Minutes of The Cassington Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 14th July 2022.
Cllr Rogers, Cllr Mills, Cllr Metcalf, Cllr Thompson, Cllr King, Cllr Goodwin & Clerk (Mrs T Cameron) & 2 member of the public. |
Cllr Levy, Cllr Rylett, Cllr Thompson |
Cllr Alex Rogers was elected as Chair |
The Parish Council has made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes later at home. The meeting is recorded by the Clerk to enable her to type up the minutes later but is then deleted. |
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th June 2022 were approved. |
Leani Haim presented the finalised Neighbourhood Plan for submission to WODC Because Cassington is in the Green Belt we cannot allocate housing. This was challenged by WODC. They believe that there is land that can be allocated, and that the Housing Needs Survey was a snapshot in time and not relevant. There is nothing in the regulations that states you have to review the Neighbourhood Plan unless you feel the need to. The current plan is set out until 2040 The steering group are recommending that the PC approve the plan. Once approval is submitted it will be sent back to WODC this will trigger Regulation 16. The consultation is for 6 weeks. The examiner may issue an examination note for clarification They will come and do a site visit Fact Check report – This will set out their recommendation The examiner submits their report to WODC who then decide if they are going to accept the recommendation. WODC will work with the PC. Then WODC will hold a referendum. If there is a majority vote, then this will put the neighbourhood plan into WODC planning policy. The time scale is hopefully early next year. The Parish Council has voted to approve the Neighbourhood Plan |
Nothing to report. |
· Horsemere Lane/A40 – Tracey to go back to OCC to arrange a zoom meeting preferably in the evening · Thames Water – Nothing back from Thames Water – Tracey to ask Dan if he can find out about whats happening with South Leigh Treatment Plant PLANNING
New Planning Applications:
· Email from a resident expressing concern that they have been told that some of the Tenant Farmers have been given notice to quit form Blenheim as there is rumor that they are planning on creating a solar panel farm by the Burleigh Road. The Clerk had requested clarification from Blenheim Estates with respect to conversion of agricultural land to a solar farm to the north of Cassington. Blenheim Estates responded that they were looking into the possibility of a renewable energy scheme on the land and would consult the village if they decided to go ahead. |
County Councillor – We are in, as you will have noticed, challenging times. Covid advice I had hoped not to have to mention Covid again, but numbers are rising rapidly. Can I pass on the advice from Ansaf Azhar, Oxfordshire County Council’s Director for Public Health: “It’s been great for everyone to relax after the difficult last couple of years we’ve had with rules of varying kinds meaning restrictions on our lives. “Currently there are no restrictions but there is still good, solid guidance that people are advised to observe to protect themselves and their families, particularly vulnerable and elderly people. “The main bit of advice is to stay at home if you feel unwell – but it’s also worth reminding people of all those things that we learned during the height of the pandemic to reduce the risk of COVID spreading. “This includes ventilating indoor spaces and washing your hands. During periods of good weather being outdoors rather than indoors also helps reduce risks. “We expect to see fluctuations in cases and it remains the case we need to learn to live with COVID, but we need to strike a sensible balance and I would ask people to take precautions while cases are on the rise. Let’s enjoy the summer and our regained freedoms but keep in mind that COVID-19 hasn’t gone away and we all need to play our part to live safely.” Cost of Living Crisis We are in a period of rapidly rising prices. This affects everyone, but has a higher impact on people in many rural locations, if they have a reliance on motor vehicles or are not connected to the gas network. Although gas and electricity prices are rising quickly, there is at least a cap, unlike with bottled gas or tanked oil. The County Council is lobbying government to enable us to offer some support. We had tabled a motion to the Council meeting on 12 July to add force to this effort, but unfortunately the meeting closed prior to the debate on this topic, after a walkout by opposition members. It was extremely unsatisfactory not to be able to air the concerns of residents in public. Vision Zero Following the tragic deaths of cyclists in Oxfordshire, the county has adopted ‘Vision Zero’, a vision to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries in the county. The decision adds weight to efforts to improve cycle and walking infrastructure and reduce speeds. I was pleased to speak on behalf of this motion as County Active Travel Champion. Of course, it is easier to have a vision than to put it into practice – we must promote safe walking and cycling infrastructure especially at road junctions, and we have to apply our vision in the countryside as well as the city. Some good news is that Oxfordshire has been granted extra powers to enforce traffic violations using ANPR cameras. This permission is for specific places, but we can apply for additional locations in the future. Up to now, only Cardiff and London councils have had these powers. Among other things, these powers will make delivering “school streets”, where motor vehicles are restricted in school entry and exit times, much easier. Bus Improvements The cabinet approved a plan to improve bus services and use the £12.7 million Oxfordshire secured from national government. The plan includes cheaper fares for under-19s, 2 new rural services (around Didcot and Bicester), and bus priority improvements and traffic filters (in Oxford). Improvements to bus stops, real time information, and the quality of buses are also planned. The plan will be consulted on with the bus companies and needs government sign off. I appreciate that such improvements might feel a bit remote for people off the main bus routes – but we are constrained by government policy and the availability of grants from central government. I and others will keep banging the drum for rural services. As you will know, one feature of the A40 work is that Cassington residents will get easier access to bus services, with a new bus stop at the bottom of Horsemere Lane. HIF1 and HIF2 The cabinet of OCC have agreed to proceed with Housing Infrastructure Fund 1 (‘HIF1’), consisting of 4 road / bridge projects around Didcot. While it is an inherited Conservative project, the Lib-Dem led administration worked to improve provision for active travel and public transport, as well as better mitigate cost risks to the council HIF2 is the A40 project. The cabinet approved merging the project with the P&R project to give more flexibility in the finances and more control over timescales. There are still lots of areas that need improvement in the A40 plans, particularly to make crossing between Eynsham and Salt Cross safe and convenient. In addition, the Shores Green project, to deliver westbound access to and eastbound access from the A40 at Cogges looks like coming for approval in the next few months. It may change traffic patterns to the south of the A40, and I would expect some new A40 avoidance routes and “preferred” ways between the A40 and A420. District Councillors – Cllr Rogers has asked if there was going to be anything done for the Burleigh Road for Cyclists as it is rather dangerous turning right off the Bladon Road onto the Burleigh Road (coming from Long Hanborough). If there is also a chance of cross-country cyclist lane. Cllr Goodwin – Area Action Plan for Salt Cross the inspector has come back eith an update. It looks like it will not be a zero carbon neutral – although, biodiversity the green lanes and the self-build housing will be included. The AAP will be updated with the inspectors notes and this will then go out to the public. The inspector said that zero-carbon should be considered. This week was the first meeting since the new cabinet was formed. Parish Councillors – |
St Peters ditch is over grown – Tracey to contact Green Gym to come and clear it. |
Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website. |
106/22 | TRAFFIC:
Speed watch – No Report |
a) Maintenance on the equipment at the other end of the Recreation Ground – PC Agreed to take over full maintenance. |
108/22 | FINANCE
Payments to be approved:
Standing order paid to Tracey £768.15 – Remaining to be paid £202.45 Income:
Balance of Unity Bank as of Sunday 3rd July 2022 – £11,566.81 |
· Clerk has requested that the Parish Council apply for a Charge Card from Unity Bank so that things can be paid for directly from the Parish Council account rather than the Clerk or Councillors paying and claiming expenses. · Do Councillors want their contact details other than their emails published in CAWN – Emails address for Councillors to be put in. · Parish Council Objectives – please see below. These were agreed and plans for initial implementation discussed. |
110/22 | Report back from Cllr King re Kidlington Airspace Meeting
There has been a 45% increase in the aircraft traffic with May 2022 being the busiest month that they have had. Due to the issue with flying with some aircraft not sticking to the route specified. However, unless people have the app to see the aircraft and report them there is nothing they can do. The aircraft are meant to fly over Worton to Yarnton Manor in a rectangle pattern There has been a lot of aircraft flying over Cassington over the past few days. There are plans to build a new taxi way to enable larger plans to land and take off. There are also plans to build a Science Park. |
Adrian has looked at the wall in the Old Burial Ground to remove the ivy from the wall. He has advised that the ivy is what is keeping the wall up – Tracey to look at finding 3 quotes to fix the wall |
Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – No Meeting Needed Date of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 1st September 2022 |
Parish Council Objectives 2022 – 2025
The purpose of this document is to provide a list of objectives for Cassington Parish Council to lead in implementation over the period 2022 – 2025. It is suggested that this initial list of priorities is discussed and refined prior to presentation to the village.
- Completion of the Neighbourhood Plan and adoption by the Parish Council and village of Cassington. – This was approved at tonight’s meeting.
- To look at sustainable energy supplies for the village of Cassington that can be provided at matched or lower costs than conventional power supplies. Adoption of additional strategies to reduce use of hydrocarbon-based fuels and reduction of energy waste – Cllr Rogers has advised that he has been approached by some of the residents to form a committee to look into this. The Clerk advised that any meetings that they have to be public.
- To address increasing problems of rising levels of traffic and speeding in the village of Cassington and roads within the Parish.– Cllr Rogers will create a questionnaire into CAWN for September – Tracey to put a note in CAWN with regards to this.
- To maintain a watching brief on flood prevention and drainage issues in Cassington and Worton villages.
- To implement policies outlined in the Neighbourhood Plan and Green Infrastructure Plan with respect to nature conservation.
- To work with St Peter’s School to rectify the current funding and management issues with respect to the school swimming pool. To identify further priorities for fund raising for the school.
- To develop a community food program through working with the allotment and other landowners around Cassington. This includes distribution of excess produce and the planting of a community orchard.
- To work with West Oxfordshire District Council and local landowners to address sustainable transport for the village and to maintain and build upon the local network of footpaths and cycleways for both commuting and leisure, as outlined in the Green Infrastructure Plan and Neighbourhood Plan.
- To examine provisions for young people and senior / vulnerable residents of Cassington. Can Cassington do more for these members of our village?
- To look at what other measures can be taken to improve the quality of life of our villagers.
- Current and future provisions of the Almshouse –
- A more accessible village car park
- Maybe moving the gate to playing fields and introducing a fence to the perimeter to allow the car park to be use 24 hours?
- Community glass house – I’ve heard of other villages who have provided facilities to allow produce to be grown all year round.
- Finally, introduction of green initiatives we’ve discussed in the past – EV charging points at the VH and pavilion, plus cycles racks etc.