Minutes of a Meeting held in the village hall at 7.30 pm on
Thursday 2nd November 2017.
Present: Cllr H Thomas (Chair) Cllr C Martin Cllr J Perrin, Cllr B King, Cllr P Emery and Cllr P Kelland (WODC), Cllr C Mathew (OCC) six members of the public and the Clerk David Casey.
136/17 | APOLOGIES: Cllr P Clague, | ||
The Chairman explained that any pecuniary or personal or non pecuniary interest in an item should be declared. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th October were approved |
a) Thames Valley Police: – The Clerk said there was no report on the TVPA website or the new Twitter and Facebook sites. Cllr Perrin stated there had been no local reports from Thames Valley Police alerts. b) Report by the Clerk on actions from the last meeting:- i) Bank account: move to Unity Bank. The Clerk reported that this was in progress and he would circulate the signature list required by the bank and forward them a cheque for £500 to open the account. The Barclays account will remain in operation for the time being. ii) Condition survey report to War Memorial Trust. A grant submission was made several months ago, however the trust has asked for some more photos of the memorial before they can approve the application. Cllr Thomas to action. iii) Robert Courts meeting with councillors in January. Cllr Thomas has yet to contact him to check if the public can attend. iv) Hedge overhanging the path in Eynsham rd. Cllr Perrin has informed the Clerk of the house no and the Clerk will now write to the resident asking if the hedge can be cut back. v) Cllr Thomas will put a note in CAWN asking if any resident would be interested in carrying out maintenance tasks for PC. Actioned. vi) Purchase of fifty Wheelie bin 30mph stickers. An order has been placed and a cheque is to be dispatched –this is a finance item. c) Neighbourhood watch update /security cameras in the village/advice from Chris Lewis security. Cllr Perrin reported on a village clear up which had proved very successful. An advice booklet is being prepared for circulation to elderly residents providing advice and giving telephone numbers for Neighbourhood Watch contacts in the village. The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Chris Lewis security systems and had received conflicting advice about the potential of using the VAS columns on which to place CCTV cameras. A wi-fi connection would be needed to service the cameras from a building nearby; therefore the VAS columns would not be suitable. Alternatively a camera could be located on the village hall. Cllr Thomas will discuss further with Matt Brittan. d) Appointment of new Clerk. The post has been advertised in the Witney Gazette and Oxford Mail and will shortly appear in the Woodstock and Bladon News. There have been three enquires and one application so far. It was agreed to wait for a week or two to see if any further applications are submitted. Clerk to contact Eynsham online to see if an advert can be placed there. e) Manor Farm development S106 monies to be allocated. Money is being allocated to the county council for the closure of Horsemere Lane. A sum in the region of £20k will be forthcoming to the parish council for repairs to the sports pavilion and equipment on the playing field. St Peter’s School is also trying to put in a bid direct to Blenheim Estates for an extension to their playground. |
140/17 | 5. Correspondence.
a) Letter from Robert Courts MP re ‘Message in a bottle scheme’. Robert Courts had written highlighting this scheme which the ‘Witney Lions’ club were promoting. Cllr Perrin is already promoting the scheme in the village but will contact Witney Lions to obtain some bottles. b) OALC update on Data Protection Legislation. The Clerk reported on a change in legislation which comes into force next year which tightens up the existing legislation. Clerk to circulate further details and information on a future training course. |
Cllr Charles Mathew reported that a sum of £300m government money will made available in the forthcoming budget for infrastructure projects in the county. The parish council’s bid to the county council for funding for playing field improvements will be considered next week. No further news on closure of Horsemere Lane. A40 bus lane investigations will continue until December. Cllr Peter Kelland reported on the housing allocation scheme which is being improved. Cllr Peter Emery reported on Broad Band contracts that were being negotiated. Also a new WODC shared mortgages scheme has been popular with the initial funding taken up. The council is currently considering the installation of electric charging points in car parks. Cllr Martin raised the issue of calibrating the Speed Radar Gun. Cllr Perrin will discuss this with PCSO Helen Keen. Cllr Perrin reported that the new benches have arrived and are awaiting the inscriptions to be done. Also a concrete is need for one bench prior to instalment. Clerk to write to relatives telling them what we are proposing. Cllr Thomas invited other councillors to attend the war memorial on 12th November. |
There was a complaint about speeding of traffic coming from A40. Speedwatch to be carried out on this stretch of Eynsham road also Cllr Perrin will raise with the police. There was a request for some 106 money to be allocated to the allotment holders for the creation of a well. Cllr Thomas will contact Blenheim Estates once the resident confirms the cost. Thames Water will need to grant an extraction licence. There was a request for an update on dog walking on the playing field. Cllr Thomas said the current restriction would remain in place and the situation monitored. There was request for the removal of an abandoned bicycle on a street sign on Eynsham Rd. Clerk to request WODC to remove if not taken within two weeks. There was a complaint about an overgrown strip of land behind the houses in Barrow Court. Cllr Thomas to check ownership with Blenheim Estates. |
143/17 | DITCHES DRAINAGE AND FLOODING: The Environment Agency is unable to confirm a date when the village ditches will be cleared. There are no other problems reported. | ||
a) Update on improvements to the Garden Land in Church Lane opposite the Chequers. Cllr Thomas reported that shrubs had been tagged so that a resident could start weeding the land. b) Complaint from a resident about the overgrown hedge alongside the burial ground. It was noted that the resident in the adjoining property has previously cut the hedge. Cllr King will contact her neighbour who owns this property to see if he will cut the hedge again. |
145/17 | TRAFFIC:
a) To note A40 bus lane night works affecting Cassington. This was discussed earlier on the agenda. b) Overhanging shrubbery along Bell Lane. Highways have written to ask if the council is satisfied with the work that has been done. It was agreed to ask for the shrubbery to cut back further by the property owner. |
146/17 | PLAY AREA:
a) The Clerk reported that he had met contractor Rob Atkinson to discuss the replacement of the missing and damaged boarding to the play area. It was Resolved to accept his quote of £230.40. |
147/17 | FINANCE:
a) Payments: It was Resolved to make the following payments after considering the budget. David Casey reimbursement for an advert in Witney Gazette £250.20 Clare Want two invoices for grass cutting. £20 Smart Wheelie bins stickers £53.50 Adrian Tyler grass cutting £655 Hugh Thomas reimbursement for Poppy Wreath £20. b) Income: for Burial £130. R Perrin. WODC Precept £6,324. |
a) Oxfordshire CC Planning application by M & M Skip Hire Ltd Worton Farm, Worton, Yarnton, OX29 4FL for planning permission for the use of land for storage of empty skips at M & M Skip Hire Ltd, Worton Farm, Worton, Yarnton, OX29 4FLMW.0090/17. Resolved no objection. b) Date for midmonth meeting: Tuesday 14th November at 8pm in the Red Lion. |
149/17 | AOB:
To consider the purchase of a replacement laptop computer for the pc. The Clerk reported that the council’s computer was constantly crashing and needed replacing with a laptop. It was agreed to obtain quotes for a suitable laptop. Clerk to action. Cllr King said a caravan was parked in her close causing an obstruction. Cllr Perrin agreed to raise this PCSO Helen Keen. |
150/17 | Date of Next meeting:
This was agreed for Thursday 7th December 2017 in the village hall. |