Darcey Whitlock
01993 861697
Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 24th December 2021.
PROPOSAL: Proposed basement extension, replace existing timber framed windows and doors
with new double glazed metal framed windows and doors; change one of the south
facing ground floor windows to a door set
LOCATION: The Granary Jericho Farm Worton
APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Ivanovic
REGISTERED: 29th December 2021
I have received this application for permission to develop under the above act. If your council would like to
comment on this application, please do so as soon as possible before the end of the consultation deadline
above. You can view details of this application on the Consultee Access where you can make comments
online and keep up to date with the progress of the application. Alternatively you can email your comments
to planning@westoxon.gov.uk or write to Planning at the above address.
Please note that your comments are not confidential and will be made public on our website. For further
guidance on commenting on planning applications, see our website www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning.
Yours faithfully
Darcey Whitlock