
November Minutes 2024

Minutes 2024 Uploaded on December 14, 2024


November 2024 Minutes

  1. Apologies – Cllr Rylett (WODC)
  1. People in attendance: Cllr Thompson, Cllr Mills, Cllr King, Cllr Metcalf, Cllr Rogers, Cllr Levy (OCC) Cllr Goodwin (WODC), Clerk Mrs T Cameron
  1. Declarations of interest

(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3rd October 2024 –
  1. Comments from the Public –
  1. Report from Clerk
  • Elms Road Ditch – Clerk to email Blenheim with regards to the balance pond. PC to look at laying a new pipe at the top of Elms Road. Clerk to email Blenheim to chase up with regards to look at balance pond.  PC feel that the balance pond needs to be cleared and also widened.  Clerk to contact the companies from the Flood report to get a quote for flood defence barriers                                     
  • VAS on Eynsham Road & Yarnton Road – Clerk to chase up with Westcote
  • Meeting with Blenheim & PVDP – Cllr Rogers and the Clerk attended a meeting with regards to the Solar Farm the discussion was that the community fund should not be held by District Council. Blenheim have advised that they would like to hold the money.  The Parish Councils effected are holding a meeting on 8th November in Long Hanborough. The planning application will be submitted on 8th  The area of the Solar Panels has not changed.  PVDP have advised that they are going to create their own energy company and offer 5% but they would be able to set their own energy prices.
  1. Planning

Previous Planning Application Decisions 



20/01734/OUT Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham   Grosvenor Developments Ltd UNDER


MW.0054/24 Cassington Pit, Cassington Road, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, OX29 4EB. 73 application for the continuation of the development permitted by MW.0122/20 (winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials) without complying with condition 6 in order to extend the time period for restoration until 31st December 2025 to allow for sufficient time to restore the plant site Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd CONSULTATION COMPLETE – AWAITING DECISION
24/02116/HHD 2 The Tennis Cassington Conversion of existing garage and erection of single storey extensions to create

additional living space and storage.

Mr And Mrs Chris And Charlotte Metcalf REFUSED
24/02343/HHD 1 Barrow Court Yarnton Road Cassington Demolition of carport and erection of a two-storey side extension, with internal


Mr Velimir Milivojevic UNDER CONSIDERATION

New Planning Applications

24/02664/PN42 Mill View Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DB Erection of a single storey extension (8m x 2.3m height to eaves / 2.4m max height) Mr N Rogers 8th November 2024

The Clerk has emailed the Planning Officer to ask for an extension to 6th December 2024 as no Planning Application letter has been received by the Parish Council.

Botley Solar Farm – Report from Group

  1. Correspondence
  • Email from Jericho Farm that on Monday 28th October their outer west facing wall collapsed. The residents are unable to use certain rooms as they are concerned that the inner walls will collapse.  They have notified their insurers.  They have notified WODC. The residents had a survey before the work began. They have asked for a construction phase plan and have not received this.  Building Control came out on Monday afternoon and declared it unsafe.  Cllr Goodwin is going back to Building Control to ask for more clarification on the
  1. Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors –
  • County Councillor

I am writing this after the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Budget last week and while working on the County Council’s budget for 25-26 which needs to be set in February.

We already know that increases in the National Minimum Wage and in Employer National Insurance are going to increase pressures on already stretched resources at all local authorities.  I look forward to getting details of some of the additional funding, particularly to support our obligations to children with SEND requirements. Our expectation is that the additional SEND money announced will still leave all councils with SEND obligations running at a deficit, and that includes Oxfordshire. Councils will get details of central government support in late December and will finalise their budgets in February.



Homes England have finally agreed to release the funding related to the A40 project. As you will recall, this project was initiated by the previous administration, with a view to obtaining funding from two government departments, but unfortunately the funding was not inflation indexed. We have had to resize the project to fit the budget available, and to ensure that no Oxfordshire council taxpayers’ money is used.

There will be a new junction to link the Park and Ride in Eynsham to the A40, improvements to the Eynsham Roundabout and to the junction in Cassington. These will remove some of the key impediments to free movement of traffic on the A40. The Cassington junction changes will hugely improve wait times for people entering and exiting the village, not least by stopping lane blocking. There will be new crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, new bus stops, and an improved bike lane between Eynsham and Wolvercote.

If more money is made available, which is possible given increased housing targets for West Oxfordshire, then we will engage in Phase 2 of the project, to the west of Eynsham.

A new round of consultation will commence in November, with a view to planning permission being considered early in 2025. The views of residents and users will be much appreciated. The views of Cassington residents are particularly valuable.

South Leigh traffic calming

The creation of a 4-way junction at Shores Green, incidentally, paid for out of the other pot of government money to the HIF2 scheme, along with the Park and Ride, will give a new route onto the A40 for some Standlake residents. Please note that traffic calming measures are being installed in South Leigh, to counter the increased traffic that might use South Leigh as a consequence of the new junction. These have been designed through a cooperative effort of the parish council and county council.

Oxford Railway station

Still no update from Network Rail. That means that the date at which Botley Road can be reopened to cars and buses is unknown. The S1 will continue to run via Cassington until Botley Road reopens. I will continue dialogue with Stagecoach about maintaining better Cassington services thereafter.


A reminder that a daily ticket, with a cap of £6-50 for adults, and monthly ticket with a monthly cap of £25, are available, for use across Oxfordshire and into the neighbouring counties. We are in discussions with the bus companies about how this will change as a consequence of the rise in the single bus fare cap from £2 to £3, announced by the Chancellor.

There has been an increase in the frequency of the buses serving the southern bit of the Eynsham Division, including the First and Last Mile service that runs through Stanton Harcourt to Eynsham and the Pulhams/ Oxford Bus Company routes to Abingdon and Witney.  Each route is in part financed via being the Home to School service supported by the County Council. There has also been a doubling of the H2 service from Witney via Cassington to Summertown, the JR and Headington.

Winter Fuel Allowance

As you know, the government has restricted Winter Fuel Allowance to those pensioners also in receipt of Pensioner Credit. That kicks in at an income of £13,000 pa. Both Oxfordshire and West Oxfordshire have passed motions deploring this means testing at such an arbitrary and low level, despite the Labour group resisting such a motion. Both Councils are working hard to identify people who require assistance, and working with organisations like Citizens Advice to help people claim everything they are entitled to. Please do point anyone you think needs such assistance in the right direction.


The recent deluge, with a month’s rainfall in a single day, caused problems in a number of places in the county, including parts of Cassington. It is the role of the Lead Flood Authority, Oxfordshire County Council, to coordinate flood preparedness, and I will try to ensure that more money is put into this function in the budget. It is the role of each landowner to ensure ditches they own are kept clear, with EA permission in some places. The County Council did clear the culvert at the end of Elms Road a few months ago. I am sure there is more that could be done to get landowners to fulfil their responsibilities.

When there is a flood, the Fire Service should be called in an emergency.

There is more detail on the County Council flood toolkit site.

As ever, do contact me on

  • District Councillors

West Oxfordshire plan is being reviewed and will go to consultation next year.

CIL is going to the Planning inspectorate extended to be put in place late 2025 early 2026.  S106 and CIL will run together, and CIL is not tied to specific projects.

Review of polling stations.

Pension Credits – CAB with WODC are making sure that all pensioners in the county are checked to see if they received the correct pension credits so that they can receive the winter fuel allowance.

Electoral Commission are going to look at the boundary to see if WODC  have elections all at the same time or in thirds as it is done now

  • Parish Councillors

Cllr Metcalf – Asked about the short notice going into CAWN – The clerk will add it to CAWN.

  1. Ditches, Drainage and Flooding 
  1. Maintenance/ Grants
  • Village Walls
  • Change waste bin collection
  • Purchase of new battery and pads for Village Hall defib unit – Clerk to get a quote for new battery
  1. Traffic
  • Speed Watch

No. of sessions:                                                6 ( due to volunteer unavailability)

Total number of vehicles                              680

No. of offending vehicles:                            173

Between 25mph & 30mph:                          108

Between 31mph & 40 mph:                            62

Over 40 mph:                                                    3

Highest offender:                                            47mph

The Clerk has been asked to put the data from  Speedwatch onto the website

  • Speed Indicators
  • Traffic Calming
  1. Play Area & Recreation Ground
  • Replacement Playground Equipment – The clerk has but in an application in the local Tesco. The village has raised £8557 towards the new playground equipment

The Parish Council would like to say thank you to The Red Lion for holding a fundraising.

  1. Finance

Payments to be approved:

Individual/Company Reason Amount
Oxfordshire County Council ATC Surveys £864.00
Greenfields Deadwood Trees on The Green £1701.60
Cassington Village Hall Hall Bookings for Parish Council Meetings – Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec £64.00
HMRC National Insurance £74.69
Tracey Cameron Clerk Salary and backdated pay to April £1701.42
Unity Service Charge £5.10
Jake Boredman Village Maintenance £556.00


Individual/Company Reason Amount

                 Bank Balances as of Sunday 3rd November 2024 

                 Unity Bank Current Account – £35,008,31

                 Instant Access ****5925 – £20,109.52

                 Instant Access ****5912 – £3,519.17

  1. Policy Annual Check – Agreed by the council

Dispensation Policy


Internal Audit

  1. Questions from the Public
  1. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th December 2024 in the Village Hall