
Dornford Lane Walk + Trees At Risk

Botley West Solar Farm Uploaded on October 23, 2024


Dornford Lane Walk
On 10th October a group of Stop Botley West volunteers joined with CPRE Oxfordshire members to explore the heritage and importance of Dornford Lane in the Parish of Wootton, which is currently under threat from the plans for Botley West Solar Power Station.

ITV Meridian News covered the event and you can watch their report which was broadcast on 10th October here:

The developer proposes to surround stretches of Dornford Lane, an ancient green lane and drovers’ road linking Woodstock to the Bartons for the past 1,000 years, with solar panels and other equipment on farmland owned by the Blenheim Estate as part of the 3,200 acre industrial scale construction project.  They also plan to use the lane as an access route for maintenance vehicles.

The CPRE walk highlighted the lane’s unique local heritage and rich biodiversity, loved by walkers and cyclists, and the threat that the power station proposals pose to the lane’s future. Notable, veteran and ancient trees and wide hedgerows providing a rich environment for wildlife, including numerous species of birds and bats, were highlighted by an expert guide during the walk.  Trees were identified and recorded.  In addition, a talk was given on the history of Dornford Lane and the role the ancient route has played as a key local supply route to Woodstock Manor over the centuries.  Truly a unique and special place.

Important Trees At Risk – Trees & Solar ‘Infrastructure’
Walkers using footpaths in our local areas have begun to realise how many veteran and notable trees are potentially at risk of terrible damage or complete loss if the construction of Botley West Solar PowerStation progresses as planned.

“No panels will go within 25 metres of ancient woodland” says the developer.  Whilst this may be the case for c2.3 million solar panels, they don’t talk about cable routes or maintenance roads or fencing or, indeed, any of the massive amount of equipment that will be installed on and under the site.  What is ‘not said’ is critically important.

It’s come to our attention recently just how much harm could be inflicted on these trees by the construction of Botley West – with all it’s ‘proposed infrastructure elements’ installed across the whole site. The developers confirm this will include miles of underground 220kVpower transmission cables, c2.3 million solar panels and their supports/bases, numerous large substations, power conversion systems, maintenance roads, access points, fences etc. – many tons of industrial equipment, cabling and roadways.

Local people understand the importance and beauty of these trees in this landscape; land in open agricultural and enclosed forestry use.  In this setting, Oxfordshire is blessed with many Ancient, Veteran and Notable Oaks and other species.

Stop Botley West volunteers are working hard to increase the profile of this issue and to raise support from like minded people and organisations who wish to protect these unique and irreplaceable trees – some of which date from the mid-17th century, almost a hundred years BEFORE Blenheim was built.

What can YOU do about this?

Please make a donation to our fighting fund…

If you in a position to make a significant donation to fund a heritage expert please contact us via our Chair: to arrange a personal meeting.

Write a letter expressing all your concerns about Botley West to your new MP, Calum Miller ( and to West Oxfordshire District Council, Planning Officer ( and Landscape/Forestry Officer (

And don’t forget to enter our ‘Favourite Footpaths’ competition!
You have until Sunday 27th October to submit information about your favourite footpath and be in with a chance to win a box of liqueur chocolates!

Not only is this a good activity to do with your friends and family but it will also act as an indication of the strength of feeling about the potential loss of this amenity, so please do send us your contribution if you can!

  1. Tell us about your favourite footpath and what makes it special to you. (maximum of 50 words).  The footpath should be wholly or partially within the red line boundary of the Botley West site.
  2. Submit a maximum of 2 photographs; at least one of the footpath itself (include people if you wish but they should not be identifiable)
  3. Identify your footpath by its local name or location. Give its official designated number if you can using the maps found on the SBW website here


Winning entry and runners up (with names) will be displayed on the SBW website.

Closing Date: Sunday 27 October

Please send your entry to

The Stop Botley West Campaign is entirely dependent on your generosity, both in time and donations.  If you are able to contribute, please do give whatever you can – click the link below and scroll down to the donate section.

Together, we will Stop Botley West.  Thank you.






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