DRAFT December 2024 Minutes
Minutes 2024
Uploaded on January 7, 2025
December 2024 Minutes
- People in Attendance – Cllr Thompson, Cllr Rogers, Cllr Mills, Cllr King, Cllr Metcalf , Cllr Rylett WODC – Mrs Cameron Clerk & 2 members of the public
- Apologies – Cllr Levy, Cllr Goodwin
- Declarations of interest
(Any pecuniary interests should be declared also a review of current declarations of interests circulated)
- Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th November 2024 – Agreed
- Comments from the Public –
- Report from Clerk
- VAS on Eynsham Road & Yarnton Road – OCC has agreed with Westcote for the purchase of the new VAS machines on Eynsham Road and Yarnton Road. Westcote have asked for further information which has been given and the order should go in shortly.
- Balance Pond – Blenheim have advised that they would like to dig down by 3M and also put a fence up around the balance pond. Cllr Thompson has advised Blenheim that they would need to engage the services of an ecologist to check the site and to make sure that Blenheim are in line with the protected species legislation – PC agreed to the fence and depth that Blenheim would like to dig. Clerk to ask for a timetable for the works that are being carried out.
- Planning
Previous Planning Application Decisions
NO: |
20/01734/OUT |
Land North of A40 Section from Barnard Gate To Eynsham Roundabout Eynsham |
Grosvenor Developments Ltd |
MW.0054/24 |
Cassington Pit, Cassington Road, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, OX29 4EB. |
73 applications for the continuation of the development permitted by MW.0122/20 (winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials) without complying with condition 6 in order to extend the time period for restoration until 31st December 2025 to allow for sufficient time to restore the plant site |
Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd |
24/02343/HHD |
1 Barrow Court Yarnton Road Cassington |
Demolition of carport and erection of a two-storey side extension, with internal
Alterations |
Mr Velimir Milivojevic |
24/02664/PN42 |
Mill View Cassington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 4DB |
Erection of a single storey extension (8m x 2.3m height to eaves / 2.4m max height) |
Mr N Rogers |
OCC ref: R3.0151/21 |
A40 |
• The dualling of approximately 3.2km of the A40 carriageway from the existing Hill Farm junction at Witney to the Eynsham Park and Ride site (R3.0057/19) including the construction of two new roundabouts. • An eastbound and westbound bus lane approximately 6.5km in length from the Eynsham Park and Ride site to existing structures at Duke’s Cut waterway (Duke’s Cut Canal Bridge, Earl’s Culvert, Wolvercote Railway Bridge and Wolvercote Canal Bridge); • Capacity and connectivity improvements over the existing structures at Duke’s Cut waterway to enable the proposed eastbound bus lane to extend over the existing structures up to the A34 flyover in the east, forming a connection into Oxford North (Northern Gateway) strategic development site; • Construction of a new signalised junction to the Eynsham Park and Ride site; • New pedestrian/cyclist underpass at Cuckoo Lane (‘the Eynsham Underpass’). Two new pedestrian/cycle bridges at Cassington Halt (Cassington Halt Footbridge North and Cassington Halt Footbridge South); • Widening of Cassington New Bridge; • Demolition and replacement/extension of existing White House Culvert; • Demolition and replacement/extension of Barnard Gate New Culvert; • New and improved shared use footways and cycleways, including new shared use links to National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 5 at Duke’s Cut waterway; • Alterations to existing junctions and property accesses along the A40; • Controlled crossings, external lighting, noise barriers, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, habitat creation including ecology ponds and associated hibernacula; and • All associated engineering and temporary construction works, site compound and storage areas at A40 HIF2 Smart Corridor (‘HIF2 project’) A40 corridor between Witney and Wolvercote, Oxfordshire |
26/11/24 |
New Planning Applications
R3.0134/24 |
A40 |
Request for Scoping Opinion for proposal for the provision of bus lanes and an improved shared use facility (SUF – a combination of pedestrian and cycleway) along the existing A40 between the new Park and Ride facility at Eynsham and Oxford. at A40 between Eynsham Park and Ride and Wolvercote |
24/03062/PN56 |
Mill View Cassington Witney |
Construction of an additional storey on existing bungalow (maximum height 6.4m) |
Mr N Rogers |
The application has been agreed by Planning. The Parish Council would like to advise to everyone to register an interest. They should write and state what points they specifically object to.
The Clerk has been to a meeting with WODC and the other parishes with regards to the Solar Farm. It was decided that a steering group would be made up of the most affected parishes. The clerk represents Cassington. At the last meeting on 9th December, we were told that PVDP has decided to have discussions with WODC with regards to The Community Benefit as they would have the right vehicle to look after the Community Benefit. The steering group is looking into setting up something so that WODC don’t get The Community Benefit.
Blenheim are looking to arrange another meeting with PVDP and the Parish Councils for 22nd January 2025 though this may change.
Cllr Rogers wrote to the Planning Inspectorate with regards to the inadequately addressed questions or non-answered questions that have been put forward. (These letters and all other documents can be found on the Parish Council Website www.cassington-pc.gov.uk
Cllr Metcalf suggested that the Parish Council have an open session in the village hall to help people register an interest and also be able to steer people in the right direction if they have any questions
It has come up that a company wants to put 800mega watt storage farm (800 containers) attached to the grid.
- Correspondence
- Email from Resident with regards to the ditch on Elms Road – A resident from Elms Road emailed with regards to the ditch being clogged up again and that they have had to clear it up again. Cottsway had agreed to clear the ditch for their properties. If the properties are owned it is down to the resident of that property to clear their part of the ditch. Please see oxfordshirefloodtoolkit.com/pdfs/2/ditch-clearance.pdf for more information.
- Reports from County and District & Parish Councillors
The revised HIF2 A40 plans are now in the public consultation phase. There have been drop in events in Cassington and Eynsham. Unfortunately, the Cassington session clashed with the latest deluge. Information on the scheme and on how to comment is at https://news.oxfordshire.gov.uk/share-your-views-on-a40-eynsham-park-and-ride-to-wolvercote/.
Those with long memories may remember that my predecessor as your county councillor Charles Mathew and I both opposed the plans to build the park and ride and focus on A40 bus travel as the way to make the A40 work, as we neither thought it was going to be effective. However, the previous administration set up the scheme, and we need to make it work as effectively as possible. We will do that by focussing on the junctions, to make sure that they are as efficient as they can be. Improvements to the Eynsham roundabout and to the Cassington junction will make a huge difference. We will also ensure that the bike lane between Eynsham and Wolvercote is upgraded. There will be additional bus stops for Cassington, and bus lanes for much of the length of the road. The Park and Ride – built to budget – will come into operation.
Unfortunately, the funding for the scheme from central government is insufficient for what was originally envisaged, and we have to make the most of what we have been offered.
Barnard Gate
There is work in Barnard Gate to strengthen the bridge on the old A40. Once that is finished, the County Council will address the ongoing problem at the more westerly junction with the A40, which is both dangerous and difficult to use. It is likely that only left turns will be allowed at the junction, which may inconvenience a high proportion of current users, or at least require them to take a different route.
Proposed Road Closure between Northmoor and Standlake
Thames Water have said they will shut the road to Standlake from 17 January potentially to the end of February for major watermains work. They have the legal right to do this, and the County Council does not have the power to stop them. However, the suggested alternative routes will make it very difficult for people to get to school in Standlake from Northmoor or to Bartholomew School from Standlake. I am working with the parish councils to try to get a rethink from the contractor.
Bus improvement
There continues to be a lot of work with the bus companies to make services as useful as possible. The H2 service is being doubled in frequency and is a brilliant way to get to the JR and to Headington. There is a more frequent service from Standlake and Aston to Abingdon and Witney.
The government has awarded additional money for Oxfordshire, mainly for capital projects such as buying new buses, rather than to allow support for fares, and has of course increased the cap on fares from £2 to £3 from next year.
The budget cycle at the County Council is well underway, although the government is being unhelpfully opaque about what money will be available for local government. We have not, for instance, been told whether the rebate of the Employer NI contributions for council employees will be made from grants already announced. We certainly don’t expect that there will be reimbursement for the additional costs being incurred by suppliers and partners, for instance in adult social care. Our final proposals for the budget will be published once the government settlement is made in December. Initial proposals went public at the end of last week and a consultation is open it would be good to hear from many residents. The budget has to be agreed by the council in February.
Once again, we have had the sort of rain that we formerly expected once in a century.
One of the areas that will be addressed in the budget is flood resilience. We are getting much more frequent flood events because of climate change. Flooding is happening in places that have not habitually had issues, as well as in places that have flooded more regularly. We have announced that, among other things, we will spend a substantial amount of improving the drainage associated with the road network.
There was a Flooding summit last week for key stakeholders to address the issues that are affecting places like Cassington.
A reminder that there is a flood tool kit for Oxfordshire at https://www.oxfordshirefloodtoolkit.com/
And in an emergency residents should call the Fire Service.
Winter Fuel Allowance
Winter Fuel Allowance is now means-tested, at a level of about £13k pa. This will affect far more people than is fair. Only those in receipt of pensioner credit will get WFA. Despite opposition from the Labour group at the County Council, we agreed to write to the Chancellor to ask her to review the policy, and to ensure that we financially support organisations helping pensioners to claim what they are entitled to. We work with, among others, the excellent Citizens Advice in Witney. Please do point people in their direction if they need assistance.
Recycling Centres
The County Council is going to introduce a booking system for household waste and recycling centres, including Dix Pit, in order to reduce queues and improve efficiency. It is likely to come into operation before the Redbridge site, in the City, is closed for refurbishment. We expect that the booking system will have the additional benefit of removing the abuse of the system by trade waste being disguised as household waste.
Season’s Greetings
And finally, as this is the last report of the year, could I wish all residents and all parish councillors a very Merry Christmas, and a successful 2025. As ever, please contact me on dan.levy@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Cllr Rylett is part of a Local Plan Working Group and the local plan is progressing with the first draft due in May after the election. The Government has increased the number again, so the local plan has to be extended.
The solar panels between Eynsham and South Leigh is due to be switched on within the next few days.
Cllr Metcalf has suggested that we look at the traffic calming drawings again and getting them priced up and approach OCC to help with the funding.
- Ditches, Drainage and Flooding
- Balance Pond – Addressed in the clerks’ report
- Email to Cottsway re flooding on Elms Road – The Clerk emailed Cottsway to ask them if they could look at putting in flood defences into their properties. The response from Cottsway was that it was not something that they were prepared to do and that the residents or Parish Council contact WODC. Clerk to chase the flood defence companies.
- Maintenance/ Grants
- Village Walls
- Change waste bin collection – The parish Council have been paying Ubico £30.14 per week for the collection and disposal of three 90L bins. These are the ones on The Green, Bell Lane and The Recreation Ground we pay for these as WODC do not consider them to be within the District Councils policy. This is subject to increase depending on the budget. This equates to £1567.28 per year. The Clerk has been in touch with a company called Tactical Facilities Management who also deal with collection and disposal of waste. They have quoted £10.08 per week for collection of all 3 bins which is £561.60 yearly. Which could save the Parish £1005.68 per year. – The Parish Council have agreed to the company but have asked for their waste licence
- Traffic
No. of sessions: 5 ( due to weather and volunteer unavailability)
Total number of vehicles 833
No. of offending vehicles: 137
Between 25mph & 30mph: 98
Between 31mph & 40 mph: 38
Over 40 mph: 1
Highest offender: 42mph
- Traffic Calming – Parish Council to agree where the mobile VAS will be so that it can be ordered before the end of the financial year.
- Play Area & Recreation Ground
- Replacement Playground Equipment – Cllr Thompson has applied to Cottsway for a grant.
Sports and Social and residents have raised about £30k towards the play area
- Clerk to renew Routine Operational Inspection Qualification (ROSPA) – £881 inc VAT – Council agreed
- Finance
Payments to be approved:
Individual/Company |
Reason |
Amount |
Greenfields |
Tree Survey |
£450.00 |
Tracey Cameron |
Salary & Expenses |
£1,111.07 (paid) |
National Insurance 6 Oct – 5 Nov |
£35.21 |
Green grass cut 10/09/24 |
£86.51 |
Wel Medical |
Defib Battery |
£279.54 (paid) |
2025 Membership |
£190.00 |
Village Hall |
December Meeting |
£16.00 |
Jake Boardman |
Village Maintenance |
£140.00 |
Unity Trust |
Service Charge |
£6.00 |
Unity Trust |
Multi-pay set up charge |
£50.00 |