You are summoned to attend Cassington Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 4th February at the Village Hall, The Green.
Agenda & Summons
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
- Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd December 2021
- Presentation by Charlie Maynard re the new Railway
- Matters arising
a) Thames Valley Police Alerts – notification of incidents in and around Cassington
b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting:
- Horsemere Lane/Cassington Lights
- War Memorial (clerk suggests that we get an independent quote for replacement)
- Tree outside Cllr Thomas House – We need to check that we can get planning permission to remove the tree before we order one to replace it.
- Planning
Previous Planning Application Decisions
20/01734/OUT | Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham | Grosvenor Developments Ltd | UNDER CONSIDERATION | |
R3.0034/21 | A40 | Dualling of a 3.2km section of the A40 between the Hill Farm Junction to the proposed Eynsham Park and Ride and upgrade to shared path on northern verge, ii) widening of existing carriageway to provide dedicated eastbound and westbound priority bus lanes along 6.5km section between proposed Park and Ride and Duke’s Cut iii) capacity and connectively improvements over three bridges and a culvert at Dukes Cut to enable eastbound bus lane over the bridges at A40 between Witney and Duke’s Cut | Oxfordshire County Council | AWAITING DECISION |
21/03030/LBC 21/03029/HHD | Lime Cottage Bell Lane Cassington | Single storey and 1 1/2 storey extensions, interior remodelling, amendment to driveway and boundary fencing | Mr I Humphrey | UNDER CONSIDERATION |
21/03845/HHD | The Granary Jericho Farm Worton | Proposed basement extension, replace existing timber framed windows and doors with new double-glazed metal framed windows and doors; change one of the south facing ground floor windows to a door set | Mr & Mrs Ivanovic | UNDER CONSIDERATION |
21/04050/HHD | 2 Bell Lane Cassington Witney | Replacement Ground Floor Rear Extension and Formation of new First Floor Extension | Ms C Waters | AWAITING DECISION |
21/04051/HHD | 3 Bell Lane Cassington Witney | First Floor Rear Extension | Mr & Mrs D Wright | AWAITING DECISION |