
Website Policy

Policies & Procedures Uploaded on March 11, 2021

Cassington Parish Council

This policy was considered at a Parish Council meeting on 4th March 2021 and will be reviewed in two years or sooner should legislation dictate.

Website Policy


  1. To provide a useful, accessible, online resource and information point for the benefit of all as a statutory duty in relation to the Transparency Regulations.
  2. To raise awareness of the Parish Council.
  3. To disseminate Parish Council and other Regional Government information and notices.
  4. To ensure all website entries are co-ordinated.
  5. To provide a single reference point for residents of, and visitors to, Cassington Parish Council.

To include 

  1. To provide accessible timely information about forthcoming events within the village.
  2. To display Parish Council contact details and Member List.
  3. To display statutory documents and notices, including Agenda, Minutes, associated meeting papers and annual accounts.
  4. To provide news and articles to promote the activities of the Parish Council and other formal village groups.
  5. To provide contact information and links to other regional and national government organisations.



  1. All costs of website hosting, domain name & management to be met by the Parish Council.



  1. The domain name of the website to be
  2. Cassington Parish Council to retain overall responsibility for the content of the website.
  3. Day to day management, monitoring and approval of content (where necessary) to be delegated to the Parish Clerk who will be the Web Editor.
  4. Input and website administration to be provided by Netwise as Web Master.
  5. Two members of the Parish Council to review the content on the website annually and report to the Parish Council.
  6. To comply with best practice on public websites the policy is to generally avoid presenting any names of individuals or businesses on the site itself. If for any reason it is considered necessary or appropriate to do so then the explicit permission of the individuals concerned will be acquired in advance of any posting, ideally in writing.

Should it be deemed appropriate to make announcements regarding any recently deceased individuals then the permission of the next of kin or family will be acquired, ideally in writing.

  1. The website will be backed up monthly and maintenance carried out to ensure the latest updates are installed.

Legal responsibility

  1. A Disclaimer to be added to each page as follows:


Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this Website are correct at time of publication. The Council or editor cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions and changes to information subsequent to publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means unless with the permission of the publisher beforehand.

  1. All photographs published should have the permission of the copyright holder.
  2. General photographs of village events may be included, provided notices warn that photographs are being taken and may be included on the website.
  3. Where images of children (14 years and under) are taken that are easily identifiable, then written parental consent should be obtained.