
OCC ref: R3.0088/22

Uploaded on July 14, 2022

OCC ref: R3.0088/22

Environment and Place
County Hall
New Road

Rachel Wileman

Director of Planning, Environment and Climate Change

Dear Mrs Cameron

Details Pursuant to Conditions 9 (P&R Construction Traffic Management Plan), 12 (P&R Measures to Reduce Vehicle Speeds), 14 (P&R Cycle Facilities), 18 (P&R Dust Monitoring & Mitigation), 23 (P&R Surface Water Drainage Strategy), 25 (P&R Record of SuDS), 27 (P&R Tree Protection), 29 (P&R Arboricultural Impact Assessment), 31 (P&R Arboricultural Monitoring & Mitigation), 32 (P&R Construction Environmental Management Plan), 37 (P&R Landscape and Ecological Management and Maintenance Plan) and 39 (P&R Hard & Soft Landscaping Scheme) of planning permission 19/01725/CC3REG & 19/01095/ADJ (R3.0057/19) at Land West of Cuckoo lane and adjacent to the A40, Eynsham, West Oxfordshire, OX29 4PU

The above has been submitted to this Council for determination.

Click the link below for submission details.

I should be grateful for any comments by 4 August 2022.

NOTE Consideration of the development may take place in public and representations may be published. The proposal may be considered by the Council’s Planning & Regulation Committee (Only comments relating to planning issues will be taken into account when reaching a decision).
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended requires the determination of planning applications to be a public process. The Council will make information submitted in relation to planning applications available for public inspection and so it is not possible to take into account in the determination of the application any comments which are submitted confidentially. If you wish to submit any comments regarding this application, your comments as well as your name and postal address may be disclosed to third parties including those who have submitted the planning application.
Oxfordshire County Council is a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27th April 2016). For more details on how the Council will handle your
personal information, please use the link below to access our Privacy Notice. Hard copies of this can also be provided on request:

Yours sincerely,

Emily Catcheside
Planning Consultant
Direct line: 07867 467817