
February 2022 Minutes

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on March 19, 2022


Minutes of The Cassington Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 4th February at the Village Hall, The Green.


Cllr H Thomas, Cllr C Metcalf, Cllr D Butlin, Cllr B King, Cllr C Rylett, Cllr D Levy & Clerk Mrs T Cameron plus 4 members of the public


Cllr J Perrin, Cllr A Goodwin


The Parish Council has made the public aware that the meeting is recorded for the clerk to type up the minutes later at home.

Cllr Thomas declares an interest in 23/22b – Tree outside his home

Cllr Metcalf declares an interest in 31/22h – Lorries turning in the Tennis

The meeting is recorded by the Clerk to enable her to type up the minutes later but is then deleted.


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th January 2022 were approved.


Witney Oxford Transport Group has been around for the past 8 years and is a non-profit organisation.  They believe that the bus lane and the single car lane is not going to change the rate of traffic on the A40.  Having seen data it shows that trains are probably the best solution, but trains are expensive.  They would like to offer a fast transport solution but don’t want to have to tear up the countryside in order to achieve it. So, they are looking at sticking as close as possible to the A40.  They are proposing 3 stations. Eynsham, Witney and Carterton and are looking at using existing railway lines rather than building new ones. However, they are not route specific if a better idea comes along then they will investigate it.

Where the Park and Ride development is concerned it was agreed that they best place for a train station is to be within the Park and Ride.  However, this won’t happen for at least another 8-10 years.

Unfortunately, there is not likely to be a train station in Cassington.

They would also like to advocate for battery powered trains so that there would be no pollution, very little noise and it wouldn’t be seen as much. However, it will need to be visible in certain places due to flooding.

It will be a single track with a passing loop though the location for this has not yet been decided.

They would like for it to be easily integrated into the rail network around the country.

On 3rd February OCC have their budget meeting which Witney Oxford Transport have a request for money to be able to carry out 2 studies for the railway.

If you would like to see what they do, please look at the website


a) Thames Valley Police –


Major high street and online retailers are actively promoting the sale of e-scooters owing to their growing popularity, so it is probably no surprise to learn that it is completely legal to purchase one.

However, crucially, privately owned e-scooters are restricted for use solely on private land with the permission of the landowner.  It is illegal to use a privately owned e-scooter on pavements, cycle paths or roads at present unless the correct MOT, tax and insurance has been obtained.

Under current UK  law, e-scooters are treated in the same way as motor vehicles, so pavements and cycle paths are strictly off limits  In turn, for road use, they would have to meet the same requirements as  cars and motorbikes.

You may have noted that some trials are taking place in several areas of the country, including Oxford, where members of the public are able to hire and ride a rented e-scooter.  For further information on government e-scooter trials go to:

If you have an e-scooter please make sure that you stay within the law when using it!

b) Report from the Clerk on actions from the last meeting –

·         Horsemere Lane/Cassington Lights – Cllr Thomas and Tracey had a meeting with OCC to discuss the ongoing A40 Planning Works.  They had advised that they were going to remove the right-hand turn lane coming from Oxford but have since been advised that this cannot happen due to safety reasons.  We also wanted to discuss the removal of the trees and the headrow.  We were advised that it will be a like for like.

·         Tree outside Cllr Thomas/ house & Tree work on the Green – This has now all been done and the new Lime Tree for the Green is due to be ordered. Clerk advised that should the Parish Council want to remove the tree from outside Cllr Thomas house then we would need to apply for Planning Permission and that as it has now been pollarded there is no guarantee that we would get permission to remove it.

·         War Memorial – The P/C agreed that a quote from an Independent Stone Mason would be a good idea so that we can update the Asset Register and also advise our Insurance Company of what it could possibly cost if anything were to happen to the War Memorial. The previous quote was roughly £48k


20/01734/OUT Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham   Grosvenor Developments Ltd UNDER CONSIDERATION
R3.0034/21 A40 Dualling of a 3.2km section of the A40 between the Hill Farm Junction to the proposed Eynsham Park and Ride and upgrade to shared path on northern verge, ii) widening of existing carriageway to provide dedicated eastbound and westbound priority bus lanes along 6.5km section between proposed Park and Ride and Duke’s Cut iii) capacity and connectively improvements over three bridges and a culvert at Dukes Cut to enable eastbound bus lane over the bridges at A40 between Witney and Duke’s Cut Oxfordshire County Council AWAITING DECISION
21/03030/LBC 21/03029/HHD Lime Cottage Bell Lane Cassington Single storey and 1 1/2 storey extensions, interior remodelling, amendment to driveway and boundary fencing Mr I Humphrey UNDER CONSIDERATION
21/03845/HHD The Granary Jericho Farm Worton Proposed basement extension, replace existing timber framed windows and doors with new double-glazed metal framed windows and doors; change one of the south facing ground floor windows to a door set Mr & Mrs Ivanovic UNDER CONSIDERATION
21/04050/HHD 2 Bell Lane Cassington Witney Replacement Ground Floor Rear Extension and Formation of new First Floor Extension Ms C Waters AWAITING DECISION
21/04051/HHD 3 Bell Lane Cassington Witney First Floor Rear Extension Mr & Mrs D Wright AWAITING DECISION

 New Planning Applications:

 APPLICATION NO: OCC ref: R3.0151/21

PROPOSAL: The dualling of approximately 3.2km of the A40 carriageway from the existing Hill Farm junction at Witney to the Eynsham Park and Ride site (R3.0057/19) including the construction of two new roundabouts.

• An eastbound and westbound bus lane approximately 6.5km in length from the Eynsham Park and Ride site to existing structures at Duke’s Cut waterway (Duke’s Cut Canal Bridge, Earl’s Culvert, Wolvercote Railway Bridge and Wolvercote Canal Bridge);

• Capacity and connectivity improvements over the existing structures at Duke’s Cut waterway to enable the proposed eastbound bus lane to extend over the existing structures up to the A34 flyover in the east, forming a connection into Oxford North (Northern Gateway) strategic development site;

• Construction of a new signalized junction to the Eynsham Park and Ride site;

• New pedestrian/cyclist underpass at Cuckoo Lane (‘the Eynsham Underpass’). Two new pedestrian/cycle bridges at Cassington Halt (Cassington Halt Footbridge North and Cassington Halt Footbridge South);

• Widening of Cassington New Bridge;

• Demolition and replacement/extension of existing White House Culvert;

• Demolition and replacement/extension of Barnard Gate New Culvert;

• New and improved shared use footways and cycleways, including new shared use links to National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 5 at Duke’s Cut waterway;

• Alterations to existing junctions and property accesses along the A40;

• Controlled crossings, external lighting, noise barriers, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, habitat creation including ecology ponds and associated hibernacula;

• All associated engineering and temporary construction works, site compound and storage areas. at A40 HIF2 Smart Corridor (‘HIF2 project’) A40 corridor between Witney and Wolvercote, Oxfordshire


APPLICANT Oxfordshire County Council



21/04089/FUL Conversion of existing stable buildings to workshops/starter units (Use Class E) Livery Yard Worton Park Worton Mr A Hulewicz 3RD FEBRUARY 2022 – EXTENDED UNTIL 10TH FEBRUARY 2022
22/00057/HHD Construction of a new outbuilding to form home office/workshop facilities


8 St Peters Close Cassington


Mr M Finch 10TH FEBRUARY 2022

Nothing to report


County Councillor – Cllr Levy

I am writing this prior to the County Council meeting on 8 February, at which the budget for 2022-23 will probably be approved.  However, I can confidently confirm that there are some important details contained in it which will affect the Eynsham Division.

Some of the biggest items in the budget are the major infrastructure plans – the bridge over the railway and river on the Oxford bypass which has to be replaced, HIF1 (which is the road being built as part of the housing project imposed on South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse near Watlington and Didcot) and our very own A40 HIF2 project.   Unfortunately, the previous administration signed up for each of these without taking account the inevitable cost and time overruns that occur with major projects.   So, although the HIF bids have funding from central government, any cost overrun may well end up having to be paid for by the County Council, which in turn may well impact on other, better projects.  The cabinet member for finance in the previous administration said recently in a public meeting that they weren’t expecting inflation, so they assumed it would all be ok!

The HIF2 A40 project will go to planning committee within the next few months.  As you may know I have been very critical of the whole project, but we are going to have to make the best of it.   There is still work to do to iron out some of the flaws and to improve the bits that require improvement.

There is money in the budget for a feasibility study for the potential railway between Witney, Eynsham and Oxford.  This is a real first step towards making the railway happen and is fantastic news.

There is also preparatory work for building a cycle path from Eynsham along Lower Road to Hanborough station.  This is also fantastic news, as it is very much needed, to allow people from Eynsham and from Salt Cross to get to the transport hub at Hanborough without driving and in safety.   It is also worth remembering that the County Council has applied for funding from the government for active travel schemes, and that the path from Botley to Eynsham is on the list of possible uses.

The County Council continues to prioritize active travel.   The small zero emissions zone in central Oxford prevents the use of non-electric vehicles in a few streets, and has led to a boom in the use of cargo bikes, like the one in the photo

In other places there has been a requirement to make some difficult choices.  There will be a continuous cycle route on Woodstock Road, to encourage people to cycle, including to the numerous schools in the area.   Now there are parts of the route where even young pupils have to cycle on the main road.   This will mean some of the bus lanes will have to be removed – this is regrettable, though it is worth remembering that most of Woodstock Road currently has no bus lanes.

Our Sewage Treatment Works continue to be in the news, unfortunately.  South Leigh’s plant is out of operation, and sewage is being taken by lorry to Cassington.  And Cassington STW has been filmed apparently putting untreated or partially treated sewage into the Thames even when it isn’t raining.  Aston continues to have problems with the pumping station.   I was pleased to see several residents at the demonstration in Port Meadow recently calling for Thames Water to invest in infrastructure and stop polluting our rivers.   One of the local MPs made an impassioned speech – unfortunately it wasn’t our MP. I will continue to have a dialogue with TW- who to their credit recognize there is a problem and have been more responsive recently when there has been local sewage flooding.

District Councillors Enforcement have nothing to report.  The Solar Farm is continuing to be built.

Parish Councillors – Nothing to report

a) Neighbourhood Watch – The Nottingham Knockers are back in the area.  So please be vigilant.


A member of the village had been waiting 9 days for Thames Water to come and unblock the sewerage drain which was outside their house and also their neighbours house.


Please can people remember to things on fix my street on the WODC website.

28/22 TRAFFIC:

Speedwatch – A member of the village is getting the speed watch group together and is setting up the training.


The Clerk has done her monthly inspection and has reported back to the P/C.  The swing is now on order, and we are awaiting a delivery and installation date


Payments to be approved:

Individual/Company Reason Amount
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary – (minus tax & NI) £752.27
  Clerk Expenses £44.82
Community First Membership £50
Oneill Homer Neighbourhood Plan – Pre Submission work £990.00
OALC Budgeting Course £66.00


Individual/Company        Amount
HMRC VAT Refund £578.38
St Leonards Church £831.00

Balance of Unity Bank as of Sunday 30th January 2022 – £11604.39


a) New laptop – P/C agreed with Clerks suggestion for HP from PC World for £399

b) Queens Platinum Jubilee – The Sports and Social would like to put on an event for the Jubilee.  The Parish Council agreed to contribute towards the event.

c) Budgeting Course 20th October 2022 £55+VAT – P/C Agreed

d) Memorial Safety & Sustainable Memorialisation 21st March £30+VAT – PC Agreed

e) Clerk Contact Hours – The Clerk brought up that she was getting phone calls in the weekend and late in the evening on her home phone.  Which is not in her normal working ours. The PC suggested that she get a mobile phone so that it could be turned off when she was not at work – Tracey to get prices on a mobile phone

f) Climate Change update – They are due to have a meeting soon

g) Operation London Bridge discussion – Clerk to create a list for the next meeting

h) Lorries round the Tennis – Cllr Metcalf advised that the is happening again.  The PC instructed the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Alan Aston to try and resolve the issue. There is a lorry from TransHaul that delivers to Alan Aston it is so big that it mounts the path when it comes out and it then mounts the path on the opposite side of the Yarnton Road to swing out.

i) Upgrade of Website – P/C Agreed

j) Mill Lane – The residents of Mill Lane have paid to have the surface re-laid.  The PC asked the Clerk to write to them and thank them for doing it.

k) Trees on the recreation ground – Clerk to send the details onto Cllr Thomas and Cllr Butlin so that they can go and see where they are going to be planted.


Resident asked Cllr Levy if he had had chance to sort out the bollards to go on the Little Green to stop cars from driving over it.  He advised that he would get it sorted.

A member of the public asked about the PC adopting Church Lane.  It was discussed and the Clerk said that she would look into it

A resident asked the PC if they had made comment on the A40 planning application.  They were advised that we have made comment on the lights and also the type of surfacing that they would use.  Cllr Thomas advised that the Parish Council are continuing to work with OCC to try and get the best outcome for the village.

OCC are looking at installing ANPR camera at the traffic lights to catch people stopping in the hatching.


Mid Monthly Planning Meeting – No Meeting Needed

Date of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 3rd March 2022