Agenda for Cassington Parish Council Meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday
7th December 2017, in the Village Hall.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd November 2017.
4. Matters arising:-
a) Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington/ Neighbourhood watch update.
b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting
c) Appointment of new Clerk -update
d) To note Grant awards by Sport England and WODC Community Facilities Award
5. Correspondence.
a) Notication of external auditor appointment Moore Stephens
6. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors.
7. Questions from the Public.
8. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding.
9. Maintenance/ Grants.
10. Traffic.
11. Play Area/ Playing Field:
a) To consider quotations for replacement boarding on the Play Area.
12. Finance.
a) Payments to be approved:
Reimbursement to David Casey for purchase of lap top computer from Systems and Solutions Witney. |
£598.75 |
Clare Want Clearance of Little Lane next to school | £ |
WODC grass cutting | £63.62 |
SLCC membership renewal | £84 |
St Peter’s School Hire of room | £25 |
Clerk salary and expenses | £ |
b) Income
Planning Applications- for a decision
a) Appl No 17/03635/S73 Non compliance with condition 2 of planning permission16/00592/Ful to allow change to approved plans –Jericho Farm Worton.
b) Appl No 1600592/Ful Change of use and alteration and extension Class B1 (a) office accommodation to 3 dwellings. Erection of double garage amended plan.
c) Date for mid-month planning meeting.
13. To agree the date of the next meeting on 4th January 2018
David Casey
Clerk to the Parish Council.