Agenda for Cassington Parish Council Meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday
12th April 2018, in the Village Hall.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th March 2018.
4. Matters arising: –
a) Thames Valley Police Alerts –notification of incidents in Cassington/ Neighbourhood watch update.
b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting.
i) Hedge Trimming has been put off to the next half term holiday due to bad weather.
ii) Ambulance Service – Defribulator
iii) Replace the backing of the Notice Board
iv) Church Green Waste Bin – £30 per bin
v) School Wall – Report from James Mackintosh that the wall was safe
vi) External Backup for the laptop documents
c) Horsemere Lane – Update
d) Playing Field
i) Update Sports England Grant.
ii) Grant applications by the S&SC.
iii) Sports Pavilion improvements.
e) Benches
f) Manor Farm
i) Photos have been taken. Report to be done
ii) Blenheim have had to check back on certain planning conditions
iii) When work starts their working hours will be 7.30 – 17.00
g) Request for Headstones by Banbury Memorials.
h) Gas main laying in Pound and Church Lanes.
5. Correspondence
a) Consultation on Further Modifications to the Submission Draft West Oxon Local Plan.
b) Air Space Consultation period has closed.
6. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors.
a) Neighbourhood Watch
7. Questions from the Public.
8. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding.
9. Maintenance/ Grants.
10. Traffic
11. Play Area/ Playing Field:
12. Finance.
a) Payments to be approved:
Individual/Company | Reason | Amount | Cheque No |
David Casey | Clerk Remuneration | £742.11 | |
Village Hall | Council Meeting | £22.75 | |
Village Hall | Council Meeting | £48.00 | |
James Mackintosh | Little Lane Wall | £120.00 | |
Tracey Cameron Feb-Mar | Clerk Remuneration | £235.85 | |
Tracey Cameron Mar-Apr | Clerk Remuneration |
b) Income: None
13. Planning Applications-
a) Alan Aston Roofing supplies planning application. Presentation Paul Snell.
b) Date for mid-month planning meeting.
14. Any other business.
15. Date of next meeting:
Parish Council Meeting 10th May at The Village Hall
Annual Parish Meeting 17th May at The Village Hall
Tracey Cameron
Clerk to the Parish Council.