in to change the hot water supply.  He is also changing the shower units and sanitary wear. They would like to get the Pavilion to finished by the end of May as the Sports and Social have a big event planned on 15th June 2019 due to it being 65 years that the Pavilion has been in Cassington. We are also hoping that we can get the new play area finished by that time as well so that it can all tie in together.

We have also received the £5000 from Blenheim which means that we have almost £25k to do the renovations on the Pavilion.

We have a quote for new benches.  The electrician is installing new electrics.  They are installing PIR lights in the changing rooms

d) Benches – The benches on the Green and by the War Memorial have been put in by Cllr Butlin and Cllr Thomas. The one by the Red Lion will be put in soon.  The plaques will also be attached to the benches.

e) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorial – One request for added subscription with regards to Mrs Humpries – inscription to read Megan Ann Humpries 1932 – 2018 reunited.

Email from Reeves & Pain Funeral Services Mrs Bird would like to add a flat memorial stone to the grave of Mr Robin Bird.

f) Manor Farm – This seems to be moving along well. The roof trusses are up for the houses.

g) Horsemere Lane Closure/Freedom of Information Request – This has now gone out for the 2nd consultation and is due to end on 5th April. The Parish Council has received a Freedom of Information Request from one of the residents in the village.  As we have not received one before Cllr Thomas has contacted WODC to get some advice and Tracey has contact OALC.

This was the list of questions and answers on how to proceed from OALC:

·         Copies of all correspondence relating to the proposed closure – we would need clarification here because you will not hold all correspondence

·         Copies of all minutes – Minutes are held on the Cassington Website

·         Copies of all traffic surveys and analysis – As this is something that OCC do so will need to direct the person to their website

·         Copies of all notices distributed to parishioners – All notices are sent to the clerk by OCC so the requester would need to contact OCC again.

·         Copies of referendum questions etc. – This was done by the Parish Council and was reflected in the minutes of the meeting and CAWN

·         Copies of notices, the distribution group and the methods of advertising to publicly disclose the meeting held on 1st June – you should take care with this one not to disclose personal information

 Cllr Thomas does have the voting slips and is willing to let the requester see them.  There were 4 questions asked at the time

1) Close the lane off to all vehicles

2) Close the lane in the mornings 7am – 9am

3)Ask OCC to come up with a plan to ensure safety of pedestrians

4) Keep the road open

The reason that the referendum was done was that OCC wanted to close the lane and the Parish Council advised them that they couldn’t do it without the residents being asked first and the majority of the residents wanted it closed.


 No Correspondence


a) Carl Rylett – Cllr Rylett advised that he had been to a meeting that was run by WODC on Thursday 7th March.  This meeting was about the new housing that is being built and also there was speakers from Age UK and OCC Data Analysis here was an interactive session. The lady from Age UK brought up a scheme where there are elderly people living in houses that are too big for them share with someone in the health sector.  Who are on hand to help them if needed but also have somewhere cheaper to rent.

Oxfordshire Plan 2050 which is done by OCC from 2030 – 2050 the consultation period for that ends on 25th March.

Cllr Rylett has been to various meetings with regards to the Garden Village.  He has also been on some site visits to Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Welwyn Garden City.

The proposed cycle lane between Eynsham and Botley has been put back due to funding.

Eynsham Parish Council has decided to adopt a Climate Change Policy.

Cllr Butlin – Brought up that he had a slight issue with an article in CAWN. He felt that it was suggesting that the Parish Council didn’t know how to manage the money that they have.

He also brought up that he will have a look at the notice board by the school as Tracey had mentioned that water was still getting into it and making the backing mouldy again.

b) Neighbourhood Watch – One of the residents had his van broken into.  Luckily, he had removed his tools so there wasn’t anything to take.

There was a car in the village that was acting suspiciously, a resident took the number plate and it was passed to the police.

On Thursday 7th March the Nottingham Knockers were seen again in the village.  A resident contacted Cllr Perrin to advise her that he had seen them.  A member of the neighbourhood watch team got a description of the occupants of a Peugeot and the registration number which was reported to 999.  There was also a white van that was found in Bell Close. We need to make residents aware that people knocking on doors need to have a peddlers licence.

Cllr Perrin received a text message from a new resident that she is being kept awake at night by a drone.  She thinks that it is coming from the other side of the A40.  But they are coming into her garden. Cllr Perrin has advised her that if it keeps happening then she is to contact the police.

Phil Workman who is currently the PCSO for Cassington will be retiring soon and Helen Keen will be returning as the PCSO.

c) Speedwatch – This will begin again soon.  Will be starting again in the summer


A member of the public advised that some of the lorries that are for the Blenheim development having a hard time turning due to cars being parked on the road.

They have advised that they have seen people using the right-hand lane on the A40 coming from Oxford as a lane to carry on rather than to turn right into Cassington

They have also advised that they are getting scam calls with regards to their phone bill.


After the meeting with Thames water Cllr Thomas received an email from them advising that the valves that were installed will stop the village from flooding again.  The valves have sensors on them so that they know where the leak is.  Cllr Thomas have advised that it’s the main that is the problem.  We requested that a senior manager look again at the problem and have been advised that they have and that they stand by the original decision. Cllr Thomas thinks that we should contact Ofwhat and tell them what has happened and that the village isn’t happy with the response from Thames Water.


Can people please look at using the Fix My Street section on the WODC website before they contact the Parish Council.

43/19 TRAFFIC:

There is a problem with the sewer along the Yarnton Road by the electricity station so the road has been dug up and they will be working on it for 14 days.  They have installed 4r way traffic lights.


Suzi has got most of the things needed to proceed with the new equipment.  We are awaiting to hear from WODC the amount of the grant that we will receive.

Tracey has sent the map of the play area to WODC playground inspectors to check that everything is going in the right place.

Tracey will contact other Parish Councils to find out how much it is going to cost for the maintenance of the zip wire.


a)    Payments:

Name Reason Amount
M4 Improvements Ltd Windows and doors for the Pavilion £10292.80
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary £509.88
WP Coates Plastering of the shower room in the Pavilion £640
RL Roofing Repairs and Maintenance for the Pavilion roof £500
Edmunds Electrical Electrical Supplies for the Pavilion £924.72
OPFA Membership £42.00
OALC Membership £142.45
WODC Grass Cutting 30/10/2018 £66.90
Community First Membership £55.00
James Mackintosh War Memorial £903.70
WODC Playground Inspection £46.14
Hugh Thomas Refreshments for Thames Water Meeting £12.50

b) Income:

Individual/Company Amount
Blenheim £5000

Cllr Thomas advised that security cameras are to be fitted to the Pavilion.  It is a 4-camera kit with a recording unit inside.  He has had a quote from screw fix for £349.97. Cllr Perrin has an account with screw fix and will purchase and give the invoice to the Tracey for next month.



PROPOSAL: External alterations to the fenestration of the main dwelling and the erection of and alternations to the annex and garage (part retrospective)

LOCATION: 61 Eynsham Road, Cassington, Witney

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Johnson

REGISTERED: 4th March 2019


i) Land Registry re Church Lane/Pound Lane – Cllr Metcalf advised that he had contacted OCC with regards to adopting the road.  He said that they have told him that only the owner of the road can apply for it to be adopted. But it will need to be brought up to OCC road standards.  OCC also sent Cllr Metcalf a map showing who owns the roads in Cassington and Church Lane isn’t on there.

ii) Enter Village of the Year – Tracey made the suggestion that the village should start entering maybe next year as we have had the War Memorial done and also the development on Manor Farm will be complete and also the Pavilion.

iii) Housing Needs Survey – Cllr Thomas spoke to Blenheim with regards to them building any affordable housing in the village as they have brought the property in Elms Road and are looking at doing some development there.  Before Blenheim can do that, we need to have a housing needs survey done.

iv) Accountancy Package – Tracey had a demo with RBS and advised that it is pretty much like a basic version of Sage.  It was agreed that Tracey to contact them and get the package.

v) Cassington Parochial Charities – Tracey received and email from Michael Linnell with regards to the trustees, Ian Walters and Yvonne Wright are due to finish their trusteeship on 14th July and are happy to stand again with the agreeance of the Parish Council.  This was discussed and agreed that if they are happy to stand again then the Parish Council has no objections.  Tracey to email Mike and advise him of the Parish Councils decision.

vi) Ubic continuing on as grounds maintenance – Tracey received and email advising that Dave Austin has retired. Cllr Thomas has advised that he will contact the new contact to advise him of the previous agreement that the Parish Council had that we would give them 10 days notice if we needed to have the grass cut.

vii) Traffic Lights on A40 – Cllr Thomas has spoken to a resident who has made him aware that the lights do not give people enough time to cross the A40 as they are not linked and that people are often stuck in the middle without much safety from passing cars.

Cllr Perrin gave feedback with regards to a smell that had come over the village.  It seems that they were putting stuff over the fields.



48/19 Date of Next meeting:

Mid-Month Planning meeting on 26th March @ 8pm in The Red Lion

This was agreed for Thursday 4th April 2019 at 7.30pm in The Village Hall