
May 2024 Minutes

Minutes 2024 Uploaded on June 28, 2024



  1. Apologies – Cllr Levy, Cllr Rylett, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Rogers
  1. Declarations of interest

(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th April 2024
  1. Comments from the Public –
  1. Report from Clerk
  • Elms Road Ditch – Email from Kirsty. The ditches are due to be cleared mid-may.                                                  
  • Replacement for Adrian – There are 5 tenders. Parish Council have discussed and have decided to go with Jake Boardman
  • VAS on Eynsham Road & Yarnton Road – No news as yet.
  • PC Burial Ground Update – No news to report – Have spoken to the PCC with regards to the Green Waste Bins that the Parish Council will continue to pay for both.
  • Stile at field by Bell Lane – Clerk has spoken to the resident who manages the land on behalf of family and advised that he will speak to them to get their thoughts on the matter. He also advised that one of the stiles would be too small for a kissing gate and that something else would need to be put in.
  1. Planning

Previous Planning Application Decisions



20/01734/OUT Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham   Grosvenor Developments Ltd UNDER



New Planning Applications


Botley Solar Farm – Report from Group 

  1. Correspondence
  2. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors –

County and District Councillors – No Councillors as it is an election month

Parish Councillors – Little Lane has become quite bad again with over grown grass and weeds.. Clerk to email Dan and Highways and to put on fix my street. 

  1. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding
  1. Maintenance/ Grants
  1. Traffic
  • Speed Watch

April numbers as requested:

No. of sessions:                                              8 (10 in total but 2 cancelled due to bad weather)

Total number of vehicles:                        1,142

No. of offending vehicles:                           231 (20% of total)

Between 25mph & 30mph:                         156

Between 31mph & 40 mph:                          73

Over 40 mph:                                                  2

Highest offender:                                           53mph

  • Speed Indicators – The Clerk was asked to get costs for a portable VAS
  • Traffic Calming – Clerk to get an update from James (Highways) on the prices. Clerk to ask speedwatch if they can do a few sessions at the start of Eynsham Road
  1. Play Area & Recreation Ground
  • Replacement Playground Equipment

Cllr Mills has suggested Survey Monkey which will cost £228 to help with the grants for the pay equipment – The Parish Council has agreed to fund this, as it could be used for other matters in the village that we need resident input with.

  1. Finance

Payments to be approved:

Individual/Company Reason Amount
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary £1060.08
Netwise Domain Name £72.00
Rilatus Accounting Package £230.40
Viking Stationary £37.96
HMRC Tax & National Insurance £148.14


Individual/Company Reason Amount
WODC Precept £31,450.00

Balance of Unity Bank as of Friday 26th April 2024 – £40,865.28

Balance of Nationwide as of 31st March 2024 – £13,068.81

Councillors to Sign Unity Application for 2 new accounts – confirming that they (Cllr Rogers, Cllr King, Cllr Metcalf, Cllr Thompson and Cllr Mills) are authorised signatories on for Cassington Parish Council are authorised signatories on all Unity Trust Accounts

Letter received from Nationwide Building Society to confirm that Cllr Rogers, Cllr King, Cllr Metcalf, Cllr Thompson and Cllr Mills are authorised signatories on for Cassington Parish Council

  1. Policy Annual Check – Policies agreed by the Parish Council

Code of Conduct

Communications Protocol

Freedom of Information

Standing Orders 

  1. Questions from the Public

Member of public asked about the speeding coming into the village, as their parents’ driveway backs on to Eynsham Road and it is quiet dangerous to exit from.  They have asked if Speed Watch could do a couple of sessions at the A40 junction of Eynsham Road.  Clerk to email Speedwatch to ask if they could do that.  The Parish Council also feel that it is needed. It was pointed out that the A40 is national speed limit which suddenly drops to a 20mph. 

  1. Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th June 2024 @ 7pm (This will be the Annual Parish Meeting. The Parish Council Meeting will start at 7pm and will be planning & finance only)