
July 2024 Minutes

Minutes 2024 Uploaded on September 5, 2024



  1. Apologies – Cllr Levy, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Rylett, Cllr Mills
  1. Declarations of interest

(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th June 2024 – These have been agreed by the Council
  1. Comments from the Public – A resident has advised that the parking in the village has become a problem due to the Pub introducing a parking enforcement company. 2 NHS nurses who were at the village hall on a course had their cars vandalized between 8-4.

Update on the incident in the village.  Nothing has been done.  The young girl has not been contacted for a statement neither has the witness.

A member of the village came up with a suggestion of having a chat bench.  Cllr Thompson said that he would talk to someone regarding the plaque.

There was also mention of the village setting up another neighbourhood watch committee – Tracey to contact Helen Keen to get some information to pass on and also to put a notice in CAWN.

  1. Report from Clerk
  • Elms Road Ditch – This has now been clearedThe balance pond will be looked at some point this year. Cllr Thompson has advised that the balance pond is full of silt, and that we need to contact Blenheim.  It has been pointed out that there is no secure fencing, and the life boy has gone.
  • VAS on Eynsham Road & Yarnton Road – Westcote have come back and said that we would need to advise OCC for them to give permission on where it would be placed –
  • PC Burial Ground Update – The Clerk to get quotes to cut the hedge back
  • Stile at field by Bell Lane – Still awaiting to hear back from the owner of the field
  1. Planning

Previous Planning Application Decisions



20/01734/OUT Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham   Grosvenor Developments Ltd UNDER


24/00964/FUL End House Yarnton Road Cassington Demolition of existing single storey extensions and outbuildings, erection of part single part two storey rear extensions Thomson  


The Farmhouse Worton Park Worton Erection of replacement conservatory, alterations to fenestration and external and

internal alterations with associated works

24/01053/LBC Lime Cottage Bell Lane Cassington Internal and external alterations to replace seven windows and a door Mr Iain Humphrey APPROVED
W/24/00506/PAVLIC Red Lion The Green Cassington Application for Pavement Licence Mr Jordan LICENCE FROM 30/05/24 – 29/05/26
MW.0054/24 Cassington Pit, Cassington Road, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, OX29 4EB. 73 application for the continuation of the development permitted by MW.0122/20 (winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials) without complying with condition 6 in order to extend the time period for restoration until 31st December 2025 to allow for sufficient time to restore the plant site Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd UNDER CONSIDERATION
24/01056/FUL The Chequers Inn 6 The Green Cassington Change of use of self-contained staff living accommodation to an AirBnb Mr Babu Odedra UNDER CONSIDERATION
23/01182/FUL Churchfields Care Home Pound Lane Cassington Erection of a two-storey detached key worker nurses’ accommodation block and

associated works

Mr R Sideras PLANNING DECISION APPEALED – (Cllr Rogers has sent a letter on behalf of the Parish Council)

 New Planning Applications

24/01615/HHD 3 St Peters Close Cassington Witney Erection of single-storey front extension Matthew Terry 24th July 2024


Botley Solar Farm – Report from Group – Another consultation responded to 28th Cllr Rogers will look at and reply on behalf of the Parish Council.  There is a change of boundaries which means hedges will be destroyed to gain access to the Solar Farm (Tracey and Alex are going to attend the Briefing Meeting on 9th July at WODC)

 Doctors’ surgeries, availability – The letter from Hanborough doctors’ surgery has advised that their books are full and they are concerned with the amount of building development in the area.

 7.     Correspondence – Email from a resident asking when the hedge in the burial ground was going to be cut back. The clerk is arranging to get quotes to have it cut back.

 8.     Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors – No Reports as it is national elections

District Councillors

Parish Councillors – Cllr Thompson has advised that the verge along Eynsham Road needs cutting as people are having to walk in the road to get past. Clerk to contact OCC to get it cut.

Ditches, Drainage and Flooding

  1. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding
  1. Maintenance/ Grants –
  1. Traffic
  • Speed Watch

May Numbers as requested:

No. of sessions:                                              7

Total number of vehicles:                        2,767

No. of offending vehicles:                           197

Between 25mph & 30mph:                         133

Between 31mph & 40 mph:                          61

Over 40 mph:                                                  3

Highest offender:                                    43mph


June Numbers as requested:

No. of sessions:                                              3

Total number of vehicles:                        2,803

No. of offending vehicles:                           113

Between 25mph & 30mph:                           77

Between 31mph & 40 mph:                          35

Over 40 mph:                                                  1

Highest offender:                                     41mph

  • Speed Indicators
  • Traffic Calming – Cllr Metcalf has looked into traffic consultants with regards to the traffic calming within the village. The price looks to be in the region of nearly £50,000
  1. Play Area & Recreation Ground
  • Replacement Playground Equipment – The grant has been submitted to the FCC. The board of trustees meets on the 9th September so we should hear by October
  1. Finance

Payments to be approved:

Individual/Company Reason Amount
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary £1131.89
HMRC Tax & National Insurance £22.32
OALC VAT Course £36.00
OALC Data Protection Course £144.00
WODC Grass Cutting 09/04 & 23/04 £173.03
ICO Direct Debit £35.00
WODC Emptying of Waste Bins £783.43
WODC Village Green Grass Cut 14/05/24 £86.51
Village Hall June PCM 18.00
Unity Bank Service Charge £18.00
Jake Boardman Grounds Maintenance £380


Individual/Company Reason Amount
Unity Bank Interest account ending 5912 £6.99
Unity Bank Interest account ending 5925 £39.93


Balance of Unity Bank as of Friday 28th June – £25,609.54

Decision on Parish Council Insurance – Tracey advised that we are currently under a 3-year contract. However, she has asked the insurers what the cost would be if we were to leave early. As the difference between both insurers is over £1k.

  1. Policy Annual Check
  2. Financial Regulations
  3. Meeting Attendance Policy
  4. Media and Press Policy
  5. Privacy Notice

Policies have been approved

  1. Questions from the Public/Any Other Business –

Cllr Thompson has advised that one of the trees on the Green has died. Clerk to contact JAG to get a quote.

Also, a tree on the Rec has died – The Clerk to contact Greenman and see what they say.

Note from the Parish Council to the Bike Night Committee to say thank you.

  1. Date of next meeting: There is not meeting in August the next meeting is 12th September 2024 in the Village Hall