
November 2019 Minutes

Minutes 2019 Uploaded on April 26, 2021

Minutes of a Meeting held in Cassington Village Hall 7.30 pm on

Thursday 7th November 2019


Cllr H Thomas, Cllr B King, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr J Perrin Clerk Mrs T Cameron, Cllr D Levy, plus members of the public

163/19 APOLOGIES  

Cllr D Butlin, Cllr C Rylett & Cllr C Mathew


No Declaration

The Parish Council has also made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes at a later date at home.


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd October 2019 were approved after some changes


a) Thames Valley Police Report – notifications of incidents in Cassington

1) Criminal Damage to Vehicles in Stonesfield

Woodstock Neighbourhood Police Team are appealing for information regarding criminal damage to a number of vehicles parked in Church Street Stonesfield.  This happened between Thursday 24th October 6pm and Friday 25th October 12pm

 2) Darker Nights Prevention Advice for West Oxfordshire

As it is now getting dark earlier in the evenings, Thames Valley Police would like to remind residents about protecting their homes against opportunist burglars by remembering to follow these simple tips:
·         Try to make your house look occupied by leaving lights and the radio on when you are not there; invest in a light timer switch.

·         Don’t leave your house and vehicle keys in the lock or on a side table in view of a window, making it easy for a thief to ‘fish’ them through your letterbox

·         Don’t leave items in open porches that could be used to enter your home, to open doors or take keys through letterbox.

·         Close and lock all your doors and windows before going out or to bed.

·         Always lock your front door from inside – in particular UPVC front doors that have handles, as they are often left unlocked when people are in their house.

·         Cancel newspapers and milk if you’re going away for a few days and ask a trusted friend or neighbour to ‘keep an eye’ on your property, to park their vehicle on your driveway, push post sticking out of the letterbox inside your property or put out/ away your wheelie bins.

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting –

1) Email Mandy & Graham re the Lease and Insurance Documents for the Pavilion – Have emailed both.  Graham replied to ask if the Parish Council would be happy to split the cost of the lease 50/50.  The Parish Council discussed this at the previous mid-month meeting and agreed that we would split the cost. Cllr Thomas advised that it may be easier to email Caroline Moreton as she would be the one that would hold them.  Tracey to email Caroline re documents and Graham to agree on 50/50 split.

2) Contact Playforce to get them to do the Inspection of the new equipment and the play area – The invoice for the Inspector has been paid and they are now going to arrange a date to come out and look at the new play equipment and also the play area.

3) Look for prices on coloured outdoor lights for the Christmas Tree – have looked at prices for lights for the Christmas tree.  They are from Homebase again they were £55 and £65 pounds for 1000 lights.  Advised by the Parish Council to get them.

4) Look at the budget for next years precept – Am still working on the budget for next year.  Will be ready by the next meeting.

i) Previous Planning Application –


PROPOSAL: Use of building and land for charcoal production (B2 use)

LOCATION: Land and building at Cassington Oxfordshire

APPLICANT: Mr Adam Hulewicz

STATUS: Under Consideration


PROPOSAL: Conversion of loft including the addition of roof lights, three rear dormer windows and one front dormer window.

LOCATION: Thornfield The Green Cassington

APPLICANT: Mr C Osgathorp

STATUS: Approved


An email was received by a resident in Elms Road re the culvert that runs along.  The resident has advised that she has been out clearing the culvert over the past week due to the large rain full that we have had and that she wishes that something is done as she is worried that she would get flooded.  The Parish Council are aware that the reason that the culvert gets blocked is due to some residents throwing their garden waste into it so it blocks up the grates.


a) Neighbourhood Watch –.

Cllr Mathew –

Cllr Levy – There was meeting by West Oxfordshire District Council a few week ago that was extremely well attended. The Environment Agency and Thames Water were there however were quiet defensive in their answers.  There was also a meeting with County and District Councillors last week in which were talks about companies building as many houses had they could but not having the correct infrastructure around to support those buildings.

Cllr Rylett –

Parish Councillors

Cllr Metcalf – Wanted to bring up the Housing Needs Survey due to the fact that Blenheim Estates may be considering a further development within the village. That maybe we need to be prepared with a full survey. Cllr Thomas advised that the planning would be quite restricted due to it being a site of rural exception and in that you need to have a certain percentage of affordable housing. Cllr Thomas has also mentioned that we need to put a marker in that any affordable housing that is built should be offered to people in the village first.

Cllr Perrin – There was an elderly resident between Elms Road and Yarnton Road had eggs thrown at her windows and there was, also people banging on her door.  She called the police but even though they kept her talking on the phone, no one actually came out.  Also, in The Tennis there is a resident letting their dogs out at 6am and also just after mid-night.  Cllr Perrin has written a letter to them to ask if they cannot let their dogs out to early and so late. Cllr Perrin had a call from the Red Lion that there is a resident that is parking her car across the pavement by her house.  Again, Cllr Perrin is going to have a word and ask her not too.  Cllr Perrin has also received some more cold calling stickers.

Cllr Thomas is going to mention in CAWN that people shouldn’t be parking on the pathway.

b) Speedwatch – They have got volunteers and are now just working on a rota system to form the groups who will be going out.


A member of the village brought up the issue with the ditch by Elms Road as he had been contacted by another member of the village that the water was nearly up to the top and about to flood several of the gardens on the right-hand side of the road.  Someone went to investigate and discovered that the grate was blocked with garden waste and general rubbish.  Which they cleared. They then went to the next grate up by the school and that was also blocked with brambles and hedgerow which they also cleared.  They then went to the next grate and this was blocked with flower pots. Which they cleared.

A member of the public has advised that a car as hit the road sign for Elms Road and it has been moved out of the ground.  Tracey to advise WODC.

A member of the public advised that they had been woken up by their neighbour who thought that they had had an intruder in their home.  The police were called and came to interview the both the neighbour and also the member of the public.  Although no signs of forced entry were found.

A member of the public asked if it would be possible to put a tree on the green outside the old Post Office.  Cllr Thomas advised that he and Cllr Butlin would have a look and see what could be done as Cllr Mathew has kindly offered to give us some trees from his store.


Cllr Thomas has written to Thames Water to advise that the Parish is still not happy with the water main and the fact that they have put the valves in shows that they have a concern that the pipe may burst again, and that if it breaks again that they have neglected their duty of care that the pipe is fit for usage.


Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website.

172/19 TRAFFIC:  

Tracey received an email from Tesco Bag Scheme as they require a completion report.  Tracey went to the playing field and took pictures of the equipment and then forwarded them onto Suzi at the Sports and Social Club who completed the form and sent it off.

Tracey also sent a photo of the wooden play equipment to Cllr Thomas as a piece of the board had rotted away and created a hole.  Cllr Thomas will speak to Cllr Butlin to see if they can get it fixed.

174/19 FINANCE

a)    Payments:

Name Reason Amount
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary £445.58
Ubico Grounds Maintenance/Grass Cutting £137.69 Website Domain Name £179.99
Village Hall Christmas Carol Concert £24.00
RBL Rememberance Wreath £20
Adrian Grass Cutting of Burial Ground £145

b) Income:

Individual/Company Amount
St Leonards Church £300

Nationwide Account has now been credited with £2,039.56 balance is now £12,190.69



PROPOSAL: Alterations and erection of single storey side extension.

LOCATION: The Willows Eynsham Road Cassington

APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Wain


i) Lease for Pavilion and Playing Field – Has been covered in minutes already

ii) Website – The payment is being made for the domain name.

iii) Repair of play area – Already mentioned in the minutes

iv) WODC Grant for new play equipment – The grant is still on hold as we are awaiting the report from Playforce

v) Christmas Carol/Fair Event – This will be held on 17th December.  We are receiving a tree free of charge from Blenheim Estates.  Cllr Thomas thought that it would be nice for the children to receive a small gift.  Tracey to look at The Works for books. Cllr Thomas will speak to Duncan re the Carols

vi) Christmas Lights – Already discussed in the meeting

vii) Tree Works for the trees on the Green – Tracey to email Tom to get a start date from him.

viii) Electricity Pole – Cllr Thomas has found out that if you have an electricity pole on your property the electricity company should be paying rent for those poles.  As we have 2 large poles on the recreation ground.  Tracey has been asked to contact the electricity company to see if we can get further info on how to claim any money back.

ix) Funtime Bounce – Tracey emailed them to advise that we wouldn’t use the credit note and that we would like to have a refund am waiting to here back.



177/19 Date of Next meeting:

Mid Monthly Planning Meeting 19th November @ 8pm in The Red Lion

Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Thursday 5th December 7.30pm in the Village Hall