Date: 1 September 2021
OCC ref: MW.0122/20
Mrs Cameron
Clerk to Cassington Parish Council
Environment and Place
County Hall
New Road
Rachel Wileman
Assistant Director Strategic Infrastructure and Planning
Dear Mrs Cameron
Additional Information
Planning application by Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd for planning permission: Section 73 application for the continuation of the winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration using suitable imported materials to vary conditions 2, 3 and 6 of planning permission 19/02521/CM (MW.0111/19) in order to extend the period of extraction until 31st December 2022 and the time period for restoration until 31st December 2024 to allow for sufficient time for the working of mineral from beneath the plant site and the revised restoration of the plant site at Cassington Quarry, Cassington Road, Yarnton, OX29 4EB
Additional information has been submitted relating to the above application. The following new documents have been submitted:
• S73 app Aug 2021 letter to further amend dates due to newt process
‘S73 app Aug 2021 letter to further amend dates due to newt process’ has been submitted to change the revised timescales originally sought. The new proposed end date for extraction is 31st December 2022 and the restoration date to 31st December 2024. There are no other changes for this application.
You can view all the documents and comment online at the link below, using reference MW.0122/20.
Please can you submit any comments you may have by 30 September 2021.
Any comments made previously will still be taken into account in the determination of the application. There is no need to write again unless you have further comments specifically on the new information or amendment to the proposals.
NOTE Consideration of the development may take place in public and representations may be published. The proposal may be considered by the Council’s Planning & Regulation Committee (Only comments relating to planning issues will be taken into account when reaching a decision).
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended requires the determination of planning applications to be a public process. The Council will make information submitted in relation to planning applications available for public inspection and so it is not possible to take into account in the determination of the application any comments which are submitted confidentially. If you wish to submit any comments regarding this application, your comments as well as your name and postal address may be disclosed to third parties including those who have submitted the planning application.
Oxfordshire County Council is a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27th April 2016). For more details on how the Council will handle your personal information, please use the link below to access our Privacy Notice. Hard copies of this can also be provided on request:
Yours sincerely,
Emma Bolster
Emma Bolster
Planning Officer
Direct line: 07775 824954