
Retention and Disposal Policy

Policies & Procedures Uploaded on September 17, 2024

Cassington Parish Council

Retention and Disposal Policy

1.            Introduction

  • The Council accumulates a vast amount of information and data during the course of its everyday activities. This includes data generated internally in addition to information obtained from individuals and external organisations. This information is recorded in various different types of


  • Records created and maintained by the Council are an important asset and as such measures need to be undertaken to safeguard this Properly managed records provide authentic and reliable evidence of the Council’s transactions and are necessary to ensure it can demonstrate accountability.


  • Documents may be retained in either ‘hard’ paper form or in electronic forms. For the purpose of this policy, ‘document’ and ‘record’ refers to both hard copy and electronic records.


  • It is imperative that documents are retained for an adequate period of If documents  are destroyed prematurely the Council and individual officers concerned could face prosecution for not complying with legislation and it could cause operational difficulties, reputational damage and difficulty in defending any claim brought against the Council.


  • In contrast to the above the Council should not retain documents longer than is necessary. Timely disposal should be undertaken to ensure compliance with the  General  Data Protection Regulations so that personal information is not retained longer than This will also ensure the most efficient use of limited storage space.

2.            Scope and Objectives of the Policy

  • The aim of this document is to provide a working framework to determine which documents are:
    • Retained – and for how long; or
    • Disposed of – and if so by what
  • There are some records that do not need to be kept at all or that are routinely destroyed in the course of business. This usually applies to information that is duplicated, unimportant or only of a short-term value. Unimportant records of information include:
    • ‘With compliments’
    • Catalogues and trade
    • Non-acceptance of
    • Trivial electronic mail messages that are not related to Council business.
    • Requests for information such as maps, plans or advertising
    • Out of date distribution
  • Duplicated and superseded material such as stationery, manuals, drafts, forms, address books and reference copies of annual reports may be
  • Records should not be destroyed if the information can be used as evidence

to prove that something has happened. If destroyed the disposal needs to be  disposed of  under the General Data Protection Regulations

3.            Roles and Responsibilities for Document Retention and Disposal

  • Councils are responsible for determining whether to retain or dispose of documents and should undertake a review of documentation at least on an annual basis to ensure that any unnecessary documentation being held is disposed of under the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Councils should ensure that all employees are aware of the retention/disposal

4.            Document Retention Protocol

  • Councils should have in place an adequate system for documenting the activities of their service. This system should take into account the legislative and regulatory environments to which they
  • Records of each activity should be complete and accurate enough to allow employees and their successors to undertake appropriate actions in the context of their responsibilities to:
    • Facilitate an audit or examination of the business by anyone so
    • Protect the legal and other rights of the Council, its clients and any other persons  affected by its
    • Verify individual consent to record, manage and record disposal of their personal
    • Provide authenticity of the records so that the evidence derived from them  is shown to be credible and
  • To facilitate this the following principles should be adopted:
    • Records created and maintained should be arranged in a record-keeping system that will enable quick and easy retrieval of information under the General Data Protection Regulations
    • Documents that are no longer required for operational purposes but need retaining should be placed at the records
  • The retention schedules in Appendix A: List of Documents for Retention or Disposal provide guidance on the recommended minimum retention periods for specific classes of documents and records. These schedules have been compiled from recommended best practice from the Public Records Office, the Records Management Society of Great Britain and in accordance with relevant
  • Whenever there is a possibility of litigation, the records and information that are likely to be affected should not be amended or disposed of until the threat of litigation has been removed.

5.            Document Disposal Protocol

  • Documents should only be disposed of if reviewed in accordance with the following:
    • Is retention required to fulfil statutory or other regulatory requirements?
    • Is retention required to meet the operational needs of the service?
    • Is retention required to evidence events in the case of dispute?
    • Is retention required because the document or record is of historic interest or intrinsic value?
  • When documents are scheduled for disposal the  method  of  disposal should be appropriate to the nature and sensitivity of the documents A record of  the  disposal will be kept to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Documents can be disposed of by any of the following methods:
    • Non-confidential records: place in wastepaper bin for
    • Confidential records or records giving personal information: shred
    • Deletion of computer
    • Transmission of records to an external body such as the County Records
  • The following principles should be followed when disposing of records:
    • All records containing personal or confidential information should be destroyed at the end of the retention period. Failure to do so could lead to the Council being prosecuted under the General Data Protection
    • the Freedom of Information Act or cause reputation damage.
    • Where computer records are deleted, steps should be taken to ensure that data is ‘virtually impossible to retrieve’ as advised by the Information Commissioner.
  • Where documents are of historical interest it may be appropriate that they are transmitted to the County Records
  • Back-up copies of documents should also be destroyed (including electronic or photographed documents unless specific provisions exist for their disposal).
  • Records should be maintained of appropriate These records should contain the following information:
    • The name of the document
    • The date the document was
    • The method of

6.            Data Protection Act 2018 – Obligation to Dispose of Certain Data

  • The Data Protection Act 2018 (‘Fifth Principle’) requires that personal information must not be retained longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was originally Section 1 of the Data Protection Act defines personal information as:

Data that relates to a living individual who can be identified:

  1. from the data, or
  2. from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of the data

It includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the Council or other person in respect of the individual.

  • The Data Protection Act provides an exemption for information about identifiable living individuals that is held for research, statistical or historical purposes to be held indefinitely provided that the specific requirements are
  • Councils are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the principles of the under the General Data Protection Regulations namely:
    • Personal data is processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless specific conditions are
    • Personal data shall only be obtained for specific purposes and processed in a compatible
    • Personal data shall be adequate, relevant, but not
    • Personal data shall be accurate and up to
    • Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is
    • Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of the data
    • Personal data shall be kept
  • External storage providers or archivists that are holding Council documents must also comply with the above principles of the General Data Protection

7.            Scanning of Documents

  • In general, once a document has been scanned on to a document image system the original becomes There is no specific legislation covering the format for which local government records are retained following electronic storage, except for those prescribed by HM Revenue and Customs.
  • As a general rule hard copy of scanned documents should be retained for three months after
  • Original documents required for VAT and tax purposes should be retained for six years unless a shorter period has been agreed with HM Revenue and

8.           Review of Document Retention

  • It is planned to review, update and where appropriate amend this document on a regular basis (at least every three years in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Management of Records issued by the Lord Chancellor).
  • This document has been compiled from various sources of recommended best practice and with reference to the following documents and publications:
    • Local Council Administration, Charles Arnold-Baker, 12th edition, Chapter 11
    • NALC LTN 40 – Local Councils’ Documents and Records, January 2013
    • NALC LTN 37 – Freedom of Information, July 2009
    • Lord Chancellor’s Code of Practice on the Management of Records issued under Section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

9.            List of Documents

  • The full list of the Council’s documents and the procedures for retention or disposal can be found in Appendix A: List of Documents for Retention and Disposal. This is updated regularly in accordance with any changes to legal

Appendix A: List of Documents for Retention or Disposal

Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
Minutes Indefinite Archive Original signed paper copies of Council minutes of meetings must be kept indefinitely in safe storage. At regular intervals of not more than 5 years they must

be archived and deposited with the Higher Authority

Agendas 5 years Management Bin (shred confidential waste)
Accident/incident reports 20 years Potential claims Confidential waste A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


Scales of fees and charges 6 years Management Bin
Receipt and payment accounts Indefinite Archive N/A
Receipt books of all kinds 6 years VAT Bin
Bank statements including

deposit/savings accounts

Last completed audit year Audit Confidential waste
Bank paying-in books Last completed audit year Audit Confidential waste
Cheque book stubs Last completed audit year Audit Confidential waste
Quotations and tenders 6 years Limitation Act 1980 (as amended) Confidential waste A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


Paid invoices 6 years VAT Confidential waste
Paid cheques 6 years Limitation Act 1980 (as


Confidential waste


Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
VAT records 6 years generally but 20 years for

VAT on rents

VAT Confidential waste
Petty cash, postage and

telephone books

6 years Tax, VAT, Limitation Act 1980 (as


Confidential waste
Timesheets Last completed audit year

3 years

Audit (requirement)

Personal injury (best practice)

Wages books/payroll 12 years Superannuation Confidential waste
Insurance policies While valid (but see next two

items below)

Management Bin
Insurance company names and policy numbers Indefinite Management N/A
Certificates for insurance against liability for employees 40 years from date on which insurance commenced or was renewed The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 (SI 2753)


Town Park equipment inspection reports 21 years    
Investments Indefinite Audit, Management N/A
Title deeds, leases, agreements,


Indefinite Audit, Management N/A
Members’ allowances register 6 years Tax, Limitation Act 1980 (as amended) Confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


Information from other bodies

e.g. circulars from county associations, NALC, principal


Retained for as long as it is useful and relevant   Bin
Local/historical information Indefinite – to be securely kept for benefit of the Parish Councils may acquire records of local interest and accept gifts or records of general and local

interest in order to promote the



Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
    use for such records (defined as materials in written or other form setting out facts or events

or otherwise recording information).

Magazines and journals Council may wish to keep its own publications

For others retain for as long as they are useful and relevant.

The Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 (the 2003 Act) requires a

local council which after

1st February 2004 has published works in print (this includes a pamphlet, magazine or newspaper, a map, plan, chart or table) to deliver, at its own expense, a copy of them to the British Library Board (which manages and controls the British Library). Printed works as defined by the 2003 Act published by a local council therefore constitute materials which the British Library holds.

Bin if applicable
To ensure records are easily accessible it is necessary to comply with the following:

  • A list of files stored in cabinets will be kept
  • Electronic files will be saved using relevant file names
The electronic files will be backed up periodically on a portable hard drive and also in the cloud-based programme supplied by the Council’s IT company. Management Documentation no longer required will be disposed of, ensuring any confidential documents are destroyed as confidential waste.

A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR



Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
General correspondence Unless it relates to specific categories outlined in the policy, correspondence, both paper and electronic, should be kept.

Records should be kept for as long as they are needed for reference or accountability purposes, to comply with regulatory requirements or to protect legal and other rights

and interests.

Management Bin (shred confidential waste)

A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.

Correspondence relating to staff If related to Audit, see relevant sections above.

Should be kept securely and personal data in relation to staff should not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purpose it was held. Likely time limits for tribunal claims between 3–6 months

Recommend this period be for 3 years

After an employment relationship has ended, a council may need to retain and access staff records for former staff for the purpose of giving references, payment of tax, national insurance contributions and pensions, and in respect of any related legal claims made against the council. Confidential waste

A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.

Documents from legal matters, negligence and other torts

Most legal proceedings are governed by the Limitation Act 1980 (as amended). The 1980 Act provides that legal claims may not be

commenced after a specified period. Where the limitation periods are longer than other periods specified the documentation should be kept for the longer period specified. Some types of legal proceedings may fall within two or more categories.


Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
If in doubt, keep for the longest of the three limitation periods.
Negligence 6 years   Confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


Defamation 1 year   Confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the

requirements of the GDPR regulations.

Contract 6 years   Confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the

requirements of the GDPR regulations.

Leases 12 years   Confidential waste.
Sums recoverable by statute 6 years   Confidential waste.
Personal injury 3 years   Confidential waste.
To recover land 12 years   Confidential waste.
Rent 6 years   Confidential waste.
Breach of trust None   Confidential waste.
Trust deeds Indefinite   N/A
For Halls, Centres, Recreation Grounds  
  • Application to hire
  • Invoices
  • Record of tickets issued
6 years VAT Confidential waste

A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


Lettings diaries Electronic files linked to accounts VAT N/A
Terms and Conditions 6 years Management Bin


Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
Event Monitoring Forms 6 years unless required for claims, insurance or legal purposes Management Bin. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR


For Allotments
Register and plans Indefinite Audit, Management N/A
Minutes Indefinite Audit, Management N/A
Legal papers Indefinite Audit, Management N/A
For Burial Grounds
  • Register of fees collected
  • Register of burials
  • Register of purchased graves
  • Register/plan of grave spaces
  • Register of memorials
  • Applications for interment
  • Applications for right to erect memorials
  • Disposal certificates
  • Copy certificates of grant of

exclusive right of burial

Indefinite Archives, Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977 (SI 204) N/A
Planning Papers
Applications 1 year Management Bin
Appeals 1 year unless significant


Management Bin
Trees 1 year Management Bin
Local Development Plans Retained as long as in force Reference Bin
Local Plans Retained as long as in force Reference Bin
Town/Neighbourhood Plans Indefinite – final adopted plans Historical purposes N/A
Daily notes Daily Data protection Confidential waste
Radio rotas 1 week Management Confidential waste
Work rotas 1 month Management Confidential waste
Observation sheets 3 years Data protection Confidential waste


Document Minimum Retention Period Reason Disposal
Stats 3 years Data protection Confidential waste
Signing in sheets 3 years Management Confidential waste
Review requests 3 years Data protection Confidential waste
Discs – master and working For as long as required Data protection Confidential waste
Internal Operations Procedure


Destroy on renewal

Review annually

Management Confidential waste
Code of Practice Destroy on renewal

Review annually

Management Confidential waste
Photographs/digital prints 31 days Data protection Confidential waste